Forgive us, Israel

Forgive us, Israel.

Pola pola~


Pola-chan da... da... daisuki!~

yes goy every country had death camps



Pooland eternaly BTFO

Pay me reperations directly and I will.

Don't apologize...the subsequent nearly 50 years of communist rule was more than enough of a sentence.

You're not Israel.

I am Jew, I too deserve reperations.

Prove it.

I love gefilte fish.

Not a proofs.

Why would anyone lie about such an awful thing?


The undeserved compensation for unspeakable horrors suffered at the hands of certain western slavic nation, perhaps?

Gibe bigos

Fucking Poles stealing our achievements again.

Why majority of Jews get treated like german citizen Jews who were persecuted and not foreigners of another occupied state?

i still dont know why israel exists

There only was 100k Jews on Germany which all left after war.

So poles were the bad guys all along?

Man, Jews really have no shame

WTF I love Pola Pola now!

Will the Jews ever stop whining about the 6 billion?

We put the Japanese in internment camps during WW2, but they don't care anymore.

to collect and sell foreskin

to be fair, i don't think the kikes in israel talk about the holocaust that much. true the memories of it are part of their zionism but zionism existed before WWII

>killing 6 million jews
yeeeeaaaahhhhh, poland did it.

i like deutsch posters

Whatever you say, friendly merchant overlord!

Poland also took part in the partition of Czechoslovakia in 1938.

They took it first in 1920.