

You voted red, red is what you're getting.

Anyone else here play D&D? What's your favorite race and class?




Nothing wrong with Russia, you faggot. Get out of your liberal isolation chamber.


I played a really neat campaign as a hill giant raised by halflings.

5E is my favorite edition of all time but I have trouble finding people who will let go of 2+3+3.5 for anything other than Pathfinder.

Honestly I just play board games now.








They're sitting there like Putin rammed Trump about 20 minutes before this and they dont want anyone to know.


I played as a Thri-Kreen Monk. Was pretty good. There are a couple of groups who play 5E around me.


America must die


>be me
>5e group breaks up
>go to flgs where we'd been playing weekly
>"looking for a 5e game, know any groups playing?"
>we only support pathfinder
>"so like no postings on the bulletin board, nobody in here having a game?"
>we're a pathfinder store, we only support pathfinder

annnnd I've never been back




You can't blame Trump. He's in early/mid stage Alzheimers.

>pic related

Interesting how Putin is using a framework of simple language.

Sucks to hear dude. Have you tried Roll20?
I've said it before and I'll say it again, or These posts are part of the cancer killing Sup Forums



You elected a salesman, you double-reverse shill.


>simple language.

I thought you people were waging the great CNN meme war. Was that too hard for you?

Posting in a CNN fake news shill thread
Look mah, normies be outsmartin' us, all hail the mass media, tell me what my opinion is pls.
dont dox me plsss

>nothing wrong with putin

He's literally a fascist dictator that puts his political opponents in jail or out right poisons them.

Invades sovereign nations and hacked our election.

Nothing wrong though. Lol






he's creating a pact with eastern Europe because the JEWS are running everything in the west and Putin runs his own shit.




please shut up nigger, there is no evidence of hacking you sheep


I don't get why you guys even try to fight. We've all lost. Theres no way any of us could beat the 1% that rules this world.

How are the right this badly cucked

I can't even

Donald Trump puts Donald Trump first. Donald Trump only cares about Donald Trump, and has only ever cared Donald Trump.
If Donald Trump was given the choice of either all of the money and power and sex he could handle, or a Donald Trump clone, he would pick the clone.

Wow. So he's no diff than Hillary with her head shaking bs

Trump killing us all is the only way to win this game now.

He's talking about rich white ppl fool. Ur not one of em

Trump always has that "idk whats goin on" face, and keeps looking around like trying to find someone to tell him what to do next


>He's literally a fascist dictator that puts his political opponents in jail or out right poisons them.

so? You just described almost every country on earth, including the US. If it wasn;t for the groundswell of support trump would be in jail on completely false rape charges and clinton would be ramping up WW3 with russia in the name of global open borders right now.

>Invades sovereign nations and hacked our election.

The jury came in weeks ago. There is absolutely no information at all that suggests russian hacked anything to with the election, or swayed the election in any way shape of form. No government agency has, or ever had anything even remotely resembling a hint of proof, or reason to believe that at all. The fake news outlets spammed it, so it's true now to the brainwashed progressives.

I'd rather have putin than the VAST majority of world leaders, including most of western europe.

CNN shills apparently think inciting a nuclear war with a powerful nation is preferable to smiling and being nice every once in a while.

Hillary and Trump are the same corrupt people with different goals. If anyone really wanted to deal a single blow to the 1% the election wouldn't have had a winner.



Acting like you have a chance against the absolute monster that is the ruling elite is nothing more then a depressing joke.

Nobody won here. The only way Trump is getting Impeached is when the 1% had no more use for him. You all keep acting like screaming loud enough will have him step down when the 1% is so far up they can't even hear us.


The only people who really care about this are the people who don't know how bad it really is.

If any of us really cared we wouldn't be here.

Theres no hope for this world. It's over for us. It always has been.

We've been played since the beginning.

You think you could actually do anything? Idiot. If he did commit any crimes they're hidden by the Elite. He won't be gone until he has no more use to them.



Death is the only escape

Awwww... wittle baby scumfuck can't counter an argument so he posts a photo, grabs the crisco, and greases up his tiny 1 inch cock for a go-around.


Tell me, Why do you think you'll win?
What will you do if you do?


>Working for good relations with Russia

Too bad Hillary lost, then you would had your war already





















