What does Sup Forums think of H3H3 productions?

What does Sup Forums think of H3H3 productions?

not as funny as they used to be but I still like them. They'll be on a talk show soon enough and completely sell out. After that, not too sure

Turn off the electric jew.

Unsubbed like 1.5 years ago when they started pissing the bed over adverts and generic youtube drama.

good youtubers, although they have fallen off a small bit they can probably pick themselves off
>inb4 "hburr durr jew lmao sellout lol!!! :DDD"

>makes inb4 comment
>is late by several minutes

i think they have good ideas but the application kinda fails, like funny failures lol
some of the podcasts had been dope.

the payday2 dlc is real??

Trash now. Hila is retarded and Ian got old.

Legendary, but the fan base is crawling with redditors

sold out for the typical youtuber audience and money

good on them for making it, but I'm not interested in their content anymore

Not as good as they were, but still one of the greatest channels in history in their prime.

One of the best imo

Run out of ideas for vids, Ethan?

I liked it better when you would cough at the cancer. id fuck your gf tho ethan. hilas hotasfuck

used to be funny, but after they got popular and suddenly decided to be moralfags, it turned to shit. now it's just another garbage LA-based youtube channel with shitty thumbnails and clickbait-y titles

>hilas hotasfuck
She's an ugly jew that talks like a literal retard.

hey ethan dicc piccs or gtfo

Too many chins

I'd let them cover me in peanut butter and do weird things to me.

Unfunny, just another gay news channel now, YouTube is pretty shit, so sick of YouTubers reporting news and trying to be funny by making a glorified reaction video, 2008-2012 was the golden age of YouTube

Hila Kleiners for life dawg

Hi ethan, big fan.

I think shoenice has said everything that needed to be said.

I agree some of their content has been pretty bad in the last year, but I still absolutely love them

Hila Kleiner for life

I hate them. Here's why:
Coughs, like an old man because at first it was funny but now just does it and stares into the camera while doing to point out he coughing like and old man. Its not funny. Forcing shit makes it not funny. Oh, look he has a lot of chins. How funny! Wow! he has a big gut. luLZ! oH Look his wife is there. She can't seem to speak without opening her mouth, she just stares with her gross wet eyes and most likely is controlling Ethan with a nasty witch finger. She is not attractive. Who in there mind decided that she is attractive? No one. She is foul and horse faced. She belongs in a BEFORE picture where the AFTER picture is some other JEWESS. I hate them both so much. Please just fall off the volcano cliff and melt

I really admire Ethan. He's able to hang out with really successful and hilarious people, and gets to make a living (somewhat) on his own terms. He really has great comedic/improvisational talent. I don't think just anybody could do what he's doing

also this is not Ethan

Why do you care, faggot? Do you really need other people's approval to like something?


Oh. Okay then. Carry on space ranger.

look at me guys its a funny face shorten look at me guys these are always funny

Naysh was fucking gold. Ass blasts were awesome, now its podcasts and weird meetups that aim at being funny but fail.