
hvorfor har vi ikke lavet en ordentlig nordisk union endnu?

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För Sverige finns.

Fordi Sverige har totalt odelagt deres demografi.

>Norge er endelig uavhengig etter hundrevis av år i en union
>«Vi burde lage en ordentlig nordisk union»


vi har blitt berikade.

skåning här! vi var konungar. vi byggde hela norden med vår teknik.
vi lärde svenskarna och norrbaggarna matematik


svenskarna levde som vilda hedningar innan vi for norrut. De hade inte ens ett skrivet språk. De fick runristning från oss.

Finland is NOT Nordic. Finland is Finnic.

Good post, so can you leave now since you're not nordic.

finland is nordic and finnish

No. Nordic = North Germanic. Finns are not North Germanic.

Nordic Germanic =/= Nordic
You're Nordic because you're from the geographical area of the Nordic Countries, just like you're European because you live in the geographical area of Europe.

why can't we all be friends

Stop playing dense, Jens. Nordic is derived from the original term for North Germanics; Norse, Northman, and referred to them exclusively prior to the aftermath of WW2. Nordic is not a geographic entity, but a political tool that was created to brainwash Finns into thinking of Swedes and Danes as their kin.

We can be friends, just without any faux Nordism.

Jo, men utan finnar.
Nästa gång skapa skanditråd istället.

>Nordic is not a geographic entity, but a political tool that was created to brainwash Finns into thinking of Swedes and Danes as their kin.

that must be one of the most stupid things I've ever read.

fucking right, det gor jeg næste gang.

We've were called northmen, northerners etc. For all of our history before people knew about finnics or northern germanics or such terms. It's nowadays more of an collective term for northmen. And thats what we've been and i swear if you'd not call your ancestors northmen i'd think you'd dishonor them. By disrespecting their lifestyle by denying it.

>fucking right, det gor jeg næste gang.
Bra så, för problemet med "nordic" trådarna är att vi vill ju bara breva med alla men finnarna kommer bara hit för att bajsbreva.
Så skapa istället skandi och så undviker vi dem.

>We've were called northmen, northerners etc
No we haven't, specifically the Norse-derived variants of it which Nordic derives from. Northern is not the same thing as Nordic.

Oh well let me shit gold and eat bricks. I'll call myself southerner then my good sir.

>fede piger er ikke attrakti-

é det du, eller?

Men hon har ju en svart pojkvän ;_;



borde hon inte vara på instaTON, så fet som hon är?

Han er da ikke sort

han är grabben som ska ta hand om jamal och hennes son.



varför sminkar sig kvinnor idag som svartingar?

more like orange LMAO


va menar du?


Att Sveriges existens är cancer och svenskar+Sverige måste dör.

This !

Om du hatar Sverige varför flyttade du dit?

Min familj och jag är tyvärr svennar.
Vi måste dö

Finland is Nordic




Är Karhu öl bra?

yes !!!!!
i am member of soldiers of odin because im a viking
also i am very cool


Vad är groda på finska?

Det är, för en Finsk market öl

Men jag vet inte vad är den smak du tycker bra

borde danmark betala oss skadestånd för de bönder valdemar atterdag slaktade i visby år 1361 och jomsvikingastriderna mot uppsala och andra delar av sverige under vikingatiden?

Jag har bara testat koff från Finland.
Tyckte Koff var helt okej.


samma ko

Det är också en by här i Sverige.

Karhu har mer smak

Bra smak?

En sverigefinne by?

Ingen aning, kanske.

Inte "bra" , men mänlig öl smak


Okej, så det är öl man ska ha när man äter mat då.


Mycket bra!


Hvad tror du selv?

Akta dig, jag är en ursvensk barbar och kan slå ner dig!

Finnar som flyttade till Sverige 1960-1970 talet
och några brottade, är inte som alla Finnar

That's like calling Greeks Turkic and Hellenic simultaneously.

Is Estonia Finno-Ugric or Baltic?


The former. As for the latter, well, they sure do have a lot more to do with Balts than we do with Scandinavians.

But we have a lot common with Sweden

Why are Scandinavian girls so orange?

F in Land!


We have more in common with Estonians, or Balts even.


hvor vil út at fiska við línuskipi?


We're closer to Balts than you in blood, culture and mentality. All that's left is
>muh Nordic economic model
But they'll catch up on that soon enough, and then there'll be nothing left.

>We're closer to Balts than you in blood,

Overall we do, discounting holidays forced by Finlandswedes that nobody celebrates like Lucia Day. That svenskatalande allihuppande sissy culture and mentality you have is alien to us Finns.

Still no.
Finns are only related to balts via blood.
The ones you share blood+culture with is Estonia
And lastly us, you only share culture. But that might change in the future since my nation is going to hell.

No, we have a very Eastern mindset we share with Balts and always have had. That life is wonderful and free of worry sissy mentality Western-oriented Swedes have is foreign to us, like I said.

Vafan, dödade finnarna tråden igen?

upplivnaður tráður

Hur ofta kommer du hit?

Finnarna är irrelevanta utan en egen historia, därför greppar de efter halmstrån för att bevisa att de har varit betydelsefulla. De försöker distansera sig själva från norden eftersom det är tack vare Sverige deras land ens existerar. Det är deras version av "we wuz kangz".

Håller helt med!

>det är tack vare Sverige deras land ens existerar
That'd be Russia, without their intervention we would've been Swedified.

Pardon my french but last i checked it still was the russians who gave us autonomy and told us to stick it up and tell your influence fuck off. Are you Slavic Romanovs? I learn something new from you lot everyday.

we have our own history



eingin fǿroysk gf

>hvorfor har vi ikke lavet en ordentlig nordisk union endnu?

Sweden might be gone, but denmark and norway right behind them.
If there is one thing I don't want for my country it is an underclass of subhumans which have to be praised of acting normal and never to be spoken ill of, even if they commit atrocities. I don't want to purposely make my country worse.

>Danish/norwegian tv 20 years ago
Most immigrants only cause trouble and live on welfare, but it's not their fault. We have to be better at integrating and stop being racist. Report of token muslim, that does something completely normal, getting a job eg.

>danish/norwegian today
Most immigrants only cause trouble and live on welfare, but it's not their fault. We have to be better at integrating and stop being racist. Report of token muslim, that does something completely normal, getting a job eg.
you guys are retarded, that why nordic union is on hold.

You cant offer shit to the north. Your island is litteraly smaller than gotland.

best nature and culture.

Rocky shores and fish?

Wew, i can go to britain or Norway for that thank you.

Mobba inte onda Finland. De har autism.

you experience real nature, not just some multiculti flatland with a couple of cliffs