Jew propaganda
And it's not even entertaining or subtle
I liked it. Pretty straightforward undercover cop story, but it was interesting to see the screws tighten on Radcliffe and see him think on his feet to get out of bad situations.
His accent was pretty on point too. Hope he keeps picking roles like this.
Also his being 5'4" didn't distract or take away from the film at all.
the white supremacist were kinda cool guys thought
they hate niggers yeah but but who doesn't hate something r some people ?
i felt like the movie ending was kinda rushed between the wedding and the arrest i mean
Sup Forums begone
to reddit you belong
I wanted to watch it because the setting seemed interesting, but within the first 20 minutes the agenda became too obvious.
daniel please go
he work as a cop, i pay to see him in another paper as a cop even buddy cops
>Sup Forums isn't racist
Sup Forums never liked niggers even when it was libertarian.
It just thought they could be changed back then. Now that hope has died.
Agree on the ending. Though it kind of fits with the rest of the film. Boss lady is always complaining how the domestic unit gets zero funding. Radcliffe has to suffer through his undercover work and in the end it's basically wowitsfuckingnothing.jpg.
Sure they caught some bad guys, but the real big fish are foreign terrorists, at least from the agency's and the public's perspective.
>this twink ass nigga playing a cop
pure hollywood
very dishonest. the fact that it exists shows how dishonest it is
well foreign did a big hit
but domestic terrorist is quite a big thing in the us too
yeah but like little scene where they evoke where their going to put the bomb would have been nice
but yeah the movie is quite fast overall
oy vey, don't worry about mudslime terrorists, it's the White supremacists you have to worry about. Don't forget the gorillians.
Are there even any White Nationalist terror groups who attack any targets bigger than celebrity Twitters?
Disappointing. Extremely predictable seemed pointless.
w2c that bomber?
Overall better than an average movie but nothing special. I don't regret seeing it but would not go out of my way to recommend it either.
Won't know til there's a Yify torrent. I'll report back in a few months. Keep the thread alive.
Hilarious, the skinheads were ridiculously clueless on how to run a militia as if more than half of them wouldn't have a military background, but this lanky 5'4 manlet is telling them what to do.
Daniel was good, he isn't a bad actor. Believable plus I mean he says "shut the fuck up nigger" and that was the best scene out the whole movie.
I mean you should have expected this when watching it. Pic related was this directors only other movie, what a coincidence.
As a film the plot was almost cartoonish, the portrayal of everyone involved was so basic. And everything kind of happens at chance. Atleast they portrayed some of the white power people as rich intellectual suburbites. Yet hes stupid enough to trust some douchebag with plans to bomb a city.
Expect a bad movie and you'll be impressed.
Sup Forums was right all along
I've gotten to the point where when I hear Edward Norton give speeches in American History X, I agree with him
I still think neo-nazism is fucking gay though
It's a pretty generic looking jacket and most clothing stores would have something like it.
I laughed when he said "jew jeans"
my man daniel was /fa/sh as fuck in that movie
wtf i hate gryfindor now