Hello b im a time traveler from the future...

Hello b im a time traveler from the future. Tomorrow im traveling to the year 1998 what laptop should i take to make sure i can blend in and also have maximum power for hacking? Any suggestions on hardware and hacking software will be much appreciated.

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Something with a floppy drive and a dial up modem or you won't be doing any hacking at all.

>be me
>be year 2525
>still no cure for autism
>fidget spinner sends me back in time
>better post on Sup Forums

Of course i know this im looking for links to old software vulnerabilities of the 90s so when i can get there i can easily compromise systems. Also what types of hardware can i use 90s hardware for linking to networks.

You're definitely gonna need a 28.8bps modem

idk but bring me a tamagotchi pls

Forget laptops, just get a trench coat and some killer shades and you'll be hacking at maximum power in no time.

Why don't you just hollow out an old hp 2000 series and replace it with a current computer or a future computer. Doesn't have to have the same tech just look the part so no one in the past questions you.

Look up John Titor

Post a pic of something from the future

It has to interface with 98s networks modern day PCs have hardware and software that are designed for advanced encryption and tons of stuff i don't need. I just need the software. And knowledge of any other hardware i might need. Pic related.

>>has the tech to travel through time

>>needs computer advice

prove it with tommorows philly newspaper

Huh, is that why this felt like stale pasta

Mate if you're from a future where time travel is possible, you should just travel back to said future and use information about the past from the internet there

If you're sufficiently in the future, I'm sure they have Cyber Security classes where common vulnerabilities in 90's systems are used as examples

why would you even use a laptop from 1998.
it's basically like using a 2006 sidekick phone in 2017.
sure its a "smartphone" but just barely.

pentium seem pretty cool

Thats why I'm here. All the archives of software vulnerabilities are sealed. In the future all software and hardware is locked down. Open source software is illegal and building your own PC can get you arrested.

It's 1998 and apple stock is $7.00 a share. Why do you need to hack anything?

Just buy 100 or 1000 shares.

Take a new macbook. Won't connect to anything.

Make sure it has a pci bus..

Its not about money its about the future.

a 90's IBM Thinkpad

Thinkpad t40. Futuristic enough but. Or too much.

Don't be a faggot and download Sub7 like all the other faggots in 1998.

>building your own PC can get you arrested.

It's a year before Napster, fuck 98 was literal internet stone age.

suck my cock then mr quantum leap

Disappointing ,looks like i didn't go back far enough clearly no one here has any knowledge of hacking.

You're a cringy faggot, fuck off

Power for hacking?

I wana cut your dick of and feed it to you, you cringy ass fagot!








this. kys op




Buy an old computer, remove all the shit components and cram modern tech into it. If you don't have access to your space tech then use an i5-6700k processor and a gtx 1080Ti vidya card
The 1080 has a DVI output so as long as the back is hidden nobody will suspect s thing.
You are better off taking modern tech, patenting it in the past and licensing it to AMD, Intel, and nvidia

Hey OP can you go back an extra year and cockblock my dad so I don't have to be born?

I wont be doing this to profit it is to secure a future that is free of the regulations and monitoring. To secure a future where everything and everyone is watched and forced to conform. I am doing this for freedom. I know I may not make it back this time and everyone i know or knew may day but freedom isn't free.
