Why do people hate globalism so much?

Why do people hate globalism so much?

Without globalism we wouldn't have iPhones, right?

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>we wouldn't have the thing invented, refined and designed in America without letting mexicans drive up our housing market

we would but apple wouldn't make $500 on each one while driving their workers to suicide

Economic globalism is generally ok, as long as it's kept in check.

Political globalism (globalization) is something different entirely; it's what you'll generally hear Sup Forums talking about.

Economic globalism only works if everyone does it. The free market US just acts as a dumping ground, while China uses heavy protectionism to keep investors from pulling their money out of the Chinese economy.

This tbqh.

>protectionist communist

Just to make sure you run out of other people's money as fast as humanly possible, yeah?

Why are you a cock goblin faggot?

>Driving up the house market


>Without globalism we wouldn't have iPhones, right?
you say that like it's a bad thing

I like to have a say over my what happens in my local area. The idea of some anonymous bureaucrat in a foreign country deciding these issues is not one I like.

I'm still stuck on why iphones are a good thing. I'll get back to you after I figure that out.

>muh iphone
god forbid we don't have a fucking iphone

Yeah, I guess it is easy to understand that if you don't have any friends

It's a sign of the anti-Christ and the Kali Yuga.

literally these

lopsided implementation of globalism has turned the west into the nail salon China launders its money through at the expense of everyone eho isn't a multi-billionaire

>bernie sanders
>open borders

>Why do people hate globalism so much?

Because they're genetically inferior and are afraid of competition.

Not really, when foreign politicians decide my country needs to be flooded with immigrants because eternal economic growth is more important than protecting the livelihoods of the people who were actually born here

But I guess that's what you mean by kept in check, I dunno

Bernie said he was against globalism and open boarders, Clinton however is for those ideals.

>Apple invented having friends

Bernie opposes trade deals like the TPP, which makes him economically protectionist.

Mexicans like to live in houses, they think they're people.

>we wouldn't have iPhones, right?
No, that's white people that did that.

>ted cruz LITERALLY looks like a serial killer

Because living in CA has taught me that whites are a treasure.


This goes beyond the iphone.

Poultry and fresh fish are now shipped to China to be deboned and processed before being shipped to our supermarkets.


The rich in China don't even trust Chinese made baby formulas, they buy from the United States and Australia. Their FDA equivalent is corrupt as fuck.

You don't want your food to be handled in some shithole factory in China, user.

>Without globalism we wouldn't have iPhones, right?

Thats capitalism you deep fried piece of shit.

Underrated post