Are all russian posters really depressed homosexuals, or is this some sort of inscrutable Asiatic joke...

Are all russian posters really depressed homosexuals, or is this some sort of inscrutable Asiatic joke? Like is Ivan and Pyotor yucking it up in the People's Library, pretending to be faggots on an american imageboard?

Their poverty causes them to do really deranged things.

They're all depressed but I doubt more than 10% of them are homosexuals

"Vladimir! I've done it again! I've posted a man's ass! XAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXA!"

i'd say close to 40%
just like everywhere else statistically
unless they have a natural aversion to these kind of things


When your government is strongly anti-gay, being a homosexual is a form of protest.

40% gay is only plausible if you count everything but strict hetero as gay

Most Russians are depressed as fuck it's true but not all of them are homos. I hardly doubt that there is a lot of them even on this board they just happened to be most vocal and flamboyant group of Russian posters here.

>meet Russian online
>he's extremely gay and is constantly acting like a faggot
>he vehemently denies he's homosexual and pushes that he's straight
I understand this man does not represent Russia, but what the fuck?

woah really made me think

And, as we all know, Russians love revolutions!

literally no reason to be depressed in r*ssia in 2017.

>literally no reason to be depressed in r*ssia in 2017.
You must be memeing Sven

>being a homosexual is a form of protest

There are many gays with stockholm syndrome in Russia who totally support the government.

>i'd say around 40%
Maybe among white Americans who are told in the media it's cool for white men to be gay.

Indeed! Incredible county we've got here.

they seems really depressed but i didn't notice that they were gay desu. How can you be gay in russia ? the women are top-tier

I have never seen a real gay IRL.

same here lol

Дaжe yлицы эcтoнcкиe, нихyя cвoeгo нeт.

There are too many sluttish qt girls to be gay actually

>tfw you haven't ever had one

Japan seems more comfy desu

Neither did I. Russian boibucci lovers Sup Forums are either roleplaying or deeply closet IRL.

Ivan is so straight that its population is going down.

>or deeply closet IRL
>being open about your sexuality in Russia

Why are Americans here so obsessed with Russia? Is it a Sup Forums thing only?

Sell us more land.

иди в жoпy

many americans still have interest to russians after all that cold war shit. they kinda retarded regarding this issue, many people suppose cold war is going on and russians still want to destroy USA with their huge nuclear rockets.
t. russian who have been in US.

don't forget that they are also atheists

>the women are top-tier

not everything that shines is gold

I'd rather say whitened sepulchres desu

God is but a artificial construct of men unable to accept the simple fact that our life is meaningless and there won't be any bearded dude to await us on the other side


mostly this. they probably think it's cool to act like faggots and pretend they are homosexuals since everyone knows most russians hate gays (and that's totally true). they just seek for attention and sympathy mostly

Just like russians still blab on about WWII? You guys are almost as bad as them

>many people suppose russians still want to destroy USA with their huge nuclear rockets.
haha what imbeciles

>it's cool to act like faggots
Lost my sides, them conspiracies am i right? Nah i don't think they pretend to be faggots they really are queers and are seeking for attention and sympathy through camwhoring their boi bums.

i mean it's cool to act like faggots on Sup Forums not generally

I strongly doubt there are any Russian gays at all. Lot's of bi, on the other hand. Every Russian poster is bi. Every imageboard poster regardless of nationality is bi to a certain degree, that's for sure. The rest is just memes.

There were always a lot of gays on imageboards and it's trendy to love boipuss combine the two and you got yourself a flamboyant gay russians flashing their body parts on cam and flooding threads with them creating an illusion of massivity of gays among russians posters
Truer words were never spoken
Being bi myself

Cyк, фaшиcты eбaныe

Being surrounded by all these qt whores that would let a dog fuck them but still being a beta kissless virgin just fucks you up on the head

>all women around me are but bitches and whores
>i'm a kissless, hugless, virgin who has never got laid
You can't make this shit up

>Being surrounded by all these qt whores that would let a dog fuck them but still being a beta kissless virgin just fucks you up on the head


maybe its just that your dumb ass sees everything as gay

Don't understimate me so much, i have hugged my cousins a couple of times.

I bet your mother has smooched you too

>tfw have hugged goodbye a legit 10/10 qt pie who was a friend of my friend
>done it three times

was awkward af. i'm not even sure if i ever knew her name, can't remember it now. haven't seen that friend for like 9 years. 9 years... that's probably was the last time i hugged a girl in my life.

You're not the only one