Going to Ukraine in a few weeks and I want to download an app to help me have some established women there. Is tinder popular there? I have good luck with it and bumble here but I have no idea what the fuck people use over there.
Going to Ukraine in a few weeks and I want to download an app to help me have some established women there...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums
>getting women
Pick one
get VK(ontakte)
I think tinder isn't as established in Eastern Europe and people that use it are seen as losers because they're trying online dating idk lmao
just make a vk with some quality attractive pics, don't put faggy things that you think that american and West euro women would like such as 'reading, cinema, etc', put some mega chad things like 'binge drinking, gym, clubbing' and make yourself seem wealthy (in reality you are, most ukranians live on $100 a month somehow lmao)
don't think expect anything more than sex, eastern euro women are sadly even lower than 'basic bitches' and don't even try to hide it, so most won't even know about your netflix, websites and the like
good luck
one honest slav, i'm surprised
All I want is some pussy. Not looking to marry a gold-digging Slav.
You can't get a decent Ukrainian pussy without marriage. Why would a gold digger waste her time on you, retard? Remember: money is all Slav women want
Because by any Slav standard I am rich.
w-what about Croatian women
l-long term gf
You speak russian ??
Just get into local partys and shiet, Slav women ike foreigners
Ty Govoris na serbskam ??
If you are fat agly american scum and you dont speak russian ukrainian no one going to talk with you so just preper your 1000 dolers amd Stay in your hottel after thet you can fuck off back to burger land
There will never be peace btween americans and slavs never
Real slavs like me will hate you and will do any think to shit on you and your europian peple and mark my words
Death to americans
Jesli ty nie govaris na nasam jezike tak u tiebia niet nie kokovo sahnsa nie z serbskimi devojkimi nie z ruslkimi izvini no mir zistok
Ubiej se francuz
Did you forget to proxy schlomo?
good attempt
i based most of my post on Croatian (and other Balkan) women.
If I only talked to a couple of Croat girls about Netflix shows, even fewer about popular video games, I don't expect Ukranian women to be any better, only worse.
I actually get very suprised when a Croat girl knows about basic things such as popular tv shows, music, etc. since they're so rare, and they also are breddy surprised lmao
The only times I actually speak plainly and normally with women is when they're Western
>dont speak russian ukrainian no one going to talk with you so just preper your 1000 dolers amd Stay in your hottel
how about learning some proper English yourself?
>angry kike forgot his proxy
you won. I'll stick with western women
Probably a Ukrainian zionist Jew
issue is with you famalam not the women, if you talk only with drunk 16 year old whores in 3rd tier bar at friday night dont be surprised, i was talking about game of thrones on train with my friends and random girl just came to us and started talking too cause she was big fan, im not saying that reading got=intellectual but its as popular as it gets
estabilished women wont go with you since they know you are like every other westerner who goes there and expects 10/10 women just for being foreigner, if you go to big cities such as Kiev there will be lot of guys like you already
yea boii more sloots (boys) for me
lo, HaGoyim have figured me out
Perhaps I'd have better luck in Tbilisi?
ja gavaryu na tvajom jezike
u menja jest shans?
togda se ubiej, zhide
No fucking clue desu, i mean if you are not walking american stereotype 250kg stupid retard you can definitely get laid in Ukraine and i think it would be quite easy if you are attractive funny good personality etc, being burger is certainly advantage dont get me wrong its good kind of foreigner(western)
what about a white, catholic french
very good
>if you talk only with drunk 16 year old whores in 3rd tier bar at friday night dont be surprised
I'm not that much of a delusioned autist 2bh. It would actually be really weird to bring up tv shows, movies or games in that kind of conversation and I don't do it since I'm not that socially inept.
>im not saying that reading got=intellectual but its as popular as it gets
that's what I mean. It's not like my entire identity is buit around that shit, it's just depressing that only mega 'geeks' know of something as plain and popular as GoT, 13 Reasons why, Marvel movies/shows lmao
>estabilished women wont go with you since they know you are like every other westerner who goes there and expects 10/10 women just for being foreigner
for hwat reason do you think that an average girl that lives with her parents and makes like $100 a month with her full time job wouldn't jump on a 'rich' american's cock, regardless if he's a stud or not?
probably not. Ukraine IS easy for lays, though not that 'civilised' (not dissing, just can't think of a better word desu). You've got Estonia and Latvia close to Ukraine, so try going there, as they're also quite easy.
>american stereotype 250kg stupid retard
those don't exist. they're Sup Forums memes and they probably wouldn't even ask for advice on getting laid since they have their sister already
>be a total stranger who doesn't know anybody
>go to a random slav country
>don't know the language or have any idea how shit works
>"look i'm having moniez show me yer pussy"
Yes that's totally how it works. Don't mind all the false stories about foreigners being totally scammed hehe, recommended experience 100%.
what do croatian girls think about italian guys?
nah I'm just looking for a practicing Catholic slavette desu
>go to a random slav country
>don't know the language or have any idea how shit works
>"look i'm having moniez show me yer pussy"
>dumb balkanite
if you go to a shit nightclub in Ukraine, or fuck that, even here in Croatia and you know your way with a girl (ie. not a virgin, so not a Sup Forums poster) you have a shot at getting laid.
Croatia is the 3rd poorest cunt in EU, right behind Romania and Bulgaria, don't worry since we're racing to the bottom anyways
I have talked about many topics with girls, from american politics to globalism to books or movies, issue seems being with you, i dont believe girls in croatia and slovakia are that different
>practicing Catholic slavette
hope you have thing for 65 year old grannies then
please no
we have enough catholic grannies here
Well when they die there will be no more catholics here
>I have talked about many topics with girls...
>I have talked with girls
normie get out
oh well
maybe Poland then
most of Dalmatia was influenced by Italian culture, so it doesn't feel so foreign I guess.
You're one of the romance (ironic word kek) speaking cunts, so women here think of Spanish and to a lesser extent Italian guys as romantic
they're probably not, but it's not like most girls know of normal, western pop culture since, well, Croatia isn't a western country and you have to go out of your way to find pop culture online (the newest stuff atleast, TVs here play shows from the 80's and 90's and really shite movies, and radio stations don't play the newest music who knows who listens to radio anymore tho lmao)
le reeeeeee
why do you think that average girl should know about western pop culture tho? you want your country to become america v2 like scandinavia?
ukrainians are subhumans
the country is a shithole
If you want cheap good looking ukrainian prostitutes just go to berlin, 30 euro and they do anything you want, you're just gonna end up being scammed and dissapointed if you go to ukraine.
because of this
and if you want the best ukrainian whores, just go to dubai and pay 500 $
and if you want the best ukrainian whores, just go to dubai and promise a shoutout on instagram
croatian quality acting
пфф, нy нy apиeц
>established women
what did he mean by that
dumb poor people runes
>established women
what does that even mean? like popular women or something?
Just flash a hundo and grab their pussy.
ah yaes beeg amereekan deeck plees geebe hoondo doolans so I booy carot and potayto so mee fameelee no starv too death againe