Gorgeous Shots

Post shots that get you wet

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is this a thinly veiled attempt at a grid thread


dubs means yes



somebody stop me

jesus is this Kubricks best shot?

is this movie kino past the kinomatography or all style?



fuck I forgot about this

Almost every shot on 2001.


fuck this movie is so good, best WKW

the grandmaster needed Chrys Doyle

OP, why is this shot gorgeous?



Fallen Angels is great, watch it late at night preferably. It's on youtube if you can't find a torrent.

sucker for soderbergh

Entire film full of beautiful images desu



wat kino dis is?????


Ernest Goes to Russia

This entire sequence

Come at me.


You should probably kill yourself and take your family with you

>56 KB

The Glass Pane by Genndy Tartakovsky

>t. DVD upscale poster
you're not one to be talking either

The parade scene in Innocence, oh God



I watched this yesterday. The whole movie was visually stunning but I think this was my favourite shot. Really bluntly cuts to it, honestly spooked me a bit. Her whole transformation here was probably my favourite scene.








>that obvious Godard influence
>CGI is subtly off in order to subconsciously create a sense of discomfort in the viewer

Is Scarlett's shadow at a different angle to all the CG characters?


>shadows indicate that it's high noon, the traditional time for a showdown

absolute capekino


i look exactly like this irl
people say this to me every time they've seen this

What's that

very nice yellow palettes

i like them
damn you steven soderbergh for making me like piss

jesus christ man

Guilty of Romance by Sion Sono. The colours in this movie are something else, man.


>Guilty of Romance by Sion Sono
Heh, did you namedrop this night or two ago? I think I grabbed it because of that post.

Yeah I watched it yesterday and posted about it in some thread, I forget which though

Yeah good going pham.

Assassination of Jesse James is the purest of all kino




>jesus is this Kubricks best shot?


pretty mediocre film, it just keeps getting worse and worse when i reewatch it


dis nigga serious?

The hair washing scene in Zerkalo alone shits on everything shown here.

I don't care what you say, this was the best monster reveal ever.

I read this title in the catalog as "George Soros"

What has this site done to me?

I know this is a joke one, but it really does show that even the shittiest movies can have unexpectedly good shots.

you should car what I say because you're empirically wrong

What a shit taste, holy fuck

The most recent season of GoT had a ton of great shots.

I remember one where Davos is standing in the snow at dawn where he realizes Milisabdre had the princess killed.

Of course the shot of Jon Snow standing alone vs Ramsay's army is already iconic.

Sup Forums please go


You sound like my dad.

this whole film

Wait a fucking minute. Are you actually saying those shots I mentioned in GoT aren't great shots?

I just joined the thread with that post because it was the first thing that came to mind.


>when you realize that he is exposed to toxic chemicals in these scenes that'd cause cancer to mutate in him


But they aren't talking about video games, user



New Zerkalo looked nice



A:10 V:10 ty YIFY


>shit I cant like Kubrick because he's not obscure enough

lmao kill yourself

what movie is this?


not the most interesting film but certainly had some cool visuals.


Would you recommend it? Reception seems pretty divided between wankery and arty.



anyone have kinogrid for Downfall?

eh, probably not. if i tried watching it again i'd probably fall asleep. there's not much dialog & it's fairly slow.


never liked this shot