What do you think about America?


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Garbage country full of garbage people.

I want to move there probably.
Seems like Canada but less cold.

Just another country that Sup Forums ruined for me.

I wanted to move there, but now I'm not sure anymore.

I really don't know what's their opinion about our country. They either are ouiaboos or absolutely hate us. And I feel like both of those opinions are only based on stereotypes.

Too arrogant, too fat

dumb and arrogant


I don't really viewit as a single entity.

I love Nyc ( I know you muricans hate it, sttle down, I'm just expressing an opinion, it doesn't have to match yours).

I love Charleston, Monroe, Houston (Tthey have an actual fucking rodeo, not even kiding), and Seattle.

Hated LA, Chicago and all of Georgia was just dull as fuck. Didn't hate it, it was just dull.

All in all, decent place imo


These numbers are fake, every American I've ever met has despised Canadians.


b-b-b-but Canada, I thought you loved me!

Poland yuo our my greatest ally.

Great country.
True friends.

I think hating of the US is kind of a meme that's run it's course. People don't really even hate it anymore, they just go through the motions

California and West Coast is best.

Alaska is amazing

New England is alright

Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah and the rest of the Western non West Coast states are good

The rest not including the South is lame

The South is a shithole full of shitty people. Somehow both whites and blacks manage to be EQUALLY shitty.

I genuinely hate the US and everything it stands for

Our best allies. A terrible ally.

Our partners in freedom. The home of SJW's.

We have a shared future. It's a bleak future.

on the other hand, hating germany is a fresh meme that's in its bloom, so have at it people.



>WW1 ends
>Wilson begs allies to be nice to poor Germany, American investment rushes in to rebuild Germany in the interwar years
>WW2 ends
>Truman spends millions rebuilding Germany, sends American troops to defend their former enemies
>Cold War ends
>Thatcher, Mitterrand, and Gorby all are against German reunification, but Bush convinces them to accept it
>Germany has the lowest support of the USA out of all EU nations and all NATO countries save Turkey
>American soldiers are on German soil pledged to give up their LIVES for a country that hates them
>meanwhile America nuked Japan and dropped more explosives on Vietnam than were used in all of WW2 but they still like America more than Germans do

Why are Germans such ungrateful, rude people?

the united states is like a huge black hole of degeneracy that eats up everything good and regurgitates cultural decay and death

big macs are pretty tasty too

Cry me a river fattie

a-are you using the colombian flag as a joke, or are you completely unaware of the irony of your statement?

please explain why it is ironic my firend


No reason! Sorry, I swear I didn't mean anything by that. Please don't kill my family and put their heads on turtles. I mean tortoises, fuck.

this is not mexico

breddy good

I know, I'm just fucking around. But it has major problems though, and it's kind of hypocritical to shit on a country that is, for all its faults, a lot better off than yours.
I think ,maybe Norway gets to shit on the US. Colombia, not so much

Just not the Germans. They're too fucking smug about it.

I don't think you understood my post mate

I'm not shitting on the US for being a bad place to live, it is not

Germans are germans, they ruin things just for fun, it's what they do. At some point in history they decided that was their mission as a people.
Sorry if I misunderstood, I'm pretty drunk and watching a tv show while i'm browsing

America first and Mexico second


God's gift to the world is Britain

Britain's gift to the world is America

It's more likely that the The Netherlands and Flanders will unite. The King of the EU will take his seat there. And then the EU expands into Turkey and then invades Israel.

A disgusting war pig country. Worse than nazi germany

Hwat tv show, croanon?

I've literally not watched actual tv here for some 5-ish years now

What's so worthy of a Croatian Sup Forumsellectual's attention?

seems like a reluctant gift...

Pic was intended for
Pic related

The ... Makes you seem like you're about yo hang yourself or smtn

Watching Westworld again. Amazing show about the development of consciousness but I'm just trying to jerk it to the appropriately named Rachel Evan Wood

Worst posters on Sup Forums, canadians and australians are angels compared to them, Sup Forums , Sup Forums and other cancer boards are shit and full of autism because its full of them.

Oh, shit
You just reminded me that I wanted to watch the original Westworld movie
The show is gr8, watch Black mirror when you finish westworld


what the FUCK

Try the first season of True Detective if you haven't already.

It has the best tv intro ever.

You do realize, after this intro, I expect the fucking heavens. If it doesn't deliver I'm gonna be so mad

The first four episodes are really good with the fourth one containing probably the best, most complicated shot in tv history (6-7 minutes of no camera cuts with dozens of people, buildings, cars, and a couple of helicopters seamlessly acting as they should be). The last episodes aren't as good though and the second season was pretty shit but overall the first season is worth watching.

The acting, directing, and cinematography are 10/10 by film standards let alone television.

>I don't really viewit as a single entity.
Congrats, you are a well-adjusted person.

>I love Nyc ( I know you muricans hate it, sttle down, I'm just expressing an opinion, it doesn't have to match yours).
Ironically, I'm from Chicago but I agree. Manhattan blew me away when I traveled there and I think Chicago pales in comparison.

All right, I'll give it a shot. You can fault americans for a lot of things, but you do make great tv. The pinnacle of croatian achievment in tv is Zabranjena Ljubav. Fellow crobro knows what i'm talking about

>literally state kidnapping foreign children

We're cheering you on whenever you get the chance to bail out of the Euro Union, francebro.

I love how we're apparently all the KKK, black and Jews.

sometimes I feel silly muricans are only our friends in overseas

I've only heard about it in class
Had to look it up
Apparently it's a Croatian version of "Sons and Daughters", an Aussie soap opera
The episode count is ... Interesting

>then the EU expands into Turkey
Really bad idea.

God I love Manhattan. I don't even know why. There are plenty of places I've seen that were more beautiful, but there's something about that stupid fucking island.
I'm feeling like a nyc song right about now. gonna go full pop


Anti-US propaganda by third world shitholes is hilarious

Pic related is a serv propraganda poster during the NATO bombings

It's true. My dad was Indiana's first black Jewish grand wizard.

A great candidate for range banning.
Outside of outliers, all the cancerous faggots on Sup Forums are Americans. Sure, there would be collateral but shit happens. The pros vastly outweigh the cons.
In regards IRL, America is just another nosey, obnoxious, expansionist empire.

Every American I have met is a huge Ouiaboo. And I've met a lot of Americans.

>4 years
>805 episodes

hahhahaha holy shit
reminds of the ancient chinese drawings of the english sailors

There's a huge Croat population in Houston and all throughout Texas

North Korea's propaganda is great. It's like a gook who saw a white person described white people to a gook artist who never had and the artist did a so-so job.

The Colombian government isn't feeding billions of dollars to Israel while systematically destabilising the middle east for the few decades, which has had almost no backlash on American soil while it has been one of the key reasons for the current conflict that has promoted a surge of migration into Western Europe, in turn having a huge negative impact on many nations.
Colombia may have some fucked up things going on at a local level but the fucked up actions the American war machine is constantly taking have ripples all the way around the world. Ripples in an ocean which hit the shore as tidal waves.

you are the ones creating the shart in the mart tier threads about us all they time while we don't give a shit about you. you and the leafs are jealous butthurt cucks

>weapon uses a magazine
>carry belt fed ammo and no extra magazines

The Aussies pretty much have been behind us 100% in all of our expansionist endeavors.

You'd be doing the same if you had the same population and resources as us.

used them all up on little girls, it is the last one

Ignoring the smelly concrete jungle stereotype, Manhattan is the centre of the world. It's the most important place in the world. And since in real estate location is so important, the worst shithole apartment in Harlem is gonna run you about as much as a luxury house in Zagreb.

There was a Croatian police procedural called "Krv nije voda"(Blood isn't water/Blood is thicker than water) show that was so mundane and bad because it literally took inspiration from real life cases from around Croatia and took random people (without acting experience) off the street as actors

There was a cop show "Krim Tim 2" (don't know if there it's actually a sequel) that is legendary for being absolute shite around here. The bald main character is a retired cop and purportedly genuinely got mad during filming "angry" scenes

Just watch this: (not subbed since it's so shit)

Subtle posters

Their people are big

You know, I'm not saying americans are blameless for the migrant crisis, far from it, but western european nations have supported their actions and actively participated, and also at this point i'm just so fucking sick of the allahu ackbars i'm not particularly interested in their plight, i just want the US to turn the region into glass. Or anyone else who has a nuke lying around.

I am fucking done with those people, fuck them. they have had every chance to stop being the puss-filled boil on the face of the planet but apprently that's what they want to be.

british ""people""

Where'd you get this pic of me?

If I've learned anything from this thread it's that the only people that like Americans are the French and Croatians

but this man is mexican

he's murican

Wtf u dumb ozzie?
Didn't u watch Narcos?
The filthy mexica-- Columbians, I mean, fucked up their country with coke while the benevolent yanks did everything they could to stop the coked up brown cunts

Is this a trend that I'm unaware of?

I will never understand people holding the ones living in a country responsible for things their government has done before and after their birth.

Has some cute boys :3

I really love murica tho

These arguments always boil down to "blame America and blame America only". The rest of the world are little kids I guess. No responsibility.

yeah, general degeneracy of the populace is getting worse every year

please come and visit!

Blaming America is easier than coming up for solutions for problems


means good morning, yes?



me doing russian dancing on the floor


And yes

fat yanks being this arseblasted

>russian dancing

You see? The joke is funny because Americans are morbidly obese thanks to their diet of fast food. Shall I tell it again?

in japanese, good morning is actually “ohayou” but I heard “ohio” sounds like ohayou to japs when americans say it

France is America's oldest friend, but they are also that friend that occasionally leaves early to make you pay the bill and occasionally they act insane but they are still a friend.