Lyrics that make no sense:

Lyrics that make no sense:

If man is five, if man is five, if man is five
Then the devil is six, then the devil is six
The devil is six, the devil is six and if the devil is six
Then God is seven , then God is seven, the God is seven

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So if man is five
The devil is six
And God is seven
What the fuck is eight?

It does make sense. The song is saying Satan is greater than humans but God is greater than Satan.

good album

All honkeys go to heavan.

the poetry of Black Francis is not meant to be understood by mortals

Oh yeah!
Sayl zon jon macarron
Yeah maccoron nojah
Chaccaron, chaccaron, chaccaron, chaccaron

Hibaroo roo reel ree roo riga rye, el uale eyo ey liga die
Uale el oh aye riga rye, reggy roo eh el eh riggy de rye

Chaccaron chaccaron chagaheegyroo chaccaron chaccaron chagaheegyroo chaccarogan chaccarogan chagaheegyroo chaccaron chaccaron chagaheegyroo

Fuck off, that's the Bloodhound Gang

what are you trying to day user?

you are just a really dumb person

Sup Forums

No, it's saying that the devil is even, and thus, he's straight.

spiral out
keep going

are you stupid? the Bible says that the number of man is 555, just like the devil's is 666. the lyrics is saying that the lucky number, 777 (jackpot), must be God's number.

chacarron is a song about a young man who searching to learn his sexuality and needs to journey far and wide to find the true meaning of love. He has just lost his mother to cancer, and he sets out on his quest with a heavy burden to bear. Along the way he meets new friends, some strippers, and some enemies. His quest takes him all the way to istanbul where he finds his long lost biological father, a clock maker, who teaches him the true meaning of sexuality through their intimate, late night, encounters. When the man departs to share his knowledge with the world, his father leaves him with one last teaching to ponder. "life is like a clock; sometimes it goes tick, and sometimes it goes tock. So you can never be too sure about what's going to bukadandudan bukadandando bukadandudan. Na chaccaron bukabandado bukandangago. Eyakudo badabidakon butabutadon beatdapadadadatina chaccaron budadadukai benna dudaflow. Ebedo bada biko dudaflow. " and this is the true meaning of chacarron

Fuck that's such a solid album. Surfer Rosa and Come on Pilgrim is my fucking shit though

That just means never stop expanding your mind.

no, it means you should shut the fuck up

Ah, I remember when I was 12.

days away
I still feel you
touching me
changing me