Have you ever seen a fatter uglier turd than this?

Have you ever seen a fatter uglier turd than this?

pro tip: no you haven't

have you seen sHillary she looks like shit and is misshapen as fuck

Have you ever seen a cringe thread? Of course we've seen worse. This OP post is top tier cringe though, it belongs on one.

That's how trump looks

Shut up you dumb euro nigger, go get slaughtered with your pathetic country men on some hole in the wall dance floor.

Yeah, I have

Lol i was locking for that pic in my fat folder

At least he's athletic

more cnn shills infecting Sup Forums with their autistic propaganda

he could be the fattest fuck alive but hes still your president if you're American you cuck ;)


Damnit, he's a Dapper Dan man

Welcome newfriend.


Pretty sure we've all seen Michael Moore

Have you seen a thread that the person who made was more deserving of a punch in the face?

Pro tip: no you haven't

0/0 authenticity

nice try Trump

>fatter and uglier than this
Every feminist ever.



>low quality bait


no evidence ever found
however there is plenty of evidence that CNN is nothing but biased fake news



40 keks

Michelle Obama
Rosie O'Donnell
Michael Moore
Leslie Jones



She used to be soooooo fucking hot....



I really haven't. He's the fattest, ugliest fuck on the planet.

shill harder, there are still people who believe you

Because everything on Cragslist is 100% true.

give up op, you are alone here.

Ironically, white is NOT his color


Not OP, dumb fuck. Not that I'd expect anything intelligent to come from a Trump supporter.

he might just be the ugliest person alive


stay mad op

lol nice jew meme you got there. methinks you've been hoodwinked ya dumb goy

no I haven't!


Look all of you are samefagging Left and Right
so ill give you what you want


made up facts in a tired maymay. Let's compare jobs added in June 2017 vs June 2016 you dumb kike


bitch plz

bitch plz

They'll see stuff like this, and they won't believe it because it didn't come from CNN


bitches plz





you're retarded as hell

OP post picture. Then we will find the uglier fatter turd

lol these alt right retards...it's like the Klan sticking up for a kneegrow

At least he can breathe



Wouldn't that make his actual turds even uglier, cause... science?
Or is it a chicken and egg kinda thing?

lol "wall"

it's not so much that I disagree with his policies, just that he's an idiot who is disrespectful to the Office.

I've never heard him say anything approaching something originally intelligent.

>has a jewish grandchildren and a jewish daughter

>confirmed jewish

all me

upvoted XD


Hillary can hardly make it through a speech, and Trump plays tennis. Lol, the people that supported her are a strange bunch.


(OP) (OP)
All these are not me or are they

some random people are jewish vs almost all of CNN


ITT: bunch of newfag alt right dip shits getting trolled hard

>uncut cock
>sandnigger mudslime

>trump said something about jerusalem!
>trump is jewish confirmed!

wait, why is Assange in drag?

What an unusual string of coincidental deaths. Weird

>said something
>pretends he's not a rabid zionist
>pretends the current POTUS isn't a bigger bitch to Israel than the last

Oy vey Abraham!



Assange is always in drag you transphobic bigot

lol I'll take "debunked dittohead maymays from the early 90s" Alex

>present year
why would he not be

Le kek.




all of these fall to even slight fact checking
post proof or fuck off

$20 says that's a little kikelette

just because you are ignorant of the facts doesn't mean they don't exist




russia pays jared FAGGIT

