How come the EU tolerates total discrimination of Russians in the Baltic states but threatens us for the slightest...

How come the EU tolerates total discrimination of Russians in the Baltic states but threatens us for the slightest things here? Weren't Western states supposed to be the "force of good" yet they show total hypocrisy and double standards when it comes to this?

>The Albanian minority in Macedonia has obtained such rights with the help of the EU that Russian-speakers in Latvia and Estonia do not even dreamed of, said the Russian permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov
>"It was in particular about this situation that the minority, numbering at least 20% of the population has the right to have its language the status of a state. I then asked Mr Solana whether he was planning this principle, which he formulated as universal, to apply to the two Baltic countries. But he went on to say that the universal application of this principle is hardly suitable to specific countries Baltic countries," — said the Russian diplomat.
>Latvia is home to less than two million people, of whom about 40% are Russian-speaking. Russian language in the Republic has the status of a foreign language, and only one official state language — Latvian. Many individuals without citizenship, former citizens of the USSR and their descendants who do not have citizenship of the country of residence or any other state, are mostly Russian-speaking.

Explain this to me.

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lol balkan savages get btfo by turkey

>said the Russian permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov
Stopped reading there

can't discriminate against r*ssians

How did you get out of filter?

Now it should be fine though.

*urla na orkovskom*
*zguta hektolitar ruske sperme *

>"""""discrimination""""" of Russians in the Baltic states

fuck off russians

how many of these mongols have EU citizenship?

Why is it always foreigners complaining about their rights and not them? I honestly have never seen any Russian minority complaining

This is as cringy as the Western fags complaining about someone getting offended even when the supposedly offended person doesn't complain

Because russia can actually occupy the baltics and by doing it get a wider access to the baltic sea, what will expand russian influence in one of the most important areas of europe, threaten trade inside the EU and put pressure over the area beyond kaliningrad and st Petersburg

Russia already got a huge port when they annexed crimea and now they have a bigger geopolitical influence over the black sea, the EU is worried about the same thing happening in the future when the russian population in the baltics surpasses the native population

Now when it comes to the balkans, russians are not in your backyard, they would have to annex the whole of Ukraine/romania and many other territories in order to present a real threat to your sovereignty

But still it seems like the EU is gonna take care of you guys in the near future since there's a new sultan right next to your front door

kuradi venelased

We don't need the EU to take care of us. I want them to practice what they preach everywhere or GTFO with their "holier than thou" and "if you dont't do this..." attitude.

I understand your point, but I'm quite sure you already know how the EU works in practice

They don't want russia to get bigger or wealthier because it would threaten the EU on multiple levels, so they would use this kind of approach only when it fits their needs, just like they're doing in the baltics

But when it comes to smaller states like Macedonia, what will they gain if other minorities claim more autonomy and rights? They will try to secede, cause social turmoil and possibly weaken the sovereignty of your country, making it easier to control and easier for them to get their things through

Why did they recognize kosovo as a sovereign state? Why didn't western Europe intervene in the begging of the civil war back in the 90's instead of calling nato years later?

If anything they'll just profit geopolitical perks from albanians claiming more land in the balkans, just like they did the last few years

You can see a lot of regional sentiment growing in europe, all those referendums in scotland and spain
One may argue that's not the same case, but all those calls for regional autonomy only serves to weaken the "big states" and fragment their abilities to get by out of the EU's sphere of influence

>discrimination of Russians


Because the EU is just an American puppet

>People celebrating V-day or a dude waving a flag
S-so what do you mean by this?

they can do it at home

They are at home. They were born there.

No Way! :O


The west is not a force of good, it is a force to promote the west and it's power.

that's even worse


There are no good guys in politics.


Because this is just a pretense for Russia to grab some more clay on the pretext of defending its diaspora.

Lmao, if russians are discriminated so much why dont they just leave? Ill tell you why, because they are not dicriminated.

> Weren't Western states supposed to be the "force of good"
course not
at most, they're the "force for gay"

that's a stupid argument to be honest

at least they treat their own citizens much better than Russia does

so what
you don't faggots care about how Russia treats Russians
you only mention it as ome soth of an ad hominem argument, but it isn't

we're Russians. when we've had enough bad treatment from our government, we'd go out on the streets, wreck our country and murder some royalty.

and suure then you're all be about how bad we're treating the roylaty again

Fuck off go have a gay parade somewhere else, we're doing fine

>that's a stupid argument to be honest

debate me, user, why dont so called discriminated russians leave? they are living on a foreign land, speaking unoficial states language and being drunk 24/7. Why dont tthe russians get back to russia?

There's no such thing as "discrimination" against russians, only rightful treatment. They've killed and enslaved the balts for centuries, it only serves them right to see their precious people suffer in the hands of someone else than themselves. And they can't lift a finger to stop it.

I actually admire the balts for that. Call them small, call them petty they've got more balls than many western nations.

if 200$ salary is fine 4 u then keep doing what you doing and fuck off from europe

wiki says 5% of your population is Russian. why even worry? Fyrom, the ''''country'''' of OP, is 1/3 Albanian.

I don't care much about Russia, I'm just telling you how it is. it's true that the West is hypocritical but they do treat their own citizens much better, even if they are imperialists like Russia

I wasn't opining on whether they are discriminated. just saying that some discrimination isn't enough to make a whole minority get up and leave necessarily, especially when they have a choice between a EU country and Russia

im tallking about Latvia/Estonia where russian pop is about 20%

again you talk as if you care about my salary
you don't

and don't talk like you own Europe. you don't, and it's a very messy place to own anyway. everybody that did, didn't end well.

My support for the ethnic Russians / Russian-speaking minorities in the Baltic countries.

Their governments carry out policies of linguistic discrimination and ethnic extermination, it's time to say stop.

>ethnic extermination

i wish, user, i wish

> I'm just telling you how it is. it's true that the West is hypocritical but they do treat their own citizens much better, even if they are imperialists like Russia

to me it sounds like "of course zebras have stripes, but you can't drink a chair"
that sentence makes no sence, and while truthful, it doesn't "prove" anything.

as to West treating people well, there is west and "west". Russia treats its minorities like Tatars, better than Baltics treat Russians, for example. Baltics isnt the West, but they're "west" and I assume you count them in

your shithole is directly mending in my country affairs, they wanna drag us to hell with you, if you ask me russians, russian language and russia should be banned from europe

ha. people are leaving your country allright, russians and locals.

it's not instantanious though, it's a process.

you wrote this
>Weren't Western states supposed to be the "force of good"
>>at most, they're the "force for gay"

and I agree with you on that. Western foreign policy leaves much to be desired

but they're still more of a "force for good" considering they at least treat their own people much better than Russia does. even that "force for gay" part you mention is included in that, in fact. it's not a coincidence that the most LGBT friendly countries in Europe are also on average the ones who generally care for their citizens more

Hey guys, report this message to your local police. I just did it.

why doesnt moscow oblast give language rights to milion of central asian turks?


This is why I hate Russia more an more every month. Three years ago I thought you guys were cool.

well some polls say most people in your cunt are not as afraid of Russian "hell" as you seem to be

but I guess they really forgot to ask you

If they are discriminated, how cone they speak Russian every day of their life, uncensored, in shops and other places? Your definition of discrimination must be weird

Same reason people let Prussia get cleansed from Germans without anyone batting an eye.
They are human garbage and can piss off.

Because they don't permanently live here and they don't demand that.

>they don't permanently live
They don't? When are they leaving?

not for long. since info got leaked that you supported ethnic cleansing of serbs from croatia

>but they're still more of a "force for good" considering they at least treat their own people much better than Russia does.
again "grass is green but at least my TV is not a Sony".

we're on an Sup Forums right now. internationally, you don't describe country as a "force for good" because it treats its people well. Because by that definition say Waffen SS or NKVD is a force for good too. I mean, they treated some others like shit, but hey, they had good pay and were well respected.. among themselves and their own.

good question indeed

I din't.
Russians didn't
I wonder who you mean though

They leave and return every year. They just work here. Their families are mostly back there.

you reduced "the west" to "lel faggots" but the thing is that Russia treats even its own citizens horribly so maybe they could use some of that Western faggotry, you know. and arguably, most "western" countries are less of a nuisance than Russia is even with regard to foreign policy

see it that way, they're like lithuanians in actual Europe. Without a home, but they at least can make money in Moscow to feed their families

gotta symapthise

Tell me this:

Is Russian an official language of state institutions in the places where they make up the majority of the population?
Do they get state funding for media in the Russian language?
Are they allowed to have their education (primary, secondary, tertiary) completely in Russian and all funded by the state?
Do Russians get mandatory quotas for employment in government institutions and enterprises solely based on the fact that they are Russians and not because of qualifications?
Do Russians get mandatory state funded university education quotas where the language of instruction is not Russian solely because of the fact that they are Russians and not because of anything else?

I doubt this is the case in any Baltic state.

Grujo will start a war, only to escape investigation.

Woe to the orphans of a dead Empire

They can be happy they didn't got Beneš´d.

yea theres also a toilet in every institution where you get to lick the picture of putins ass preparing for the meetup

most "western" countries are subjects to outside control to some extent.

West as an entity is in perpetual state of war and levelling a country on false evidence is just something it normally does. Russia's pretty much new into the game without hope to catch up.

But at least they care about gay rights, so those half a million estimated dead iraquis and birth of groups like ISIS was worth it, am i right?

you also forgot to mention that you lost the war to people that has those rights in your country
when did russians in latvia went to war with latvia?

ew that's gross even for a hungarian

>it is a force to promote the west and it's power

I wish. So far the only country capable of that is the USA.

>Russia's pretty much new into the game
Russia has been expanding for the last two centuries, what the fuck are you talking about?

but if you let latvians tell you, it's since the beginning of time
maybe you're right and they should pay reparations then, for those imaginary wars?

nah, just kidding. give Russians the same rights minorities in Russia have, and that's that

you destroyed Afghanistan,Ukraine and tried that shit with Georgia, you did catch up pretty fast

>West as an entity is in perpetual state of war and levelling a country on false evidence is just something it normally does

I think we agreed on that in the first place. it's interesting that you're willing to brush Russia's "interventions" on similarly flimsy pretexts mostly aside though. "poor Russia, no hope to catching up to those awful masterminds"

we helped afghanistan

>you also forgot to mention that you lost the war
Good b8, enough to make me reply to you.

last I heard it was shrinking for over a century, what the fuck are YOU on about

I'm talking about half a million dead in wars and regional disasters West initiated. At least half a million. Only in the last 17 years when Putin was even a thing

well these people refuse to learn their new country language and take citizenship

they still waiting for red rmy to return

>help by invasion
good joke temudzin

they gave up on arms in exchange for rights?
was that a win or loss?

>Russia became the largest country on Earth by pacifism, while the evil West is constantly at war

afgainstan is the only soviet intervention, it counts with things like vietnam bro

and in georgia (1000 dead, started by georgian shelling on Russian troops according to EU report) and in Ukriane (10000 dead all told, started after events including a phone call where US State Dept people literally pick Ukrainian prime minister) Russia doesn't come close to hundreds of thousands dead in just one war the West single-handedly started using fake WMD evidence.

why should they? they are immigrants.

true, we never started wars, we only defended russia

Why don't albanians have to learn macedonian in Macedonia and that's ok then?

You are not a serb Look Albeinan muslim short shitskin scum whan we gona take kosovo with all our orthadox broders we will take it with killing all of you muslims scums all off you thet will have a problem with us will be shot to death you monky majmun if you have problem with us lets go out and fight scum any serb will beat you to death even in sports we hate you

Kosovo will be free from Albeinan blood soon mark my words just like krym it will be fast and with full force in the night killing americans in kosovo

Whan the balkan war will start this time serbs are not alone no more giving up we gona fight til death

We gona hit your fake shithole you call county so bad thet there will be no Albeinan man laft gona clean our kosovo from muslim blood and not a single tree or muslim man will be laft in the balkan after we will clean it Albenian scum there is no right for you to even talk the shit you góma see will be hall for you and your doggs

Kosovo is serbija soon mark my words soon

Agia sofia agia teos


People who were born in Estonia can't be immigrants.

yea please dont help anyone ever again

why should I care about some balkan shitholes?

i hope this is pasta

> They can be happy they didn't got Beneš´d.

There is an opinion that if czechs didnt expel germans, they would live 2 times better now, on level of east german regions since germans were smartest part of czechia's population

Hungary and Czechoslovakia doesnt count it seems

worse they are occupants

they should thank every day to balts for the privilage that they can live there

CIA-controlled terrorists tried to start revolution in your country in 1956, we prevented that, that's why you don't live in an ISIS-tier state

You must buy some flowers RIGHT NOW and bring it to monument of red army soldiers

Because the EU which you are part of promotes such way in Macedonia while closing their eyes on the opposite situation in baltic countries.

funny thing is russians are the worst part of Estonian population

Occupant is a person who uses brutal force for spreading his regime's power. This is simply not a case.

lol who cares

only because they lived in an apartheid state.

Estonian nazi state doesn't take them into hospitals, if you're non-estonian and you get sick, you will just die

so how would you call soviet army families?

i wish this was true desu

exactly, they are remnants of soviet occupation

baltic states joined voluntarily into soviet union

CIA-paid provocateurs were talking about occupation because that's what their american bosses told them to speak

huge minority of albanians were always living there

its their country

russians in baltics are occupants who refuse to learn new language and take new citizenship

they should be just expelled to mother russia