If you want to lower abuse rates just legalize ALL DRUGS

>If you want to lower abuse rates just legalize ALL DRUGS
How does this logic work at all?

Money spent on the drug war is spent on rehab.

Do people actually say this? I thought substance abuse meant excessive damaging use of a substance, so by legalizing it you wouldn't really end addiction.

The real question is, can you stop drug related incidents by legalizing drug use?

>wanting a large population of drug zombies with a government which is willing to pay for them.

Legalize weed and we have a deal.

Here is one idea for a causal chain

Legalize Drug - > Reduces the taboo nature of it - > Drug is less desirable - > Fewer people abuse it

Because making it legal means when people have a problem they'll be open about it and not hide it further contributing to their addiction.

Common sense dipshit, look at how many programs there are for alcoholics.

How about this...

Instead of trying to find rationales for legalizing, how about just let people make their own decisions and live with the consequences?

No idea why people use that argument. I buy and smoke marijuana occasionally. If it were legal, I'd grow acres of it.

Also decriminalising drug use allows past drug users to find work and affordable housing after rehab, instead of being locked up and your freedom being stripped away from you.

Yeah im a total dipshit for thinking that theres a reason alcoholism is the most common addiction hahaha
Im so dumb!

Only teenagers use drugs for le epic taboo tho and I'm pretty sure teens aren't the majority of drug users.

alcohol has been ingrained into almost every society for millenia

Can you tell me what is abuse is?

Yeah they should just ban alcohol like last time!

Oh wait they fucking did and found out to be a total disaster.

Similar to the disaster of the drug war, dipshit.

Most people smoke weed and probably 1/3rd would try hallucinogens and then nobody would drink alcohol because alcohol is expensive and weed is cheap.

Yeah XD youre right though!
We need to make heroin as legal and easily accessible as alcohol so it becomes the most abused substance :DD
You know alcohols only as popular as it is because its not illegal right?

Legalizing said drug also increases access to it, rere.

Prevents cyclical criminals. Smoke pot once, get arrested, criminal record, can't get work when out of prison because of record, turn to drugs or crime to cope, back in prison, repeat. Legalize, or at least decriminalization, allows for those arrested to be treated in rehab and prevents idiots teenagers smoking weed from becoming career criminals.

>I know nothing about the prohibition of alcohol and the events that lead back to its legalization
It's been proven time and time again making things legal is better for society.

But you're too young and stupid it seems

Increasing access wouldn't necessarily lead to increased demand user. However, the taboo story would necessarily decrease demand for it.

ITT: People who need the government to tell them something is bad for them.

depends on what incidents need to be eliminated. people will still overdose on drugs and neglect their duties

>Increasing access wouldn't necessarily lead to increased demand user.

even at a lower demand, high accessability can increase usage - when it is so easy to buy the stuff compared with dealing with criminals

>Wanting to pay for the legions of people who will inevitably fuck up with easy access and end up on gibsmedats

Alcohol has been the most popular drug for humanity period for millennia. It's been that way whether it's been legal or illegal. And I very highly doubt it's gonna stop being so in the near future Ayano~

Then don't pay for them.

Personal accountability dipshit.

you just let all junkies overdose and deny medical treatment because the risks and doses are clearly stated in the prospect

there, lowered abuse rates

You put a tax on them that is earmarked for addiction treatment, and if some junkie ODs and has unpaid hospital bills, the hospital should be allowed to refuse treatment. Also, don't bitch if I shoot some junkie in the face for trying to steal my car. Eventually it'll work itself out. You just can't be a bleeding heart about it if you want it to work.

As it stands now, a lot of the violence in the US is related to the risk premium that dealers and gangs get to charge for drugs which are often of questionable quality.

alcohol has been used by a big portion of society, they were used to going to bars and drinking in the evenings - it has traditionally been part of western culture. banning it was much more difficult (impossible) than stopping a drug almost nobody uses from becoming popular
It's silly to compare one thing legalized vs. another made illegal like that. damaging property is illegal. making it legal will not reduce the crime.

>wanting to pay the even larger amounts of money to, in no meaningful way, affect the supply or demand of drugs

Worked great with China and opium

Most drugs aren't pure, they cut them with shit to make the quantity bigger, maybe legalizing drugs would stop bad drugs from circulating. However, street drugs are cheaper so if there is pure legal drugs and mixed impure street drugs, poor druggies will probably pick the latter.

Personally I think only drug sale and production should be illegal and the sale of hard drugs should be considered poisoning or manslaughter. Drug buyers, users and abusers should go out free.

Gubmint selling/taxing the drugs means gangs and cartels don't get that money

The moment the government puts a tax on it, invariably a high one, the black market becomes a viable alternative again

So you admit that you think all drugs should be legal so you can get cleaner shit not because it would help anybody?

Prohibition failed. Hard. That's the logic. Adults are literally just big Kids so they do shit just because you tell them not to. Legalize pot and suddenly it's just smokeable beer and not DOOD WEAD LAMOW.

The "cool because it's illegal" aspect wears off so theres that. Look up portugal drug use stats before and after. Drug usage in portugal dropped 44% since the recreational legalization of all drugs. Drug dealers can no longer exist since their commodity is now public and easy for everyone to access. Drug abusers will always use drugs so you might as well let them ruin their own lives without being dead weight on our tax dollars(putting them in jail). Same thing happens to the cartel, they lose money, and can no longer operate. Maybe mexico can be great again with america if we all just legalize drugs right friendo?

Fucking everyone and their dead cat smokes weed or gets high off their painkillers which they don't even need.

The pharmaceutical companies have us drugged up just as much as we are drunk and making things illegal has done nothing but create drug lords.

So now instead of addicts we have addicts and drug lords killing everything and raking in massive profits through the selling of questionably made and handled drugs which has spread various diseases nonstop including aids.


I don't use drugs personally. I think using it isn't an offense, while selling it is. The former only affects yourself, the latter affects someone else.

The non-clean shit can be dangerous. Legalizing it might make it cleaner, but if the street value is cheaper, it doesn't really make a difference I guess.

Opium has specific effects that make legalization, and even clinical use idiotic and dangerous. It's retardedly addictive. Even if most drugs are legalized, highly addictive and dangerous shit like opium should not be sold recreationally.

1. I didn't say cocaine
2. No fucking shit sherlock

At least for weed states the price went way the fuck down with legalization. Most areas you're going to pay about $250-300 an ounce for good weed while you can get the same shit in Colorado for 90 bucks an ounce, which is unheard of for anything but dirt-ass reggie, which goes extinct when weed gets legalized in an area despite the very, very low price comparatively. Why buy shitty weed when twenty bucks suddenly gets you enough to roll dank blunts all afternoon?

the war on drug is already implemented; the drug legalization plans are still utopian by now so they look better in comparison.

Opium wasn't a problem until the fucking Chinks figured out that you could smoke it. Then chemists started isolating various substances from it and it was all down hill from there.

Alexander the Great brought that shit with him when he conquered much of the known world, and it didn't fuck his army up. If shit ever really crashes, it might be a good idea to have some poppy seeds on hand.

Its druggies wanting cheaper drugs, that's what it boils down to.

>The former only affects yourself, the latter affects someone else.

society generally has a "don't eat ice cream in stores" approach, drug abuse will not only affect yourself unless you're very disciplined, you will begin to leech and be a detriment to others.
Posession of small amounts is a lesser offense almost everywhere.

It doesnt senpai, but the societal cost of increased abuse is cancelled out by not giving a $350 billion dollar industry to shitskins, dindus, and terrorists.

Well it's legal here, but an ounce of weed costs 170 euros. Why buy shitty weed? If you're really addicted and broke (the combination of those two is very common) you'll smoke everything.

What about drugs that makes your body addicted? Stuff like heroin and cocaine. You could legalize those, but people who are addicted will look for cheap stuff to supply their addiction.

>not the drug youkai
Pick one.

the prohibition failure had a lot to do with wanting people to change habits all of the sudden. most adults would rather not get into legal trouble if there was no need for it

1. Legalize drugs
2. Let all the junkies OD
3. Drug customers are all dead now.

It wasn't so much of a disaster as much as it was a money hole. There were some positives from prohibition.

>drug abuse will not only affect yourself unless you're very disciplined, you will begin to leech and be a detriment to others
Leeching isn't illegal.

If it was legal here, and I wanted to smoke it, I would just grow it myself. It's called weed for a reason. I figure if I can grow melons, corn, beans, squash, spinach, chard, etc... it shouldn't be too tough.

Bro idk but I wanna take some weed

What's your problem with me wanting to brighten up my pathetic life in the privacy of my own home? How does this affect you even?

Legalize drugs. Require passing a drug test to collect welfare.

and throw out homeless addicts. place them in a quarantine away from the city

Wasn't alcohol prohibition largely supported by women? Women who didn't like that men were spending time with each other at bars rather than being at home, so they wanted to put an end to the boys' club. Just like feminists and video games now.

>it shouldnt be too though
Marijuana comes from a (sub)tropical plant. It needs high humidity and a lot of light.

If you're an addict you cant wait for a plant to be fully grown. The people who grow their own stuff are generally chill people because they put some work into their weed and then smoke it up when the plant is fully grown. They usually arent constant users ie abusers.

Useless waste of money.

>and affordable housing
You're not cut off from housing in the US for past drug or criminal offenses with the notable exception of convicted pedophiles not living close to grade schools.

I've seen it growing wild in my state. I would also landrace the hell out of it.