Do drug addicts deserve to die?

Do drug addicts deserve to die?

they will eventually.

Deserve is subjective

Everyone deserves to die user

does anybody actually deserve to live?


found the drug addict

everyone in the world is addicted to something.
you for instance are addicted to your pc/smartphone, probably food as well.
dont judge people when we are all faggots in the end

We do it either way

as if it matters, everyone dies regardless

No but yeah but no but yeah.

Hope that cleared things up OP

Apparently anyone who thinks drug addicts don't deserve to die must be a drug addict themself. Fucking retard.


Found the drug addict

What does it matter. They kill themselves every day. It's not about "deserving" it. It's cause and effect.

Newfag spotted.


was a matter of time.

I mean everyone eventually dies but people do worse stuff and dont die so everything is subjective

I don't think so, they need help. But who cares? We all die anyways.



but regardless of your feelings they'll live and die on their own

If they refuse help or constantly repeat after treatment, yes.


2 addicts got stoned with their kid in the car. Not much of a story.

Addicts don't deserve to die but I don't deserve being forced to pay to keep them alive. If they choose to kill themselves they should be allowed go.

We all owe a death, they're choosing how to pay their debt.

Those are two junkies od'd in their car while their kid sits in the back.

no, they should be rehabilitated and then made to repay their debt to society
tough love basically
i don't trust them at all, and i don't like them
but still i think we should refrain from harsh judgment

yes emo fagget


stupid bitch

most people don't deserve to die, but we all do.

drug addicts included.