Need to lose 60 lbs or i will die of failing liver soon, what do best??

need to lose 60 lbs or i will die of failing liver soon, what do best??

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eat less

Remove sugar from your diet completely

Amputation is your only effective option.

Cut your arms and legs off.

uhhh keto diet

ketosis weight loss

Keto. It'll change your life for good.

stop eating. No joke I lost 50 pounds in like, a month, just by living off darts water, vitamins and coffee/diet coke. You can do it man

Kys now, go out on your own terms

I have a great idea OP. Keep posting b8 thread to collect (you)'s
You've been dying now for at least 6 months.

just do some bullshit cleanse then eat not like a piece of shit.

i tried that but i have hunger every day. also i tried keto but after a while i crafe bread and pasta

kek'd, underrated

we all know you aren't going to do shit. btw please draw a smiley face on that giant gut

Lost 50 lbs since January following a book called A Pound Of Cure. I don't even follow it 100% but it worked for me. The metabolism reset will be a literal headache so be warned, but well worth it.

keto won't work for OP because liver already failing. Only option for OP is complete fasting until goal achieved.

obviously didnt try long enough for your body to not crave that

That's not real hunger it's boredom. You can go 3 weeks without food.

Bread and pasta are processed into glucose by your body aka sugar

Why do you ask here if you doctor told you the facts?

a) lay off beer and any alcohol for good because that's the reason why you got fat

b) eat Paleo-diet or simply put 3 to 6 meals as follows: plate half full of lean meat (steak, chicken, fish like salmon) and half green vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, onion (you know salad..). Sprinkle the salad with heft amount of olive oil. Eat fish oil supplements.



e) Drink water, coffee, tea. Avoid adding sugar or even milk. AVOID ANY KIND OF SOFT DRINKS INCLUDING 0 CALORIE ONES.

Should be simple.

To add I have a fucked up liver from drinking. You'll be fine

Female here you should gain weight, you look like a cute piggy

salmon, chicken and steak are fat people diet food.

He should cut the meat out for a while. Also no oil on salad. Salsa is a good dressing for salad and isn't bad for you.

Start slow. Walk everyday and further everyday.
Eat less. Obviously. Get a bike. Ride daily.
Get a few free weights or do pull-ups and push-ups. Squats. Burpees.
Keep at it and you'll get there. It's not how much you do it's how long you do it.

Also trying to lose weight OP, good luck to you! I've been drinking only water and counting calories real closely. Set a daily target and stick to it.

Throw in 1 cheat day a week if you want - I do and I think it helps. Usually I'll eat the same stuff but let myself have a beer or 2 in the evening.

The Under Armor MyFitnessPal app is a godsend for tracking stuff and also gives calorie goals.

Not OP but link to book?

dont eat, eating is not a requirement..

look into water fasting there are people who go years w/o eating

No there aren't. You are just gullible.

i told you before protein sparing modified fast. google for the pdf. it's 90 pages, and it's not that hard to do.


yes i have fatty liver and very high liver enzymes (4 times the normal rate)


kill yourself

send nudes for proof to byakugan2 kik and i send nudes back

Identify as a female and get free medicine because biology is sexist.


just kill yourself now.

Eating healthy fat helps to burn fat. I lost weight with this kind of thing as well.

Do your own research OP. Go to and find out by yourself.

But one key thing also is proper exercise. If you haven't ever exercised properly in your life it's very hard to start now. But try regardless.

tramadol addiction

No like a download link dipshit. Buying books is for losers.

Lol post pic of your belly with kik/ old are you anyway fatboy?

Exercise is the least important part of weight loss. Weight loss is 95% diet and 5% exercise. OP can lose all the weight without lifting a finger. Working out is great for your health and mind, but it's shit for weightloss.

Can second this

To add, I don't work out either. I will eventually once I transition off the diet after hit near my goal weight. The only exercise recommended is weight lifting in short bursts, but cardio will not help you with this diet according to the book.

Its bad enough youre fat, stop acting poor too. You spend more a day on big macs.

You lose weight through inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide

That one carbon atom out has to be more than the carbon atoms in.

You need to get the reaction happening faster as well.

So here's a tip

Stop eating so many carbohydrates

Start burning stored energy

Build more muscle mass (muscles help carbon bind to oxygen)

Breath a fuckload.

Oh I'm not fat dude. Or a retard who stills buys books in 2017.

>Breath a fuckload.

and here we all are now breathing manually

Bowt to mak me fat ass hole starv for 1 monthes i dnt theenk i can do it but shuld be a peece of cake. :)

Eat a table spoon of kratom in the am and before dinner. Drink water no sodas, substitute beer for wine. No fast food, pre arrange meals with white meat.

/fit/ bro here, dont masturbate, take cold showers, stop eating carbs, eat 1000 cals a day (or 500 if youre not beta) and exersize

guillible fuck

Accept death.

What this guy said.
Just eat meat and vege, dairy, eggs, and salad.
STOP drinking alcohol. Set up a weekly food plan so you don't go looking for snacks. If you really have to have a snack, have a go to snack like cellery or carrot sticks.
Give your self 3weeks of sticking religiously to this diet and then weigh yourself. The gains you'll make over the 3weeks will make you want to keep doing it.
Also, your brain will want to sabotage you, don't listen to it. It will tell you things like "its not working" and "why bother"

but i NEED carbonated high fructose drinks wat do

should he exercise too?

That went over your head in so many ways.

Crystal meth

seriously just stop eating and exercise, it's not that hard of a thing to do, I used to be almost obese back when I was a kid, then I (somehow) started dating this girl, that motivated me to lose weight and I lost 12kg in a very short amount of time, now(I'm 18) and I'm in great shape, six pack and all.
also stay away from foods that contain a lot of preservatives and artificial crap, don't know about most people but that shit makes me look a bit bloated, try eating more organic stuff(though it will be a bit more pricey, it can definitely help you lose weight) and last but DEFINITELY NOT LEAST don't have a lose weight quick mindset, have small goals, 1kg per 1.5 week is what I did(though I was a lot younger so it was obviously easier)

no you don't need them, you crave them - go mind over matter

this is what idiots actually believe
its been medically recorded for centuries fkn retard

If your have the time and resources(don't need much); travel to a shit tier county for a month or two. Do it by yourself in order to maximize the "out of my comfort zone" effect. The strange sights and smells will change your habits. You will star eating less, and if you get explosive diarrhea; consider it a blessing. You will see those lbs disappear in weeks.

source: I've done it twice. I do enjoy the travel, but the weight loss is always a plus.

talk to a nutritionist on how to eat properly. There's a lot of misinformation out there.

exercise is easy as fuck just look up some work out for arm day and leg day that don't require weights doesn't take much

>still not knowing about water fasting and that you dont have to eat

fucking dumb ass people on this planet

sure is summer in here

are fruits ok?


Yeah forgot to mention, fruit juice and carbonated drinks will fuck you up. Drink water, tea, and black coffee. Also eat stuff with naringin in with your coffee ie. Cinnamon and grape fruit. It'll give your metabolism a boost.

I lost 100lb by doing this

Read the sticky

There are tons of people who fast for months at a time, I've gone 12 days and it was pretty easy and SUPER healthy. All my skin problems cleared up and I dropped 30 pounds. You dont have to eat all the time retards. I think yall just like being fat fucks.

use a weight loss calculator

calculate how many calories you need to eat per day in order to lose 1lbs per week, or 1.5 kilograms or whatever.

eat close to that amount of calories every day and try not to go over.

Do this by keeping track of your calories, user. is a good site for doing just that.

lastly, eat only healthy foods.cuts of meat, veggies, fruit(but not too much because it does contain sugar), drink only water. Tea and coffee are fine as well.

But hey, no one ever listens to me so do whatever you want, fatass.

you could lose that in 30 days, learn to water fast yw

You're fatness is not tooooo bad. You don't have huge moobs to worry about which is good. Cut out all desserts and soda from your diet. If you need to cheat drink some teas. I hate cardio, so I never recommend it. Get a gym membership and hit the weights hard with high volume. Go high reps to failure and lower rest times between sets. Like 90 to 120 seconds. Use drop sets, and super sets. Start off by going about an hour. In 6 months increase it to an hour and a half. You'll drop a crap ton of fat, plus gain a lot of muscle. If you need weight lifting tips try Athlean-X, or Chris Jones on YouTube.

Why do you keep spamming this shit? If you still have 60 lbs to lose after all this time - you deserve to die.

After years of failed diets I finally found what worked for me. I count calories and that's it. I eat up to or less than 2000 calories per day (which could be a decent amount of food if you can find low calorie foods that you like). The weight comes off slowly, but it comes off. After a year of doing this I've lost about 100 pounds. Down to 160. I do zero exercise, and get to eat del taco for dinner every night =)

Nope, fructose isn't good for you. People say "but its a good sugar", however comparing glucose and fructose is like comparing a punch to the face with a kick to the nuts, both are fucked.

nigga, fruit is fine just don't binge on it and you'll be alright.

Cheat your way to weight loss with soylent (google this shit; it will change your life).

Don't believe all that snake oil bullshit from fit and other exercise/nutrition gurus.

What you need is Soylent, and that's it. It's a powder drink that includes all the nutrients your body needs to function. You can cut solid foot completely. And you won't feel hungry. It pretty much replaces solid food. Oh, and you still shit solid, but less often (weird black magic I guess).

Also, you will gain a TON of extra time once you start surviving on soylent a lone. You have no idea how much of your time is taken eating,cooking, and food shopping.

But food is so delicious.. i would totally try this sometime though. I think I would rather fast and eat fatty delicious foods when I get the chances.

you look good mang.


Organic is bullshit. Just eat raw foods and avoid packet stuff.

But he's dying???

If you exercise every day your mind will be blown how much weight you will lose if you eat the same. I think its so fkn easy to lose weight Ive gone from 180 up to 260 back to 200 and now im 220. Im bout to water fast again though and get down to 190. I'm 6'3".

you don't get you's if you are the OP faggit

he dies beautifully

over weight = weak will power

thats all it is tbh

how you water fast, i get hungry every couple of hours

you are going to gain my cock in your pussy

go vegan


Cut carbs


he says he wanna lose weight, not be a faggot

It goes away after 2 days, pretty much once the food leaves ur system its easy mode. Its those 2 first days that are hard asfk. Then you have no hunger anymore. I see food more like a drug now and you have to quit it every now and then. Its very healthy from my experience, look more into it. I'm going to try 3 weeks next time.

keto + intermittent fasting + exercise

fuckin sabotaging brain, i hate that nigger

cut out sugar and carbohydrates for 1 week. don't eat fruit. eat vegetables and lean protein during that week. drink lots of fresh water. walk and exercise every day for at least 1 hour. slowly wean yourself off of excess sugar and carbs the next week. repeat these two steps. do this for 2 months.

Oh also drink shit tons of water. It curbs your hunger. you're basically trying to go into a hibernation state where your body burns through fat reserves fast. It works. There is a lot of information out there. Research it first.

isnt soylent made out of people?