Police beat man after high-speed chase

Why are cops so fucking retarded? They really need to eliminate those IQ limits in this days of cameras everywhere


But he isn't black tho

I'm training to be a cop now

>inb4 pig

Anyways, the reason cops do these things so much is because we are above the law over citizens. Not bragging, but this is how we get away with crooked shit. They treat us better than yall sadly


new speak term for beating the shit outa of an un armed man that is no threat at all to the scumbag cops.

BEST SHIT 2016.....so far......

Yeah but those days are coming to an end. Two cops laid off for this so far.

Dude is gonna definetly get a 6-figure settlement

That news station is shady af desu. Zooming out as the beating begins...

So wait, you give police hard time chasing you and then expect to get same treatment as somebody who tries to fix his fuckup by surrendering and cooperating? Lmao

wow, that zooming out really says a lot about the media

Yes its coming to an end for sure with this DOJ and all the cameras

as if i have a problem with a good whipping after being a piece of shit criminal and putting everyones life in danger by driving like a maniac

let me ask you this pussy leftist

if that man t-boned your mother/family member just driving home from the supermarket how would you feel?

we need to get rid off pussys like you

get the fuck out of my country

go to germany

There's nothing wrong with this
That faggot wasted thousands of dollars because he didn't want to be arrested and he still gets arrested anyway

Looks like a good ol' fashioned subduing to me. I see nothing wrong here. The trash needs to get taken out every once in a while lest you one day wake up surrounded by it. I have no problem with the police treating people exactly how they deserve to be treated.

>waste everyones time with a chase and put everyone in danger
>expect not to catch an ass whooping

please nigger, judge will be like "beating? i didnt see nuffin"

When I see this video I think about how I shouldn't engage in high speed police chases because I may get my ass beat by officers who's lives I put in danger for no fuckin reason

Lol your the fucking liberal friend.

>I am okay with visceral emotional responses.

You know how much those pigs are gonna cost the tax payers now?

no it's not at all
the police will keep their jobs and nothing will happen to them, then the state will get sued for millions and the taxpayer will be picking up the tab for the blue skinned niggers once again

In a cops opinion you are one of three things.
1). Another cop
2). A cops family member
3). A possible crimminal.

how am i the liberal you fucking pussy

go cry more

go back to l eddit

any criminal that runs from the cops and puts the public in danger can get their head bashed the fuck in

i wish they would just execute them on the spot like based brazilian police

Cause you're an emotional faggot who doesnt realize how this will cost taxpayers.

Two are on unpaid leave. Unpaid leave is generally a sign they will be fired.

Yeah well we have law and order in this country.

...you really want our country to be just like brazil?

Guy they beat looks like he may be white though, so no one will care

I mean honestly what do you expect? You ran from the cops and put a ton of people in danger in the process. I have no problem with the dude getting his ass whooped. Its not like they shot and killed his dumb ass

>Giving the cops a hard time

Making them do their jobs is a hard time? Or is their just just to distribute frivolous tickets and never be bothered otherwise?

See, Rodney King had nothing to do with race, if you take cops on a high speed chase full of adrenaline they will be pissed off at the end.

Lot of we's and us for someone who isn't even a cop.

no it's not at all

And you're the cop I wouldn't mind seeing getting shot by a nigger, you entitled sack of shit.

Only you're not even a cop yet.

Yeah, you give them extra workload (chase) to their duties as policemen so they give you extra workload (getting rekt) as criminal.

I work as security guard and it's mostly same, when unauthorized person or homeless wanders onto the property the next course of action depends purely on their behavior, polite people who apologize get escorted, hippies who scream 'muh rights', 'you can't touch me' and who generally don't understand concept of 'this is private property, you don't belong here' usually gets escorted through areas without cameras where they 'trip' few times before being given to trash collectors (police).

Behave like shit, get treated like one, pretty simple concept.

>Why are cops so fucking retarded?
Because they have to deal with retarded people all day.

ok and your solution is a sissy force? instead of accepting the fact that violent arrests take place and are necessary to keep the criminals in line?

>falling for the police brutality meme, its like you actually buy into leftism agendas and making shitbag shitskins victims when they are the criminal perpetrators

fuck off shlomo

Cops should know by now their every move in an arrest is filmed and scrutinized.

Take them to the station and beat them there, sheesh.