How do we bring diversity to lithuania to improve their happiness?

How do we bring diversity to lithuania to improve their happiness?

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GAYthuania hahahahaaaa

frick off ya fucking wanker

Why are Lithuania's borders so fucking ugly? Especially those two little tumors that jut into Belarus

Lithuania? More like AFRICAnia

Diversity would make us more unhappy we don't want shitskins.
We need money, money is all we need.

>money is all we need
Fuck off Jewthuania

There are almost no jews in Lithuania.
btw transfer some money

Sending 800.000 gypsies to Lithuania immediately. You WILL be culturally enriched, and you WILL enjoy it.

From Hungary, with love.

no you can keep them, those bastards are like the worst ""people"" ever

No, no, but I strongly insist! They're yours, do with them as you please.

They're a gift, you wouldn't be so rude as to reject them? Nah.

that is not a gift a freaking plague is not a gift mate.
But we can give you our gypsies if you want, I think they would live more happily with all those other gypsies that live in your country.

i dont know but i can make one lithuanian happy by giving the opportunity for a green card

Don't be coy.
Think of it this way, at least gypsies aren't Russians.

some of the Russians are alright and they are better 1 million times than gypsies.


import more russians

You don't get it we don't need people
We need money

>There are almost no jews in Lithuania.
Isn't Vilnius considered the Jerusalem of Europe? I remember reading that somewhere

Make money yourself you fucking parasite

join to poland

It was considered long long time ago, but now it isn't.
now Vilnius have just about 2000 jews.

we dont need money we need people with different mentality in government who aren't as greedy, why would you need money if you won't get it because some old fart blows it on forks or whatever

Yeah I know, but that is pretty impossible, most of the humans are greedy, especially here in eastern Europe.

consumer culture makes people greedy, people need more and more

do you really think that people in eastern europe are so lazy and just don't want to make money by themselves?
it's the eternal wh*te man (germans, anglos) who are preventing us from earning good money. they steal all the resources and exploit us (=eastern europeans and russians) so the wh*te man can be even wealthier and we even poorer.

You don't fucking bring diversity to Lithuania you donkeyfaced idiot. Lithuania is fine without it. They just need more companies, infrastructure and investors. Fuck off with your bullshit.

Whom do you hate more, Gypsies or Russians?

Well obviously gypsies, some of the Russians are quite alright.

If moot had permabanned scumbag infested shitholes like australia,britshits and canada this website would have been at least 3x better in quality and quality people would also browse it.

Instead it's a gutter shithole where people like me have absolutely 0 respect for. Because how can you have respect for a website that allows scum from australia to post?

I'd love to see 4shit shut down, or blocked in my country all together like China did.




Well yeah but Estonians had same opportunities as us, maybe their relationship with Scandinavia helped more, I don't know. But they kicked out the commies and brought some innovations.

But also it's true that if we magically got 800 € instead of 380 € as minimum wage, obviously the prices would rise and people would still complain and complain and complain. When you pay people more money you gotta take that money from somewhere and it's not coming out of the ass.

And people here are stupid and thick. Average 'I would be a great president' Joe thinks that if he came into power he would immedaitely raise pensions, salaries and drop the prices and everyone would be happy, because that's how it works.

this, you import more people once the people are getting such high salaries that they don't want to work shit jobs for shit salaries. When people don't want to work for 380 € a month, you don't just import the enrichers so that they can work for even less, that's not going to raise the quality of life for anyone at all.

>But also it's true that if we magically got 800 € instead of 380 € as minimum wage, obviously the prices would rise and people would still complain and complain and complain. When you pay people more money you gotta take that money from somewhere and it's not coming out of the ass.
First of all if we would do that shitload and I mean shitload of companies would bankrupt

import half of their population in somalis

haha wow funny how about we nuke Columbia?
that would be funny right? am I right? :DD

needs more russians

Thought it was a tarded up map of Africa.

From kangz to Eu slaves pretty sad.

i ain't afraid of no nukes, try me, bitch

well yeah too bad that nobody would waste a perfectly good nuke on your pathetic shithole

atleast that something we got on our favor, you live in a shithole AND live with the risk of being invaded at any time

You don't even need any risks because you are already killing each other like savages in your shithole of a """"country"""".
Besides nobody is really concerned about those risks here.

yeah, i was killed once today, yesterday twice, life is hard

You will never know when you time will come.
It didn't happened yesterday or today, but tomorrow might be the real judgment day

yeah, that's why no one my family has ever been killed, i think you won't be able to say the same when the russians arrive

They might never arrive at all.
There is no reason for them to do this.

Didn't you kill yourself yesterday?

is that what you say to yourself? is that what lets you sleep at night? is that what puts a smile on your face?
boy, oh boy, i guess that's logical, it wouldn't be smart spending your last days thinking about that, since you might... you know... kill yourself

Suicides rates are actually dropping in Lithuania now we are not even in top 3.
Now we are number 8.
And no I didn't

you are delusional, nobody is gonna attack us

That's a good thing.
If anything, you should worry about the niggers and spics in our military to fuck with people there. Army guys are the bottom of the barrel.

>If anything, you should worry about the niggers and spics in our military to fuck with people there. Army guys are the bottom of the barrel.
I don't think that there are that many of those guys here.

Pretty sure we are in second place right after Greenland
there are 2016 statistics

Hmm they must be in Poland then....lucky you.

ok bro, just don't do it

well according to 2015 data we are 8th.
Show me the stats if you gonna find 2016 data.

8th is according to WHO, I don't know how they compare the data but they somehow standartize it by age. 2016 data is preliminary but according to it, 53,2 males and 8,5 females comitted suicide in 2016.

According to WHO, 47.1 males and 8.1 females comitted suicide in 2015 while that graph shows that in reality 56,9 males 10,2 and females have done it 2015. They must be comparing only similar age of people who suicide in different countries or something like that, maybe in some countries not as many children do it as here. But this is the reality.

hmm I could have just attached the image
it's a bit less than previous years but the difference is marginal

Thanks, but that also could mean the same with the other countries and if that would be true then we would still not be in top 3

maybe, though around 8 or so years ago we were first even according to WHO, and below the WHO list you can see national statistic from each country, just the years are different. for example South Korea stats are from 2015 and they are still quite high, but we are definitely higher. It's only unclear with countries with stats from 10 years ago. I'd say we're definitely there in top 3.

And it doesn't help that we are 1st by alcohol consumption in the EU and 3rd in whole world.

Well maybe you are right.