How would you have fixed this show after season 4's finale?

How would you have fixed this show after season 4's finale?

Quit while I was ahead

>Season 5: Dexter trying to put his life back together after Rita's death. Dexter is careless with a kill and a homicide case opens against him. After several setbacks, the department acquires damning evidence putting Dexter at the crime scene that night. Deb tries to confront him but incidentally tips him off

>Season 6: Dexter is on the run from the FBI after failing to flee the country.

I won't attempt to write any more but anything is better than the shit pile we got in season 8. At least it would have created real tension and suspense instead of playing is safe like they were for the final seasons.

how about not have dexter get involved with a female character literally right after his wife got murdered.

the fuck was that? that shouldn't have happened so soon. i realize what they were trying to do, making lumen into some symbolic version of rita that dex needs to save, but what the fuck, slow down. you don't immediately jump into a story like that. fucking rita's corpse wasn't even in the ground and he was already involved with lumen.

>yfw the show went downhill because Michael C Hall stuck his penis in Julia "homewrecker" Roberts

The actresses' name is Julia Styles user

Dexter struggles to continue killing while raising Astor and the baby and the other kid.
Instead of having that gay kid helper and the shitty rape lady to help he instead trains Astor as his apprentice.
also he has sex with her and she walks around barefoot a lot in her panties and nightshirt.
and deb shows her tits too

wew user...


>mfw astor is legal now


she has a booty too

Have to retcon season 3 and 4 on account of them sucking. Bring back Rudy and doakes.

Nice opinion, my dude

i dunno
when they introduce yvonne strahovski and have her tied up on the table dexter fucks astor on top of her and then her fucks yvonne after

>yvonne strahovski

dont say that name again i dont have any semen left

Christ how hold am I?
I swear I see everyone growing up but nothing is happening.
Time just flies by, shit.

No womemes

People would get upset and the show would be cancelled

>You look so much like your mother

cancel it. Impossible though since executives only care about money.

I would've just stopped after 1 to be honest. It ended in a way that could've been an ending for the show. 2 and 4 are great but they hook you in for the rest of the clusterfuck.

Fixing it would involve him gaining his humanity slower, actually giving a shit for more than an episode when he violates the rule of Harry, Miami Metro catching onto his shit, and rewriting the entire second half of the show.

So why is he still alive at the end?

no good reason really

They want to continue the show

By ending it at season 2 with dex and his bro killing deb and riding off into the sunset.

>after season 4's finale
It was bad before then, friend. Coasting on a decent concept for a while.

Don't kill Brian, don't kill Doakes, keep women out of the writing room. Those are how Dexter could have lasted for 25 seasons and been legendary.

women writers,thats also why it's shit after the first 2 seasons

>an entire season, 44-50 minutes; 12 episodes per season dedicated to Dexter on the run.

What the fuck? Jesus christ man get your shit together. You can just merge season 5 and 6 together and you would still be finding material to fill in the spaces.

Reboot it and follow the books. RoboDoakes, the Astor and Cody serial killer club, Dexter invading Bohemian Grove to stop the Cremation of Care, Dexter vs Body Worlds, Dexter vs Pirate Cannibals, it's dumb but amusing as fuck and way better than the original episodes Showtime came up with.