old :
Other urls found in this thread:
shit thread you fucking subhuman
1st for greek consciousness
why did you photoshop a little girl's face into a woman's body?
there is only one race, the illyrian race
First for qt feet request
shiptars out
u mad, bro ? xd
There is only one MOST POWERFUL RACE IN THE WORLD - the Illyrian race.
is she also in naked?
holy fuck what a shitty thread
That's a nice pair of titties, why are you complaining
whoah Mehmet cool down there, that picture is not supposed to express nothing sexual.
>I le post a le bitch
>le balkans HURDURHURDUR
no u
at least post anime, not 3d pig
best post today
You see this is not how the Albanian mindset operates. They would like to have a separate general for their own cesspit BUT they'll still crawl back here once it dies out because they can't maintain shit on their own or it'll be of utter subpar quality.
Screencap my words if needed.
give me your skype i'll beat the shit out of you
cCc cCc CcC Ccc CcCc Cc CcC c
/balk/ would be a 200% better thread if we exterminated all shqips
/balk/ threadwide gjakmarrja when?
did you guys hear that war alarm today? that was spooky. Are the russians coming to rape us all?
That's not our girl.
>war alarm
Dumb provincialnik, it's an exercise for emergency situations.
so much true
in essence shqips are like gypsies, only more criminal
gotta say the magic words
hehe nice try mont*negrini,people wont fall for your b8s anymore,not since I created the balk autism rankings.
I know, but I was scared. I had flashforwards from when the aliens will come to invade
ikibey is 100% turkish tho.
This is pure butthurt just like your "macedonian" meme you fucking subhuman
Die zergio
memes aside though, I think it's pretty obvious nigri is legit mentally deficient and you shouldn't be picking on him.
Please :3
I like everyone on that list, they give color and character to our general and int in general
>not the king of autism
ta cifsa nenen be dumb shipo
does anyone even hate xpozed? only people isee complain about him are spergs like fulgrim, and 90% of bulgarians are good psoters
I'm really horny and she so sexy
>no Ros
>no Radu
nice try to insert yourself in the table ros
>illogical rambling,cursing and spamming for countless hours is acceptable and should be allowed in every thread
I don't really hate gypsis desu even if they all have the "bulgaria suck doichland n1" mentality and they don't appreciate what they've been given here. I respect their choices.
it was pretty cool though
Update it with the Serb who posts the girls all day
Not annoying at all but very very autistic
>90% of bulgarians are good psoters
objectively wrong
>does anyone even hate xpozed?
jealous neets
reddit as fuck
name a single bad bulgarian poster and ill leave this general forever
I'm actually the austrian diasporafag.))
Awww come on m8 this isnt cool
oh fug bearman
If good bulgarian posters exist, why haven't they taken my life yet?
can't post more my dude
Just moustache nowadays. Still haven't started lifting tho. :\
i'd take your ass :3
Shave your face they said
Ok I'll use that single image to make a shrine for this qt
kys shqip
Az s1m latino-govorq6ti b1lgar :DDD
Go back to your thread, friend
Most buttblasted tatar who thinks bulgaria was richer than yugoslavia
/balk/ post quality by cunt ranking
>1 Greece
>2 Fyrom
>3 Albania
>4 Bulgaria
>5 Serbo-Croats
>6 Turky
>7 Romania.
bulgaria was richer than yugoslavia tho
/in bizzaro balk/
man i haven't seen u in so long
that's not xp*zed
There he is
Die oldfag
I post once every blue moon, but without the flag acting as a trip you prolly haven't noticed me.
It's good to be home, anyhow. Rum1niq is a shithole, but it's my shithole.
Sorry >_>
Good ranking
In terms of butthurt and meme creation most memes are about us and albanians 2nd
>better than b1lgariq
can't be that bad man
/balk/ is a shithole too
>1 greece
you got one greek xenophilic autist (probably arvanite with identity crisis) posting here constantly, once /hell/ freezes over balk will be filled to the brim with our autists again and they are the ikibey kind
>once /hell/ freezes over
will anything habben?
Live in capital now, bretty dank.
Capitalwise at least. Sredec is shit with the exception of the czech(slovak?) sculptures on the bridges, the Russian built patriarchal cathedral and the monument dedicated to the liberators in that park where hipst1rs skate. Not to mention all the filthy sredecan hipst1rs, vote me for president and I'll make Burgas capital of the Selqkdom of B1lgariq.
Really declined in quality, left around the times of the national threads popping up(/hell/ and the like).
ela redditoi
who here experienced military training?
I have buttloads of hours wasted on CS and CoD, does it count?
actually when i was smol i played some tactical kamaj does it count
How times have changed.
which one
good answer
Does anyone else get this comfy feeling when you browse /balk/ and you only see Christians and Christian diaspora post? It just looks so peaceful and harmonious, you want to stay here for a long while.
But then come along the siptars, the sweden siptar, the US siptar, and the swiss siptar, and they stand out so much, they're so ugly and stupid, and you ask yourself: "How did we, who love our Lord Jesus Christ so much, allow these "people" to live on our land?"
I think if you want to know what the exact problem with siptars is, you need to look no further than /balk/.