/bb/ Big Brother General

Christmas Corey Edition

Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): Nicole
Veto: Nicole
HoH Nominations: Paul / Meech

Most Likely Going Home: Meech

first for bridgette

i love -.- poster




Who /Paul&Vic/ here?

I like /fit/ I'd be happy to see paul go.

man victor is so bored today


something about her needy, bitchiness gets me so hard

more like fat fat



we team corey now?

do you think she spelled "atheltic" like that because that's what corey would do?

shut up nicole.

>hating on nicole

Vic looks at Nic with love in his eyes

I kinda hate they didn't end up together. Corey is running off to bang all the random sluts he can after the show

So is Gnat's strategy of blue-balling James for weeks, letting him get closer inch by inch and then right when they are about to get something going bringing up an ancient memory of James hurting her feelings a real girl strategy? it's some Stockholm syndrome shit.

she hasn't been getting all the attention today so she's being dramatic to get more of it

god she's so fat now

does james have a chance with nat outside the house

they've kissed like twice. no.

as much chance as you

God no, I bet she fucks Paul Vic Corey or even Paulie out of the house.

holy shit she got fat. she better fix that because she has nothing else going for her

not anything long term but yeah girls with mentalities like her do date guys way below their attraction level

my ex of a couple years was out of my league lookswise
but I had money and she was batshit

she lives in new york and he lives in texas. he's also broke, short, and has a kid.

Dubs and Vic wins

fuck Paul. Corey and Vic are bromancing hard this week

nat it is

ya boy gets dubs ftw

do the dub lords like meech

as far from dubs as you can get

Fuck ya dubs

Is it only dubs if the ten's place number and the hundred's place number is the same?

Ya boy will win dubs confirmed

our girl

J/N are definitely not the brightest ones. You'd think he'd at least want to check in with Nic to make sure their still together.

>"Not to toot my horn, but... like... you're with me"

James to Nat about her getting a good edit on the show because

>"CBS wouldn't do that to me"

Then fish

he ded



Ian wyd


you think he saw it?

He retweeted it.

lol what the fuck I just checked and he did. I tweeted it to him but I don't know how to use twitter and it didn't tell me.

fuck yes Frank loves me


yall like my twitter name @hiromoot though?

Yea but change the name

to what?

my pokemon go name is frankeudy


I doubt it lets you say fag


Current Jenkins

It looks a little sad

Needs to survuve 21 more days

If he wins the grand prize yea

Stay strong!


how hard is it to take care of a little herb plant


is the cow still sleeping


I wish the Bridgette fags would leave


Bridgette has no neck

user please, theres only 19 unique IPs ITT

without us it would 404, you need us

What exactly do you find attractive about her?

paul doesn't know what caramelized mean.s he burnt them and is pretending they're caramelized

>Cusses like a sailor
>Is nice
>Can bake
>Is smart
>isn't sensitive
>high self esteem

Literally the perfect person

>watching the feeds

Does Corey have nudes

>not sensitive
Clearly hasn't watched the jury segments of the episodes

I think it's you that hasn't

No u

>perfect person

You're talking to a waifufag so nothing can be bad

there is literally nothing wrong with being a feminist unless you are a neckbeardy Sup Forumsfag

Did you expect her to be cool with Paulie as soon as he walked in after the way he acted?

We're all girls here tho

I expected her not to be a huge cunt about how somebody acted during a game where manipulation is important. I didn't have these expectations for Day or Z tho

Paulie went over the line and deserved to be dragged

she didnt act like a cunt. if the roles were reversed you wouldnt call paulie a cunt

It needs new soil and some sort of fertilizer I bet.

The funniest part was when they were accusing him of taking the game personally when it was clear they took it way more personal than he did

Post-ops don't count as real girls tho

They didn't accuse him of taking the game personal, they accused him of making the game personal with unnecessary attacks on Nat's appearance, and, in general, acting like a D-hey. He was still acting like a D-hey when walking into Jury

He wasn't making the game personal at all and if they were offended by it they sure weren't offended enough not to pull the same shit the second he walked into the house

Paulie was a dick and should have apologized.
When Bridgette brought up the way he acted she said he had lost her respect. That would have been the perfect time to apologize, but instead he tried to twist something she said 3 weeks ago to make her look like a man hater.
He calls them sore losers in the first 10 seconds of the segment.
Bridgette says he made the game personal, but I don't think they accused him of taking it personally.
They were all taking it personally.
He said he had no animosity after he walked out, but was still very clearly mad, and triggered.

>He wasn't making the game personal

FT comments

>we are shit talking paulie
>hg's are shit talking him too


That's just shitty bantz and if Bridgette didn't like that then she couldn't have liked plenty of things that came out of the tank's mouth. But we learned Bridgette is just another typical, dumb mean girl

Frank apologized for his comments/actions and was sincere about that because he didn't realize there was such a problem. Also he never body-shamed to the extent that bawlie did.

We aren't gonna agree on how bad paulie was in the house but I think we can all agree that it was surprising to see Bridgette stoop down to the levels of Day Z

Nah she didn't

Idk how you can deny that but all you Bridgette bros won't leave anyways so whatever

what in the fuck is meech trying to cook there?