
>is your cunt homophobic?


Just a little bit


Unless you are a flamboyant faggot which even most gays hate too, nobody gives a shit.

You guys have the most faggots and trannies of them all.
How is it homophobic?


Meme. I've never seen a tranny in my life. Maybe it's just because they do a lot porn

We are bien machos... macho menos

>nobody gives a shit.
if you do something as simple as walking in public holding hands with your bf you'll be verbally harassed most likely, how is that not homophobic?

Don't believe in memes.

Not meme, there is statistics.
They do porn a lot, sure.



>if you do something as simple as walking in public holding hands with your bf you'll be verbally harassed most likely

Again, only if you are a flamboyant faggot. I also hate them too. I'm gay myself and I've never been discriminated.

Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>is your cunt homophobic?
Not really, no.

t. homofag

Same here. Nobody likes flamboyant gays. They don't even like each other.

Only discretely

p.s: mata-te preto paneleiro favelado

It's the same shit everywhere, even in Sweden. Everybody dislikes feminine gays because they are annoying, attention whores, go to gay parades and want to push their sexuality to everyone. Not to mention the victim complex.

No, but I wish it were. I'm sick of seeing these disgusting scum parading on the street or making a scene; since we aren't executing them, the least they could do is show some manners and decorum. I pray that one of these days the poofters will be crushed under tank-treads, their parades replaced with something worthy.

>it's ok to hate someone just because he has a lisp

i dunno. i would say yes but even ruralfags seem to tolerate them.


s-sauce pls

I don't know...

Not really, we just joke about it a lot. If someone in my friend circle said he was gay he would probably get frozen out.

I have never actually met someone who is openly gay

>claims to be homophobic
>keeps sending us shemales

I'm getting mixed messages here BR

Yes, but we pretend not to be so we look good.

A bit

Doing the God's work here, it's not yaoi tho
[Nanamiya Tsugumi] Blue Daisy (X-EROS #50)

thanks :3


How often do you see this?

I'm gay and I've literally never seen it irl.

>is your cunt homophobic?
Sadly no, homosexuals are deviants that should be punished, me and my fellow bretheren keep homos out of my city though, haha!

>me and my fellow bretheren keep homos out of my city though, haha!
explain this

>explain this
I live in a city where the referendum is to hassle the homos until they move out, we do a pretty good job of it.

Anybody acts like a gay, he gets verbally abused during the day, if he shows himself out at night he will get chased for about 10 minutes for fun, if he doesnt run a beating awaits him, haha.

He's probably muslim

This sounds like complete tryhard bullshit m8.

You could actually be right.