What's the most offensive word you can think of Sup Forums? like...

what's the most offensive word you can think of Sup Forums? like, a word so bad that if anyone caught you saying it you would be shamed.

mine is "niggerbaby"




When they are clogged




Faggot is pretty good. I mean we're all desensitized to it because it's a staple for most posts. But it's pretty powerful if your saying it to someone in real life.

You just got offended


you failed-abortionNiggertrans


example of use in a sentence: "i saw some noisy niggerbabies at wal-mart today."

Doodoo head

I'm white as fuck but I would totally go to that school, solely for the lean, chicken and herbology course

Superpredators or Deplorables

me too


history, defense against the white arts, health and potions is also good

this is a good school

One time something frustrated me and in my brain I was trying to say 'Jesus Fucking Christ' and 'baby jesus' or something. It came out 'Jesus baby fucking christ.'

Not proud of it. Kinda bad considering where I live and the fact that I was raised a Christian and still am by faith. just not a good church going one.

Plus they have Neil deGrasse Tyson. He's an actual astrophysicist. Man that that picture was supposed to be derogatory, but that school looks lit as a motherfucker now.

> not having Dr. Dre as the on-site physician



so true

>once upon a time I was in love with a girl
> things were great
>her best friend was a bitch let's call her A
>A convinced me to dump her (I'm not blaming her for the breakup but it was really messed up)
>month later the girl and I got back together
>A convinced her I was using her for sex because A was lonely so she wanted her best friend to be lonely too
>she played off my ex's depression making her hate me for something I never did

>I called A "a degenerative parasite to my life"

Worst thing I've ever said to anyone

Even though I hate her I feel bad