Countries names written in kanji

>japan 日本 "sun" "origin"
>germany 独逸 "alone" "outstanding"
>ameica 亜米利加 "secondary" "rice" "useful" "add"
>france 仏蘭西 "budha" "orchid" "west"
>britain 英吉利 "superior" "lucky" "useful"
>iceland 氷島 "ice" "island"
>portugal 葡萄牙 "grape" "fang"
how about your country

Tell me about Sweden


I don't understand. What's our name supposed to actually mean?

>TL note: Russia means Russia.

I think that's just the meaning of each individual kanji used to write the name of the country, taken alone and out of context. Put them together and you get a new meaning.

Yeah, but what do they mean together?

瑞典 "beautiful" "book"

sub human

The fuck is this Japan?

actually no meaning just for reading and simplicity

That sounds kind.

Is this even right? I dont speak weeaboo.


they mean nothing together
we just put those kanji together because they sounds similar to their english name

Ireland, Finland, Poland and the Netherlands form the Orchid Union.

mexico 墨西哥 "ink" "west" "brother"
>合衆国 just means "united states of"

伯剌西爾 "count" "opposed" "west" "thou"

Ateji is weird

Count as in nobility

What about Spain?

east asian countries actually have meaning in their kanji names
>china 中華人民共和国 republic of people of the central flower
>japan 日本 origin of sun
>south korea 大韓民国 great korean republic
>north kore 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 republic of democratic people of korea

please give me

- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Guinea-Bissau
- Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
- São Tomé and Príncipe

Tell me about Poland

I don't know. You tell me.

西班牙 west group fang

Do you guys get used to write that kind of mess at school?
How fast can you write kanji?

yep, seems about right

you need to know like 2000 kanji to read a newspaper

Alright, what characters do you use to write Goushuu?

I wonder if there is any language where my country's name isn't Ice-land or Ice-Island.


i-i don't know
羅馬尼亜 net horse nun secondary
波蘭 wave orchid

> 独逸 "alone" "outstanding"

>West Class Tooth in Chinese
>West Group Fang in Japanese

it really stimulates my neurons

濠太剌利 moat fat stab useful

i dont know x(

tell me user kun :3

cute. could you do some latino countries pls

Net as in fishing net?

yeah i think both have cool kanji too
those kanji names were made like 150 years ago so i think they gave those cool kanji to them because they were by far the most powerful countries back then

chile 智利 wisdom useful
peru 秘露 secret mist
indonesia 印度尼西亜 stamp degree nun west secoundary
everything knitted

Tell me mine

America's (亜米利加) is a phonetic reading of the kanji and has nothing to do with the meaning of the kanji

>america 亜米利加 "secondary" "rice" "useful" "add"

It's not that bad if you break it down
Democracy (literally "people masters")
Principle (literally "master doctrine", used like "-ism" in English)
So 民主主義 is "the principle of democracy" or just "democratic"
Republic (literally "cooperation harmony country")

do norway bls


What about Argentina?

亜然的音 secondary natural target sound
那威 much power

Norway stronk

Noice trips but what the fuck does my thingy means?

Doesn't really mean anything, ateji country names are just meant to sound like the name of the country.

If it's anything like Japanese, they were merely trying to match the kanji sounds with how their names are in their languages

We just call you island




It doesn't make fucking sense


nice one pastabro

> 秘露
I'd translate it as "secret disclosed" or "secret dew".

I'm not sure about Kanji, but the Hanzi name for [flag] on the other hand...
>the horse comes to east Asia
Sounds pretty mythical.

A bit disappointed Singapore opted for the English-rooted 新加坡 instead of the more badass 獅城…

The name of my province means Peninsula with shore hazardous to ships. Can you make a nice-sounding name for it?


(many | rice | nun | increase)

So what about Austria OP?

Tell me about Costa Rica