/éire/ + /celt/

invoking the ghost of portubro edition

Portuguese/Galician suebi incoming

Does my meme German blood disqualify me ?


Second for London.

4th for the Catholic League.

It's literally just a meme amount , almost every Galician carries it...plz potato brother

Why are there no songs about best leader?

Carson has loads of songs

>open thread

>frenchpaedo is paedoing it up

>go outside
>look up
>sky is blue

No it's white or grey. Go back to Africa.

If it's not blue you haven't flown high enough.

this better be some sort of drug reference, otherwie i bet its some retarded video game reference. kys.

>he doesn't live in the woods
>he sees something other than a thick canopy of branches when he looks up
>he doesn't access the internet with druid magic
None of you are true Gaels.

What do you mean? What sort of songs are you talking about?

There needs to be a word filter on kys. At least have the energy to kill yourself. Kill yourself.

fuck off, thick cunt. also smoke weed 2day friends

What do you expect from somebody who is too lazy for correct capitalisation?

You seem a bit cranky, friend. What's eating you?

the fact you're still being a grammar-nazi bitch tells me you have the mental capacity of a 16 year old. epic, simply epic.

this shit thread.

>the fact you're still being a grammar-nazi bitch tells me you have the mental capacity of a 16 year old. epic, simply epic.
Don't be lazy, user. I sincerely hope you're not phoneposting.

>wanting basic standards of grammar that one learns as a child is wrong

It's not so bad. Are you having a rough day?

cool down little man

I think phones auto capitalise the first word in a sentence, though it probably depends on the model.

Why is that Italian stallion so far away?

>drugs are fine, video games aren't


Looks like angrylad is back

>taking drugs
wow, why?

I don't think that the original Angrylad would post anime

What makes one a celtic country?
It sure isn't speaking a language.

>Our system think your post is spam please reformat and try again.


Being subservient to your anglo masters

Hate when that happens.

UK must be Celtic then since it's the lapdog oh the US

Not so fast

>n-no mr yank master, we don't want any of your tax money keep it all to yourself

>n-no mr brit master, we don't want you to leave the eu we need you to protect our interests

Drawings aren't paedo, dumbshit

Who will win when the jaggy mafia goes up against the frogweeb cartel?

the normal posters

When was it drawn? If it's under 17 I'm calling the army.

The one with the most foreign investment




This is as good as this thread will get today

Celtic culture is dying...

>Celts are still the majority ethnic group in England and Germany
>doesn't matter because language and culture is dead
It hurts.

good, stay in france while you're at it. .alternatively fucking off yourself you spastic manchild.

>Weeb laments the death of his native culture.


Good, it's shit anyway.

Rude Jaggy

>trying to divide and conquer the weebs

cartel of course

>thinking it's frogweeb
He never uses wojak or ellipses. It's just some French poster (possibly Brittany) who saw the edition and came in. Surely it's not that hard to recognise basic posting styles?

*sacrifices you*

No shit. Look at all those people last night wanting to merge our culture with Austrians and Germans.


>dickriding hard enough to know someone doesn't use ellipses.


There is only one true fusion.

Where's the gook, this thread isn't half /abhorrent/ enough.

Learned a new word today. Thanks user.

How come spoiler tags don't work on Sup Forums?

Did they get taken off or what?

killed himself last night

you miss the livestream?

Nico Nico No

Is it possible to get through life without seeing crazy, disgusting and vile shit lads. I feel like somethings I've experienced has molded me into a more cynical person than I was.


>Swiss Yank makes another funny meme/joke shite

>epic, simply epic.

Drink bleach, faggot



>using the word faggot

go back to Sup Forums you fucking child

Make me, bender

Bit faggoty there.

>epic, simply epic.

Juniper samefagging the entire thread.

How do we deal with the Juniper problem ?

Fuck off Juniper.

tfw autist with no gf

same but I don't really care about the gf part

Can't stand weed culture

>tfw gf with no autist

same but I don't really care about the autist part

>tfw no autist gf

>free gaff tonight
>no friends to share it with


Stinker for you lad


Who actually says this? Westbrit shitheads?

Post you address , maybe some people from here come over to your place

same but I don't really care about the gf part

/eire/ meet up at your place?

>weebs and shitposting everywhere
epic, simply epic.

Comfy thread tonight.

Post address I will go.

its midday

Fuck off billy no mates

bookin a ticket right now

Kill yourself, my man

I hear weebs are great craic in real life. Total extroverts.