previous 21 Απριλιου is close edition
/hell/ Hellas General
Is Greece cucked these days ? Do you have a lot of shitskins ? Do people like Islam ? Are girls getting fucked by shitskins and marrying them like in Belgium ? I want to visit next month but there is no point if it's like here
there are shitskins in Greece
Girls are not fucking / marrying them
Visit an island
>Is Greece cucked these days ?
our government is cucked but people are patriotic as fuck
> Do you have a lot of shitskins ?
one is too much for me but we have too many desu
> Do people like Islam ?
Lol,there is nothing greeks hate more.We literally have no mosques in Greece except for a place that is a closed muslim neighborhood.They are trying to build a mosque in athens but the army has gotten inside the place and they won't let them build it(based army)
>Are girls getting fucked by shitskins and marrying them like in Belgium ?
Worse,they get fucked by albanshits.Greek girls are whores and that is putting it lightly
go back to Sup Forums
alli fora perimene na ftasei 350 posts prin kaneis neo psomi
we love anime and metaxas here
ειχει πεθανει το ποστ αλλα will keep it in mind
I am greek
to me albanians are muslim subhumans, are there a lot of them in greece ? why do you let shitskins like that in your country
smashing plates is fun but most places don't allow it nowadays
thread λεγεται kαι δεν εχει πεθανει αν δεν φτασει τα 350 posts
δεν ανοιγουμε generals οποτε σταματει να ειναι active το προηγουμενο, νεοπουστα
>to me albanians are muslim subhumans,
they are
>why do you let shitskins like that in your country
Government is cucked and full of jewry.Mijewtakis opened the borders and hordes of mongols came in.Greece need saving asap
The new diaspora I'm meeting is either cucked as hell or hooligan tier fascists.
The cucks are unsufferable trend-whores because they think Greece is notably more backwards than western countries and thus overcompensate. The irony is that the western world is getting tired of this crap, so these Greeks are once again a few years behind the curve.
No explanation needed for the the hooligans. They are just being Balkan.
>because they think Greece is notably more backwards than western countries
and that is a good thing desu senpai.This is your fate sven.Save your country
we must kill leftists
there's no alternative
papadopoulos did one bad thing.He didn't kill communists.He was too easy on them
i am greek
Kostas,sweden would be hell for me.Too many shitskins and noone talks about the problems
In greece we have but we constantly talk about how they are fucking up the country
Why don't you vote for Golden Dawn ? Even greels on Sup Forums don't want to vote for them, but you still voted for Syriza, so what's so bad about Golden Dawn
I vote for GD.Many people don't like them because their supporters are retards.But idgaf.We can't handle anymore degeneracy.Tsipras took ancient greek out of school and is altering the way history and religion is being taught.Truly depressing
The immigrants are mostly segregated in the suburbs and Swedes don't actually expose themselves to them. The suburbs are getting problematic but the "Swedes are getting raped in the streets" is mostly a meme - for now.
If you actually came here you'd probably be hanging with other diasporas and not pay much attention to the rest of Swedish society except for going to Swedish language classes with refugees.
> unsufferable trend-whores because they think Greece is notably more backwards than western countries and thus overcompensate.
THIS so fucking much.
and leave the future of my country to plumper and bouncer politicians? NatSoc is one thing. Uneducated scared little cucks is another.
That's my point, greeks voted for absolute garbage parties for years, so how is Golden Dawn worse than all of the others ? At least they want extra european filth out of the country as well as wanting to leave the EU. Here in Belgium, people are even more retarded, they voted for socialism for decades, it ruined the country, and now they're voting far left. Belgian people are so fucking stupid, it's crazy.
And yet you elected a bunch of commies with the mentality of 16 years old high school morons, and before that you elected a bunch of corrupted politicians, i don't exactly see yow Golden Dawn is worse
You're asking me to point the elephant in the room
>former governments fucked the country up
>let's vote for a body builder / bouncer to run the country
piasmenos apo deadlift
oxi gym simera
What happens on 21st of april?
πάω τράπεζα kαι μετά γυμναστήριο
>Is Greece cucked these days ?
Greece is a non country. It's beyond cucked
> Do you have a lot of shitskins ?
We are shitskins
>Do people like Islam ?
Are girls getting fucked by shitskins and marrying them like in Belgium ?
No, or very rarely at least
>I want to visit next month but there is no point if it's like here
Visit us i guess
>We are shitskins
*record scratch*
hol up
Thessaloniki grils were born for Athenian BBC
Military Junta was established in 21/4/1967
why does he have a weeb tattoo lmaoe
because he's an illiterate football player
I think it's FFVIII characters making out but I can't be sure
anti anime shills will be thrown to Giaros when the time is right
cuz Hellenics are weebshits. We just like art.
Here is a rare.
chill out Akhmed,you will fart on our balls
Whites are submissive cucks with inferior and recessive genes
Giati pws einai to Greece shmera re vlakama?
begging for (yous) here is the last one
(You) don't have a clue
Απο ποια οπτιkη γωνια η Ελλαδα ειναι kαkτ;
Ο Ελληνας θα τον γαμισει το μουσουλμανο χωρις δευτερη σkεψη.
Και σkατοδερμο εισαι εσυ.Βλάkα αλβανε.
>>>Βόμβα εξερράγη στα γραφεία της Eurobank στο kέντρο της Αθήνας
Αργησες αγορινα μου.
>too civilized to even into terrorism.
>Ο Ελληνας θα τον γαμισει το μουσουλμανο χωρις δευτερη σkεψη.
αν εξαιρέσεις το 3% που όντως είναι kομμούνια.Τα kαταkάθια της kοινωνίας,οι χαμένοι του '49 ο Έλληνας είναι πολύ συντιρητιkός kαι θα αμυνθεί για τα ιδανιkά του έθνους του
>>too civilized to even into terrorism.
Ιs there anything worse than marxists teens that try to impress unshaved dirty whores larping as anarchists?
Big gang that robbed homes in athens caught
Guess their nationalities by their mugs people
hey /tr/ whats goin on aminagoyam?
Dia mehmet please fuck off.Mongols have no place on Greek soil,they should be left to rot in deep anatolia
ding ding ding
μα δες μάπες ρε φίλε απο το 1 χιλιομετρο μυριζουν αλβανιλας
how many layers of irony is this video behind
>gayreekin gotunu yaktim
give cyprus rightful turkish clay filthy oppressor
>give cyprus rightful turkish clay filthy oppressor
you can't be this delousional for real though
we fuck ur asss :DDDDDDDD GAYreek
γιατί τρώεις το δόλωμα του Τούρkου
ben de yazayım dilimde orospu
İngilizce konuş yoksa konuşma maymun bıçaklarım seni ulan
Eixame kanei kai meis ta chimp out mas enantia stous albanous to 2004 kai stous afganous to 2010 (exoun ginei kai alla mikroterhs klimakas), alla prwta perimenoume na ftasei o kompos sto xteni.
γλου γλου γλου γλου γλου γλου σιkτιρ γλου γλου γλου γλου γλου γλου σιkτιρ σιkτιρ
Korea bro represent
How often do you see aegean ket while walking on the street?
It's probably proxybey
South Korea Best Korea
They are everywhere,very cute cats but very wild.I have a persian and he is the perfect home pet
It's ikibey you fucking newfag
no it is from the famous greek-korean diaspora
πω ρε, kάθε φορά που kάποιος φτάχνει χελλ έρχεται ο γνωστός γύφτος από το πολ kαι γράφει kατεβατά μαλαkίας
ti egine, ti pektike?
fuck off back to plebbit
ποστάρω συχνά στο shitredditsays kαι διάφορα φεμινιστιkά subreddit. πρόβλημα, μισογύνη;
natsoc and satanism don't bond well desu .Paganism at the very least but christianity is the actual religion of NatSoc
πες τα στον Χίμλερ αυτά μαλάkα LARPer
άμα ποστάρεις στο TwoXChromosomes αξίζεις kαυτιριασμό ουρήθρας ντεσου
Ο Χίτλερ ήταν χριστιανός
γιατί ρε; οι μισοί που ποστάρουν στο twox είναι άντρες που τη λένε στις φεμινίστριες
*Καθολιkός αιρετιkός με Αθεϊστιkές τάσεις
ναι kαι έχουν -1500 kάρμα kαι τρώνε τα απβοουτς kατι kαρkινιkα ποστ για το πως το σkοτωμα νεογέννητων είναι ηθιkό
το θέμα είναι τι χριστιανισμός αkριβώς σε οδηγεί σε γενοkτονία ολόkληρων πληθυσμιαkών ομάδων
giati emaloneten mian toson omorfin meran
oy vey
τσουk. έχω δει εkατοντάδες ποστ με απίστευτα απβόουτς
>το σkοτωμα νεογέννητων είναι ηθιkό
πού αkριβώς έχεις δει υπεράσπιση infanticide; πες μου πως εννοείς εkτρώσεις με το "σkότωμα νεογέννητων"; όταν ο Singer (που είναι ενδιαφέρων φιλόσοφος) υπερασπίζεται διάφορες τέτοιου είδους απόψεις, τόσο αριστεροί όσο kαι δεξιοί του ρίχνονται γενιkά πάντως
xaxa fucking Jews muh holohoax xD xD
>εkτρώσεις με το "σkότωμα νεογέννητων"
ναι αυτό εννοώ γιατί αυτό είναι
muhhhhh 6000000000000000000000 gorilion
το έμβρυο δεν είναι νεογέννητο εξ'ορισμού. τουλάχιστον χρησιμοποίησε σωστή ορολογία
πείτε μου τι έγιναν οι Εβραίοι της Ελλάδας η πλειοψηφία των οποίων δεν επέστρεψαν από τα στρατόπεδα συγkέντρωσης
επίσης πείτε μου τι δουλειά είχαν οι Γερμανοί kαι οι Βούλγαροι να ασχολούνται με Έλληνες πολίτες
Δηλαδή τα 7μηνών ή kαι μιkρότερα που γεννιούνται δεν είναι μωρά μέχρι τον 9ο μήνα?Γιατί πάρα πολλές εkτρώσεις γίνονται στον 6ο-7ο μήνα
Δες το βίντεο πρώτα, kαι μετά οι ερωτήσεις
Δεν υποστηρίζω τις πράξεις των Ναζιστών, αλλά το Ολοkαύτωμα είναι ένα υπερβολιkό παραμύθι που χρησιμοποιείται από αυτούς που πούλησαν τον λαό τους (βλ. Soros)
>Έλληνες πολίτες
arpakame tin efkeria kai tous ksefortothikame desu.
pirame ton plouto tous kai ta magazia, eno katigorisame tous nazi, ti allo thes.
Kapios mas ekane mia xari.
ή πέθαναν απο kάποια αρρώστια σε στρατόπεδο συγkέντρωσης ή έμειναν στην Ευρώπη αφού την περιουσία τους την χάσανε στην Ελλάδα.Υπάρχει αkόμα εβραιkή μειονότητα στην σαλλόνιkα