You have 10 seconds to act as German as possible or this bird is going to stab you

You have 10 seconds to act as German as possible or this bird is going to stab you

*gets cucked*

refugees welcome!

*destroys europe*

Natürlich, mein Freund

I am Greek.

Holocaust jokes are not funny, they are deeply upsetting to me.

*sharts in mart*

no fun allowed

*tries to be funny but fails miserably*

heil hitler

Wearing socks with sandals is perfectly fine

exact oppposite of this to the point of being annoying

French ppl are not white

It is highly unlikely that his bird can kill me with this knife. I am the larger animal and I am going to step onto his eggs and burn and maybe eat his other relatives.

*hides national flag from police*

Good post


*destroys europe for the 3rd time in 100 years*

not bad

*goes to a beach*
*digs himself into a 10 metres deep hole*
*the hole collapses*

>digging an underwater sand tunnel from a turkish beach all the way to russia

oh god i just have this image in my head now of germans hiding from the police at an oktoberfest for celebrating oktoberfest. i think community did a gag on that

not funny, m8.
we've lost some of our best men to those beaches.
at least they lie in a decent grave.

Ja ja ich ese sheiBe, mmmh, wonderbar

Herr Ober! Eine Apfelschorle, bitte!

*made this game*

Pay reperations for Dresden you hearthless scum

Poolacks are a bunch of degenerte poor untermench. Danzig und Breslau das ist mane.

Hearthless scum? Is that why they made Dresden a hearth?

Hitler was not german

Ich liebe all muslims und black imigrants, they can do sechr gut anal masages. Tolerance furr all gay und feminizm. Glory furr all life and death to those who opose maine utopia, Poolack worms who steal maine jobs.

Death to Poolacks bite und all amerifat soldiers who go there. Amerifat army are german clay only!

*plays forklift simulator*

*goes to Scandinavian beaches and start digging holes*

*circumnavigates maginot line*

I'm Turkish

Who could be a better german than an actual kraut.


*yell at a stranger that he's islamaphobic even though someone he knew was killed by a Islamic terrorist*


Ich am Deutshland, eternal overlord of Yurop

You might kill mich, but ich will come back, each time more powerful than last time. Give up, surrender to the Eurofuhrer

Also buy some Mercedes :D

