Nazi vs Antifa? Who do you side with if you must?

Nazi vs Antifa? Who do you side with if you must?

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They don't aggro random people and don't burn private property for fun


because I feel like I was born to late and could have easily run a death camp


Has nothing to do with my hatred for jews

Antifa is a bunch of sjw cringe faggots, show your faces pussies

fuck that, go full finland and dome both fascists and commies

Rote Armee Fraktion

these modern "political" kids all are meh, whatever
it's a kind of entertainment today

The Nazi's they arent as annoying

riot police, so I can club both of those idiots



Antifa = pussies in mask

user makes a good poiint Blood for the Blood God

>They don't aggro random people and don't burn private property for fun
>Antifa is a bunch of sjw cringe faggots
>The Nazi's they arent as annoying
These are all correct answers

>Who do you side with if you must?

I know which one I'd rather slowly undress and then fuck.

nazism confirmed for 4channers' safe space

the 72 virgins that await us in the heavens

Antifa? What is this? I know only the good Nazis


>faces of Sup Forums

Nazi of course. 10 are enough to make run 30 antifa


>implying everyone that goes against Antifa is a Nazi
try harder, faggot

So... Nazis?

Obviously the Nazis holy shit

Thank you satan

Nazis obviously

Germanon here? What do you think of the mighty KPD?

Never acknowledged the progroms in the s.c. Third reich? They are the elders of randomly sitting at people

Nazi? Hitler did nothing wrong. He killed the bad ones.


KPD? There are like the MLKP. Not worth mentioning. Chose the AFD.

They weren't crying little bitches

If I had to choose, I wouldn't choose these fucks

Nazis. I'm German.

Die Flüchtlinge sind scheiße nh? Danke MERKEL

I mean who would choose these cunts?

>Nazis vs Communists

Fuck both of them. I would just get on a rooftop with a rifle and shoot any of them that come near me.

>Nazis. I'm German.
seems like that'd stop you from siding with nazis, but hey, retards gonna retard

Stormfags of Antifags every time. It's better the devil you know eh?

So I'm a little out of the loop. Obviously I know what a Nazi is but what is Antifa?

He really didn't..

>Nazi vs Antifa? Who do you side with if you must?

they are the same thing with diff names, brown shirts is brown shirts

Fuck off

Neither. Because both groups are absolutely fucking retarded. I'll be the lonewolf


welp that's why she has no kids

>woman in power with no kids hence no stake in the future wants to make up for her complete failure as a woman by bringing in millions of poor starving military age men from hostile countries to help her mommy complex.

and that supports my position

and liberal tears

Can't I just sit by with popcorn while they kill each other off?
If not and I had to absolutely pick a side then Nazi because at least their not a bunch of fucking pussies.

Video from OP girl

What the fuck is going on in this picture?
fucking kek

despise both, but antifa. Althoug antifa is full of hypocritical idiots, nazis are brain dead basement dwelling retarded stuck in fantasy idealism

Nazi - to survive. They're more related to conservatives and convervatives have to better connections to the industriy (weap suppliers etc.) Nazi wins.

I'm not a white supremacist in the slightest, but Nazi all the way.

Sieg heil.


so. Russians are good? I dont think so noob


I'd rather kill myself, but prolly antifa. I'm not really for killing people just because they're something I'm not.

Nazis, of course, who else would win?

All modern establishment's "communist parties" must be eliminated as such, that's the task number one of any left radical today.
KPD is a status quo agent

My grandpa killed nazis. I hope I get the opportunity to kill nazis too.

My grandfather died in a concentration camp

Posting this from Brno.

Giant meteor to land on both of them and end their faggotry forever

a grenade in the middle of all of them

nazis sit in front of laptop rating dicks and posting sad frogs, ill go with antifa

sieg heil

"I like the nazi's because they obey the rules" you fucking pussy


that a snitch not a nazi

best answer yet

Lucky you, you might even get killed by a Nazi.

You know that I speak of the historic KPD, not of the MLPD or DKP, etc.

someones getting gassed for christmas

the irony, posting cuck hitler who fagged his country into an unwinnable war and got 10m germans killed, then got his country raped for 40 years by soviet occupation.

antifa, nobody with brain wouldn't let Hitler thing happen again

the internet was a mistake.


So many Germanons.... The SPD betrayed the revolution, the KPD would have been the only legitimated Party.
>fuck this imperial load of shit

What is the difference? Anti-FA is what Nazism was in the 40's.

whos their leader?


Antifa is more like anti-white fascists with niggers and welfare leeches. All of them should be killed and reprocessed to sell them as dog food.

welfare is free money dumbfuck

No matter who wins, WE LOSE

I fucking hate nazis with a passion. Look what they did to Germany



Nazi. Antifa are literal faggots.

the soviet union ruined germany. nazis brought it out of the hell hole of post WWI

Neither, I hate fascism and Nazis, but I also hate pussy snowflakes who need a safe space when someone hurts their feelings

soo... you're a snitch?

I thought the nazis attacked first?

Antifa. I'm more confident in my ability to singlehandedly fight antifa than nazis.

The antifashist action formed in the late 20s to stand against the SA and the anti democratic forces

ones a group of entitled little cunts who never worked a day in their lives, live at home with their parents/go to college on their parents dime and know absolutely nothing about what they are protesting against.

The others are Nazi's

How does anything I just said constitute me being a snitch?

you know, you should go to greece, they squatted like half the city and pay no rent, when cops come its war time. but yeah, working in McDonald and living with room mates is more easy

>the soviet union ruined germany. nazis brought it out of the hell hole of post WWI
>Soviet Union Ruined Germany
>Soviet Union

Please never speak again if you don't know shit about why the nazi's rebuilt Germany

Neither both are scum in my eyes. Both require me to do shit for other people.


whats left? when shit hit the fan who you gonna call?