Gonna anhero tomorrow in a head on. Make me laugh on my last night Sup Forums

Gonna anhero tomorrow in a head on. Make me laugh on my last night Sup Forums

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if it kills you, it will most likely kill the other person you hit. Nice work, murderer.

So, you're gonna hit some innocent person with your car just because you're feeling like a suicidal piece of shit?

Y'know i've always wanted to fine porn of girls who look like this. Got any?


Not gonna hit a car or truck. Gonna hit a semi.

i have a semi

I dont someone does, someone always has some.

pills exist to supress suicidal tought.


Still could kill the driver of the semi or cause him to crash into innocent people. You suck. This is a bad plan. Just put a generator in your vehicle and die painlessly. Or you know, live your life and make it a good one.


Don't drag innocent people with you.

go out like that GIF of achina man on his bicycle
driving straight under a huge lorry.
Explode so yoru family will have to bury a big bag of guts

Don't pussy, lucky you got a gun

Killing yourself is the funniest thing. Its ironic to take whatever is going on in your life is so serious that youve got to kill yourself, while not takin your own time serious. Real silverstein kinda outlook

I'd definitely fuck a girl like that if she was cute

I just find life is pointless so I see no need to be here. Plus I've always felt like something was missing in it and always wondered what was on the other side.

Endless void of nothing

There is no other side. Faggot

>Drives head on into traffic
>Somehow survives
user if you survive you have to live the rest of your life in jail

I dont want this to be the truth. What a cynica, depressing outlook

Realistic and logical outlook you mean?

Just kill yourself right now you useless cunt

so another kid that can't find "purpose" so he figures death is the answere. how about you go out and do something, anything. join the military or even better go over seas and fight for freedom of oppressed nations (kekistan, kurdistan are both good). or just go wonder the wilderness and learn how to be alive.

cant you just make a list of the biggest scumbags in your town and murder them, like animal abusers etc. then kill your self before cops come.
would be legendary, u can be remembered for something besides being the barnicle on a neck beards scrote

stop being a shit head and try living before dying

naw dude, dick move to your family. Shit will change eventually, life is a fuckboi rollercoaster

I'm going to just leave this here.

awesome!!! now your family can finally have the life they were dreaming about until you came along...make sure you aim for a really big truck or a train, make sure you get it right the first time so no one has to take care of your lame ass after...good luck!

It's very unlikely that you'll die. Cars have been too safe for this to work for several decades now. If you do manage to sustain fatal injuries, it will probably be a painful death.

>I never got why people would kill themselves. So if you want to die you obviously don’t give a fuck. Like, >about anyone. ‘Cause if there is anyone who loves you, you don’t give a fuck about them, or hurting them, >and if there’s not, there’s no one to give a fuck about. So instead of killing yourself, why don’t you just >get the fuck out? Leave the basement, leave your house, leave the motherfucking country. Go on an adventure. >Spend your time doing something awesome, like tracking down some terrorists. Go be James Bond. Go fuck up a >shark with a harpoon. Danger? Fuck that, you were going up against 100% death rate before, you’re being safe >now. Fuck EVERYTHING, man, the world is your oyster. Sometimes I wish I was suicidal. I’d pull the barrel >out of my mouth and point it in the air, start a revolution, LIVE. Move to Barcelona, hit the bars, band >some chicks. STDs, who fucking gives a fuck? And then when I’m done, maybe I wouldn’t want to kill myself, >’cause I’ve seen how beautiful this world is.

>Curse of the 4th
>Opie sucked but its not any better without him on the air

Why do you want to end it all user?

Has anyone fucked a girl like this? I mean I know pussy is pussy but what was it like?

I stopped listening after ant was fired. Opie was always the killjoy, but I liked the 3 of them together. I just listen to old classic episodes now. Chip's podcast is kinda good, tbh.

I love Shell Silverstein

What kind of stupid ass question is that?

I didn't even know I was suicidal until I started reading this and by the end I wasn't suicidal anymore. Good job user.

I'd tell you life gets better but it stays fairly the same, unless you meet new people.

I considered my life significantly better after i got a girlfriend. Eventually got married and life was like "woah hold on." and then i got cheated on.

So yeah, good things as often as bad ones do. Stupid decisions get you stupid rewards. Suicide is a poor choice though, life does have its ups, especially when you bank some cash.

If youre going to go out though, you should do it like that guy who went to mexico and snorted coke off prostitutes. Maybe that might bring some hope back into your life.



If you are going to an hero at least make it fun or interesting. Go out in style instead of fucking over somebody else.

Also doesn't guarantee death, you want to end up paralyzed with no way out? Think dude, think. Be smart and creative dude. I believe in you.

What do you do with epileptic lettuce?
You make seizure salad!

What is this skin condition called and why do I find it hot?


kinder egg

Go tour the world or some shit, or find a purpose some other way. Your parents spent lots of time and money into you, idiot.

The world needs your help you lazy shit. Do you have any responsibilities to any other people ? There is so much you can do to help others. Get to work.

It's an outlook that permeates your living metaphysics. From a materialist perspective, your brain has evolved to be a self-aware bullshit generator. When it stops, game over. No spirit, no afterlife.

crash into a lightpole or something, don't risk anyone else's life

all you fuckers might laugh, but she's at least somebody's fetish here
