Moral of the story is that you gotta break your illusions and not waste your potential

>Moral of the story is that you gotta break your illusions and not waste your potential
>You must give it all what you got never give up until you reach your goal

>The story was written by two rich kids at Harvard

So was all of this a lie ? you can never achieve what you want by effort and intelligence ? from zero to hero is just an illusion ?

pretty much

but the very fact that youre posting on this board means you've got a better shot than like 99% of the world at hitting your goals because you dont need to grind 18 hours a day in a landfill just to survive.

as a westerner youve got the best chance of achieving your goals out of everyone.

To be fair, only Matt Damon went to Harvard. Bin al-Fleqqi didn't.

Good post OP

I'd like to add ----

Budda was the son of a king.

And hard work gets you no place unless you are in with the crowd.

in my experience anyway.

"its not what you know, its who you know"

>smelly third worlders faces when I'm still not going to do anything and will be provided for anyway
Relative deprivation is a bitch eh

Third worlders don't have goals anyway. It's why they're happier according to studies.

I was raised poor as fuck and got full paid scholorships to great unis. I crashed and burned but I got them, I got the chance.

if you are actually smart and can apply yourself you can go far. america is set up for it. the people that complain are the morons who want a free ride.

I got a 1540 on my sat and I work beside idiots all day. I don't complain because I tried and I failed. but I saw the path.

the path is there, even for harvard. the inly dumdums in harvard are the legacies. everyone else fought for it.

That kind of story barely focus on luck or suitable opportunities as factors.

well, technically, they're happier because the contrast between the little happiness they can get and the utter soul crushing misery of the rest of their lives makes the former seem greater. As since this shit is entirely relative, all that really matters is the distance between your low and your high.

it's all luck, your entire fucking life, everything is based on pure luck

>Moral of the story is that you gotta break your illusions and not waste your potential

>One of the writers earns an additional oscar then goes to play a comicbook character

I think so. I think so very much.

I didnt finish HS but im doing a law degree and have to see a psychologist every week for the next 2 months at the best university in my state

They're doing tests on me because of my PTSD they're not testing my math genius sadly

I feel like this movie a lot, except I can't do magic math I can just orate kinda well

I like Will have no fucking idea what my passion is but I met a girl at uni who I really love and we're not together because I need to sort my life out first, get my head straight, get some more money

Ben Affleck career tanked pretty hard flop after flop before he got into directing so yes.

you sound really smart, tell me how to hack peoples bank money

>as a westerner youve got the best chance of achieving your goals out of everyone.

I dont know if this is true, the goals of any bottom of the barrel idiot in the West is to be a famous rockstar, third worlders goals are just getting a stable life and at most educating their kids

The part about there not being much dialogue with the great thinkers of the western world is bullshit, that is the best conversation there is and makes all modern friendship look like indirect self-interest.

Writers were trying to steer people away from STEM which is fine but replacing it with a duty to reach your earning potential for women isn't a much better alternative - look what happened to professor Robin Williams.

>t. Manchild with no life experience or any real worldy engagement outside his room

that part was about opening Will's social sphere so that he would connect and trust more people

his current sphere was limited to his like 4 friends and that group would become smaller as time went on until he was just alone

he was trying to get him to open up with others more you nitwit not trying to convince the viewer to avoid STEM wtf

It's not your fault user

>>So was all of this a lie ? you can never achieve what you want by effort and intelligence ? from zero to hero is just an illusion ?


that also applies, it's hard not to blame yourself for the trauma because you always go "well if i had just walked down that street or gone to that place or woken up late or never spoken to that person...... then maybe that thing wouldn't have happened"

you can't help but blame yourself for all the little butterfly effect permutations that lead to your trauma and subsequent ptsd

you keep saying this but are you really traumatized? I feel like you REEEAAAALLLY want to tell me something but you don't want to be the one to bring it up.

The movie is pure power fantasy. No one is that good in math without hard work. He would actually be able to solve nothing. Sure he could be able to learn fast but he would still have to go through the college courses and solve thousands of assignments just like any other math major

ive got enough symptoms, i get nightmares, i think about the event like almost every day if not every day, i dont trust people... im definitionally traumatized, ive just lived with it so long i try to be nonchalant about it and repress what i can

i cant work or study properly, so i cant have relationships for very long, so im seeking treatment at the moment by the smartest nerds in my state and im praying they can help me

i dont want to have panic attacks when i leave my house senpai

>Moral of the story is that you gotta break your illusions and not waste your potential
>You must give it all what you got never give up until you reach your goal

That is not even remotely the moral of this movie

if you're so smart what are you afraid of?

having an anxiety attack in public
also strangers who my mind considers to be threats, i.e. hyper-vigilance

that doesn't sound very smart at all

i dont think its a question of intelligence, if you fire some things at the mind itll react in the same way

you should tell some veterans their brain isnt intelligent because theyre weary of every person they see and cant be in a room without their back to the wall

Why did you get raped?

And yet Bin al-Fleqqi is more talented and successful. Really makes you think.

If they're veterans they can't be that intelligent. By joining the army you agree to let the government reprogram your brain.

what did he mean by this?

He was shooting at God

Just because it's not that simple doesn't mean it's an illusion.

You can't win the lottery if you don't play.

that is quite literally only what stupid peole think. are you really so weak minded you don't think you can survive basic training?

the other guy is lying. first off you get a law degree after your uni. and second having ptsd has absolutely nothing to do with gi bill benefits.

that guy is lying.

>that guy is lying
he sounds pretty legit to me, prove it

no university can discriminate against you for a medical reason. no university can pull your psch records. no degree reqires psych visits.

maybe he wants psych visits

then he is lying

nobody wants psych visits?

no that he "has" to see a shrink

It's not your fault ;.;

Maybe he means 'has' to see one as in he thinks can't function without one and is going willingly.

I'm sure he's just shitposting but this is fun anyway.

Buddha left his home to discover what suffering was and what to do about it. Being the son of a king did not help him there.

>be me
>be depressed
>get cancer
>no longer depressed
you might be right

you obviously never served. I am pretty sure he did, as a god damned cook.

the only times I even tell people I am s vet is ehen I want free vet shit. like my fishing lisence.

I have a silver star. for valor. I was part of a vua battalion. that nigga is fake as fuck.