So fags I've been thinking lately what's the best/worse things about Sup Forums

So fags I've been thinking lately what's the best/worse things about Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:



summerfags are the worst thing

Best is the cool conversations that I actually do occasionally have around here from time to time. Worst is the unironically racist newfags and Trumpcucks.

Watching useless faggots act like their stupid shit matters.

Freedom of speech/unbearable failure of human existence

Hey fuck you man! My stupid shit matters most alright!

Best is seeing random shit you never know wtf is gonna be on here. Worst is all the suicide shit


this, thank you

>you never know wtf is gonna be on here.
I don't think you have even spent one weke in this place

also obvious bait threads, trapthreads etc but I guess it's just a part of it now.


> Newfags
Way to out yourself Reddit nigger
>Pic related but I don't expect to understand it

I've been here for over a month
I think I figured this place out already

Can't have a constructive conversation about something without someone eventually going full retard.

irl people are civil but the second they're guaranteed anonymity they come out guns blazing with horseshit and name calling.

Fuckin faggot newfag nigger

Can you triforce?

check em

Best part is the great porn. Pic relevant.

Faggots and Trumpbillies, of course.

this !

Fuckin Christ

the laughs from stupid shit

I've always found this absolutely fascinating.

The best is the autism


it's all yours, my autistic friend

>Not being Sup Forums irl...
You don't belong here

To be this new and still thinks he knows what's happening.

best: Ask me anything threads
Worst: all that fur shit.

Jesus Christ bro too soon.

>Used to do great shit (in the past)
>Community you can relate with
>Unforgettable stories

>Seen as the laughing stock of the Internet
>Is filled with beta faggots
>Has a shit load of actual gay people who keep posting dicks in threads
>Low number of Alphas

you're a fag, and i hate you.

Sup Forums was never great.

The white secular nationalist community here fuels my inner hate for niggers and wetbacks.

CP is the best part.

God damn user
Too soon

Too soon

You say it as if it's a bad thing.

You have a point, racism should mostly be on Sup Forums along with Trump

But then again, this is Sup Forums

You too.

have you seen my friend Hanz?
he's about this height

solid post, man. but, i would add loli threads to the list of worst things.

are you from 8 chan ?

btw i didnt see someone speaking about other chan here , is it allowed?

Nice try user
Trying your cover up yourself
Here you go

Trump bait threads, religion bait threads, trap threads, waifu claiming threads, log meme threads, fucking fur threads, dick rating threads, "get dubs/trips/quads" threads, witch hunt/personal army threads, "reasons not to kill myself" threads... what am I missing?

Everything about this place is shit, even more so now that my ex browses here. I'm leaving.
The worst part is the people on here

Best: the OC
Worst: the pr0n

I have a theory.
That the internal resting post for humans... is really just to be absolutely retarded and ignorant.
In real world... due to societal norms they have to strive to be educated and act like they have an iota of intelligence. But the moment you drop the norms and society... The innate, hardwired addlness comes out gushing

You sir cuck master may as well go to tumbler you clearly do not belong here

Some of the worst things are really the things that make Sup Forums what it is, i'd say the best things about Sup Forums for me are all the laughs i get from kek-tier threads


Sup Forums isn't what it used to be back in its glory days

Soon Sup Forums will be discovered by millions and become mainstream, forcing oldfags and newfags( who have most of their chromosomes)out

>two questions same answer
freedom of speech

Too late.


>implying Sup Forums was ever a glorious board.
just no....
i've been here and left here thousands of times.
Sup Forums is only great once in a blue moon and you will often miss it unless you lurk for hours in the dark hours and sift through all the crap that is traditionally Sup Forums

Nothing screams "america" more than that image

Like I said, faggots and Trumpbillies.

Fuck you, faggot. We're the salt of the earth. Good riddance to shitty trash.

>>implying Sup Forums was ever a glorious board

Is the call of newfags trying to pretend to be oldfags

so this is a spot the newfag thread? haven't seen one since last summer

I know Sup Forums was never really great, but it was better before all this shit and captcha

Sure, come sit down, suck a dick and talk smack about trump!

i feel like i need a guy sucking off another one to represent california and some nigger tryign to purchase my computer with EBT for NY but i tried to get the south in one pic

yes, but it was never "great"
its always been a board of crap with one in a million threads being worth something

>and no im a newfag, your just a faggot.

That's why you don't trust niggers.

dont tell me what to do retarded faggot

the worst thing about Sup Forums rn is that the majority of the users are newfags who are too pussy to do real shit and only use "dank memes" to attempt to solve problems... what happenned to the good old days when Sup Forums struck fear into people

>Sup Forums
>thread worth something
Who are you trying to fool?

i have many more reasons why
thats just the most all encompassing reason.


It was perfectly great when there were still mods that maintained the board. Deleting repeated spam ass threads like the YLYL and kik "wins"

The fear turned into laughter and calling Sup Forums "trolls", which is pretty true now

like mods ever existed here aside from yelling for them.

Tons of faggots in the closet pretending to be Trump Supporters.

Tissues arms reach away while playing dota. This must be the guy who likes getting dommed by Traxis.

Mods exist now
Always taking our cheese pizza


And that's exactly how I know how new you are

>moot trolling Sup Forums does not count he is half the reason this board is half full shit

here you go brah, I painted you like one of my french girls.

im 5'11 185 lbs

and i keep my room clean.
Im OCD abotu that shit lately.

>old meem
Good job

Creep shots are my bread and butter, and dick rate threats. Bellisimo

wow, it's crazy that almost everyone replying agrees with you. It's almost like you're all the same people.

So I pray to god, or some higher form of intelligent life somewhere in space, to let me rule over the people that rule over me in hell. I would also ask that there was ten trillion of me with a single connected mind. The people throughout history who have caused pain and or suffering like Hitler, Genghis Khan, Vlad the impeller, Sun Tzu, or even the devil to name a few all of these people or things combined would seem like a saint compered. There aren’t words to express my disdain for these so call people. However suffice it to say if you took all of the misery and pain throughout history and multiplied a googolplex to the googolplex power it would not begin to come close to the retribution I’m going to impose on these fucks throughout eternity plus. All the while mind you they will be watching me enjoy all the things that they cannot have just as I have watched the rich and middle class enjoy all of the bust things on television and the internet all the inventions, best foods, and enjoyable things to do. All in all if I get my wish and or prays answered somebody somewhere that knew of my plight and could have done something to make my life better and dent will sure as hell wished they had because I have something special in mind for them. So if you are reading this you are probably saying why so bleak and I would say oh quite the opposite because I have thought long and hard and I have come to the conclusion that there should be nothing but black and nothingness and by the simple fact that we are here proves that anything is possible and if I was these so called people I would hedge my bet and do something nice for the aforesaid mentioned!

Best-greentext stories (real or fake), intelligent conversations and uplifting advice
Worst- angry ignorant rants, constant hatred of anyone that isnt (you), and loli threads

Its a vicious cycle...pic related

Fuck all of you newfag summercunts go outside or something

Listen up cunts
The best worst thing about Sup Forums is the fingerbox
Pic related it's my tri-solomaster mk. II
Got it shipped in yesterday

Newfag spotted, no knowing how to check


The thing I hate the most is people who get easily baited like these stupid nigger.s

Better luck next time my man.

god bless


fellas, how do I upvote this threat?

>>implying I can't make it look like I didn't make the same post 10 times either. It's B, everyone is racist. That's what gave you away you stupid nigger.

You need a Sup Forums Gold account.