New /froggo general/, since the last one hit bump limit
In this thread we discuss Finn's performance in Stranger Things and his upcoming projects.
New /froggo general/, since the last one hit bump limit
In this thread we discuss Finn's performance in Stranger Things and his upcoming projects.
What would be the best Froggo arc in season 2?
Do people here want to see continued Mike/El romance?
>Do people here want to see continued Mike/El romance?
I'm sure they do, their romance was very chaste so far, people didn't get bored with it yet. But I doubt Mike/El will be the endgame. To be quite honest I would love to see Mike go badass pup-video like in the Upside Down in s02.
>To be quite honest I would love to see Mike go badass pup-video
Oh yeah, Punished Mike would be a great development
>tfw only upload of this scene is with Brazilian dubbing
>it's a everyone forgets about Finn episode
>Finn added a post on his private IG
>you will never see it
Is Finn Morena Baccarin's illegitimate daughter?
now this is autism
Yes, Finn cares a lot about autism awareness
Is Nick cute or not I can't tell
Will she be back for season 2?
He literally looks like an anime character
Holy fuck you guys are disgusting pedophiles. hope you all get hit by cars
why is this gay pedo thread allowed but not the normal pedo?
Mike will have upper lip hairs in season 2 and his voice will be deep screencap this post.
Yes. She'll probably have been wandering the Upside Down for a year.
you guys know this is weird right
like you're discussing a 13 year old boy's cuteness and social life
why are you doing this
ehh, he has his moments sometimes
>upper lip hairs
She'll be fat as fuck from all those forest waffles.
There is more autism in heaven and earth, user,
Than is dreamt of in your philosophy
he looks like such a lil' sissy boi
okay, but still
like what would your parents and people you know think about your fixation with a prepubescent boy
holy shit these threads actually make me angry. all pedophiles should be killed
?u wot m8
I'm sure Finn wouldn't mind, he's all for supporting autism
is hotpocketman a gay pedo? why dont he delete this thread?
Yeah of course isn't that why we're all here?
>It's the same cunny spammer sperging out in a Mike thread again
How many hours till Fallon?
posting semi rares
>you will never play games with finn
Someone post Froggo Triggered.
They started without him
I'm mad.
Look at that rare Froggo, tell me what emotions do you see on this angelic face
This one? Or the swirl effect one?
>Huh.. Where am I? What was in that drink?
fucking what? What the fuck, he's the most valuable person there, with It in the making. What kind of shit is that?
no, the one with an orange TRIGGERED band
Am I the only one who thinks his regular haircut looks better than his ST haircut?
It depends which haircut do you mean. If the one from the blue interview, then no, if the one from pup video, then most likely yes.
froggo fans are funny
but millie's fans are just so fuckin scary creepy. Just look at the comment section
>Dylan DeSerre comment
I feel his pain, but still a bit creepy
i fuckin cringed so hard that i couldnt finish reading his comment
>related videos
>froggo liked Trainspotting
Maybe he isn't as pure as we think
maybe pup froggo is the truest froggo
People who put their photos in Finn Wolfhard tags should hang
Have you seen the Paper please videos?
He's trying to bury his past of being a racist sexist loud mouth sperg
>a racist sexist loud mouth sperg
Dare I say he's our guy?
am I the only one really sad about these? They ruin my idea of pure and good Froggo.
can someone give me the link of the video?
Which one of you fags mentioned papers, please during Jack's periscope?
frog off marvelcuck
I hope so
>50 secs into vid and froggo says fuck
nooo my pure baby froggo
>liking shotas over lolis
shit taste lads
This kino always makes me feel like shit, and I don't like Finn's bff
Do you guys think Finn and Noah (Will) are friends? They seem like they'd be good buddies IRL.
yes. el and mike are too pure for this world
>not liking both
boys that age are pretty much girls anyway
Finn is that coworker that nobody wants to hang out with
That's why he's our guy
he actually watches comment etiquette.
Holy fuck he's us
Even the toothless and the black kid hangs out with Millie, but she totally avoids him
he was a fuckin asshole in the vid. Feeling bad for froggo now.
haha, very wrong
they're 12, not 8
maybe cuz he actually likes her??!??!!
He subscirbes him, and also Ethan and Hilla and h3h3
Wanna bet he browses Sup Forums?
he liked this vid
fuck, froggo is the real deal
nah, he's too young.
But one of his fav movies is trainspotting. So, fuck i dont know.
froggo is so mysterious
It's possible, he had to kiss her, maybe several times for that scene. I wouldn't be surprised...
But he's acting like a fucking beta letting her avoid him, she hangs out with EVERYBODY, but him.
What the fuck am I looking at on the right
should Sup Forums arrange a blind date for them ?!?!
I think the guy is trying to play Barbra
the ultimate shota and loli finally together
Millie is the ultimate loli
Shaved head Millie is the ultimate shota
I think that's why this series is called Stranger Things
I'm not into this "shota" shit, but I have to say that he's kinda good-looking, I don't understand why Millie would avoid him
I think this twisted fuck is on to something
Back to tumblr with you, fucks. Finn isn't Mike, Millie isn't Eleven, their lives are not your fantasy
He must be the kind of kid that starts stammering when talking with the crush, maybe she noticed him showing some feelings, and decided to avoid him.
Poor Finn.....
dont hurt my feelings by telling me the truth
>Papers, pleas 2
>Finn prattles about his brother all the time
I can tell he really honestly loves his animesque older bro. I'm envious.
Nah, I think his parents are kinda strict or he's really shy since I dont think he's gonna be on the Fallon next week.
Also, I haven't seen him be interviewed with his other co-stars
what's in Portland?
>Finn talks about 2 girls 1 cup at length
Jesus, I'm going to drop him, the cringe is unreal
Where can this footage be located?
wtf i hate stranger things now
>ultimate loli
literally not, sorry to say
how do i get to casually chat with qt lolis as a job
What did Millie mean by this?
I just know Wyatt guy will show up any minute