Why is Trump being dissed so bad at the G20...

Why is Trump being dissed so bad at the G20? No respect at all from other world leaders who are walking all over him and showing just how inexperienced he really is.

Totally unpresidential, and unpatriotic and a complete embarrassment to America.

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I mean, yeah.

he is an incompetent twat. that is the reason.

>the liberal candidate I wanted to win even though I didn't even vote didn't win so I'm going to keep crying


Yeah, they have been walking all over him for years while he owned every business in their countries.

OP is an idiot.

its history. she ran, she lost.

You're taking this the wrong way. Merkel did that because she is so embarrassed that the German people are rioting in the streets and burning shit down.

Nice use of examples and sources





trumpettes can't stop talking about Hillary when defending drumpf.


Stay salty OP!

>Trump being dissed so bad at the G20
>Source: mybutthole.com

What's got the Germans so rustled? Is it immigrants?

Podesta: "Why is he tweeting when he should be doing his job?"


Join discord.io/blackout for nudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Join discord.io/blackout for nudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fixed that pic for ya

Join discord.io/blackout for nudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're trolling right? Most pictures are of him surrounded by leaders, w8th Marcon standing by himself.

>s-stop m-mentioning Hillarys defeat!!!

lmfao :^)


Op watches MSNBC

>By John Podesta


Why is Podesta letting people hack the DNC when he should be doing his job?

Liberal tears are best tears

He isn't. If you actually payed attention you would've seen that the world leaders worked with him and showed him respect.


Pick only one

But laugh at him behind his back. Or in front of his face.

It's gotta be painful trying to be conservative. Your guy wins by cheating and you want to be happy, but then you realize he's a fucking idiot and isn't going to get anything accomplished whatsoever.

We took your guy away from you less than 100 days into his Residency. It's over. He's done. Obama had a glorious 8 year run and is loved around the globe. Trump notsomuch.

It's gotta hurt.

>mfw tweenagers believe this is trolling

Hi shareblue, how ya doing? Don't want to talk about Trump's killer speech in Poland?

Clinton supporters can't handle losing with any kind of grace.

Body language experts say otherwise.

>fucking idiot
Trolls people on twitter. Media & Celebrities get triggered. So he does it more.

It really shows which group is the idiots.

Seth Richards was the leaker he was murdered for leaking the information

how do you know that? You sound like a butthurt liberal, like maher or colbert.

Which ones? Citation? Oops.


>we took your guy away from you

You off your meds user? That's some heavy duty delusion there.

>Seth Richards

Don't know of any Seth Richards. Seth Rich, yes, Seth Richards no....

>found the CNN viewer

sad crybaby detected.

>tfw trumpettes can't even get their conspiracy theories straight

the losers can't top crying.



Got any proofs?

>Obama had a glorious 8 year run and is loved around the globe.
That's some reaching.
Even blacks think Obama is a joke.

its he involved in pizzagate?

>.02 has been added to your account

pick two

you're fishing in shallow waters

yawn. so lets se it?

sad, no citation. other than his asshole.

I find it fascinating that political debates always devolve into both sides calling the other names with no legitimate progress made in any direction. You morons do this a lot quicker than anywhere else, too.

ad hom. nice. they make you wear that helmet for a reason kid.


>Why is Trump being dissed so bad at the G20? No respect at all from other world leaders who are walking all over him and showing just how inexperienced he really is.

You just answered your own question
a pushover, who is utterly inexperienced.

Also, the fact that in the tradition of a long history of dictators who've done similar nepotistic appointments, today he placed his own daughter - a socialite with absolutely NO experience in politics, yet alone international politics - in his place as the representative of the United States in the G20 conference earlier, while he went off for a meeting of his own.

that would be nepotism, at the least, and yet another unprecedented action by a US leader, to go with every other thing he's done that is utterly unprecedented.

The worst bit is that his supporters wont think that's there's anything wrong with that.

you haven't been arguing for long have you?

also, Trump has been butfucked on a lot of deals, but that does not matter. Big difference between being a representative of a government talking serious politics and real world issues, with hundreds of trillions of dollars at stake, and the lives of the world population, and being a pissant hotel builder worth a fiftieth of the value of Lichtenstein.

One thing that he is doing is handling a golden gimme to the democrats for the 2018 mid-terms. The House will be won by democrats, and quite possibly even the senate.

Even many republicans are sick of his shit. Nothing but empty promises and lies. Meanwhile real working Americans are suffering, and won't be voting republican again for many years to come.

But the emails!





>Obama had a glorious 8 year run


totally unrelated response
autism confirmed.
take your meds kid.

>anyone who disagrees with me is a shill

sure kid

His hardcore supporters will praise the fact his putting someone inexperienced and embarrassing the united states. Any centrist who voted for him thinks its fucking embarrassing.

Heh, he doesn't own shit. All he does is sell a license to use his name. Real businessmen then go out and build.

*You* probably have more tangible assets and wealth than the President.

Oh god someone send this to him so he re-tweets it! The media would flip the fuck out!

>trumpettes can't stop talking about Hillary

You faggot losers want to forget all that, but you can't help raging and spilling your spaghetti over the fact that Donald Trump is your president every single day lol

what a great president.
I'd vote for him again.
said no one ever.

yes you are

killer speech - yeah he went to the most right wing and protofascist country on the planet to find an audience that liked him. Lets see him give a killer speech in any civilised country...

and he said he wants to do a trade deal with Poland - but Poland is part of the EU so he can't - idiot does not know anything about international trade (even if he knows about the hotel business... but not the casino business, or the steak, or the vodka, or the university business...)

nice shop



You don't vote, your face gets eaten.


>working Americans are suffering under Trump

>didn't see the June numbers that were just released.

Unemployment down again. Job creation up. Reality is different than your narrative.

2 shekels have been deposited to your account

But who was he meeting with? Everybody else was at at the table.

>will praise the fact his putting someone inexperienced and embarrassing the united states.

its almost like they're traitors to the nation working as a fifth column to undermine the US.

Trump will be tired of being President by 2018 and will run Ivanka instead. All these experience she is gaining will be used to convince people she's the right Woman for the job. Ivanka Trump will be our first female president. Plus side is she'll also be beautiful.

>triggered af

Trump rules and you love cock in your ass.

Do you cry into your pillow at night?




great again!





tired old bad and untrue meme.

can't you guys find one that tells the truth? that has not been dissected and trashed a thousand times? that actually makes a point?

no you just post the same old shit, because you don't care about the truth - you are post truth. so you can feel good about being winners when the real truth is you are loosing bigly.




50 cents was

