On 9/11 before the first plane struck, what did tower 1 say to tower 2 as the plane approached to impact?

On 9/11 before the first plane struck, what did tower 1 say to tower 2 as the plane approached to impact?

towers dont talk you idiot

He said OP is a fag

Idk but why were the people in the world trade center pissed off at pizza hut?

Because they ordered two pepperonis

Idk. Why were they pissed off?

Here, hold my beer


If I can get this one first I will go down on you baby

I fucked Ted.


Looks like CT is gonna lose this one

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

quick! duck and cover!!

Don't need to melt them bro, just make them bend bro.

Best kek

>thank god thats not happening to me lol


I know I was joking. That's what the one tower said to the other.

This. So much this