Virgin cause of small dick how can i get biiger

virgin cause of small dick how can i get biiger

lose 120 pounds

having a small dick isnt the reason youre a virgin

> virgin bc small dick
> weighs 600 lbs
> posts dick on Sup Forums
> problably neckbeard
Yeah its totaly your dick

>be me
>7 ish inch cock
>cum when a pretty girl smiles at me
Natures cruel man

You need to beat the shit outta that thing till it hardly don't feel no more

You're a virgin because you're a highly insecure person. I don't even know you and I can sense the insecurity through the screen.
If you want to get laid, you need to work on your body image by working out, cleaning up, eating healthy and staying in shape. This will help your self esteem.
Tell yourself positive reinforcements in the mirror each morning, to help boost your confidence level before you step out for the day.
Stop putting so much emphasis on your dick size, it's just adding more anxiety to your already anxious mind. When you find the right girl, you'll be able to get her off no matter what size penis you have.
There are no ways to lengthen your penis, do not fall for snake oil gimmicks, you'll end up doing more harm than good and feeling even worse about it.

Loose some weight you fat fuck. Easiest way to make your cock bigger.

I try man but I'm uncut and just have a generally sensitive cock. I can usually last a bit by my third time going at it.

Lose some weight you fat fuck

yeah you're right he could tighten up a little bit.

Correct answer. Unless you've had a girl change her mind after seeing it, your small dick isn't the reason.


I have a 5 inch dick and I just boned a girl.

Get some security, bro.

>im going to completely ruin my my dick just to make it look a little bigger.
Enjoy your floppy "hard" cock faggot, you'll be a permanent virgin if you keep stretching your cock.

1) Immediately cut off your penis at the base.

2) Cut off the head of your penis, and pack it in ice.

3) Take the remaining midsection of your penis, and cut it into 5 pieces of equal length.

4) Immediately mail each piece to the first 5 names listed below starting at number 1 through number 5. Send penis only please (total investment your penis). Enclose a note with each piece stating: "Please add my name to your mailing list." (This is a legitimate service that you are requesting and you are paying your penis for this service).

2) Remove the name that appears number 1 on the list. Move the other 9 names up one position. (Number 2 will become number 1 and number 3 will become number 2, etc.) Place your name, address and zip code in the number 10 position.

3) Post the new letter with your name in the number 10 position into 10 (Ten) separate bulletin boards in the message base or to the file section, call the file, MAKE.PENIS.FAST.

4) Within 60 days you will receive over 50,000 inches of PENIS. Keep a copy of this file for yourself so that you can use it again and again whenever you need penis enlargement.

Having a giant cock won't get you laid having a good personality will.
If the girl is all about size she's a shitty woman anyways.

> 1. Throw back a few beers
> 2. Become afflicted with whisky dick (be careful not to give yourself temporary sudden onset ED)
> 3. ????????
> 4. PROFIT!!!!!!!!11!!1!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This contraption isnt stretching your dick, its pushing your fat back in.

Yes, OP is blaming it on his size but it's probably his personality, poor grooming or some other issue that is keeping him from having a woman.

When you lose 10 pounds you gain an inch

A small dick is not the reason your a virgin. There are very few girls who are gonna stop you and leave because you have a small dick. There are girls like that but not many. Your issue is not your dick size

TLDR; Your dick size isn't what's keeping you from getting laid.