Should I go to the doctor for this bug bite Sup Forums?

Should I go to the doctor for this bug bite Sup Forums?

draw a circle around it in black marker to see if it gets bigger

It's traveling to your lymph nodes under your arm. If you dont know what bit you, it's time to go.

That's a good idea, but I don't think it will.
That makes sense. I have no idea what bit me.

He's dead Jim.

Looks pretty bad but you'll probably be fine

thats lymes disease see a doctor

Did you get Limey Disease?


OP that's fucking lyme disease. Get your ass to a doctor asap.

That's pretty bad, OP. I wouldn't wait too much longer to get that checked out. And pretty much what said.

Depends what bit or stung you. Clearly you aren't allergic to it, otherwise you wouldn't be posting here. Apply an ice pack to it to reduce the swelling and think of what might've gotten into your home (if you're at home) that could've done this. If you're reluctant about going to the doctor, depending on your healthcare situation and whatnot, just consult what kinds of insects live in your country and vicinity. If the swelling gets much worse, or if you get nauseous / a fever, see a doc.

>tick bite
>doc asap
if i'm right and you're too cheap for a doc you're fucked for life
even if i'm not right, any insect bite should never have a red circle around it. it's an infection, and you can't treat it with otc meds

Nice dubs. Most likely Lyme's by appearance. OP, any backstory here?

the bullseye rash is not a good sign.

also, when you see red streaks on a bite going up or down that extremity, that's not a good sign.

could it be ringworm?

Thank you for the responses, guys. I looked up lyme disease and it doesn't sound like I have that at all, the redness started to appear right after I got bit and the only symptom I am have other than the red mark is pain in the red area. Again, looked up lyme disease and it doesn't sound like I have that at all. I will go to a clinic to make sure it's just a fairly harmless bug bite.

oh shit nigger you fucked up. chop it off.

Sorry OP, this may turn into a dubs thread. Amputate. It's the only way to be sure.

dude fucking lyme desiese. SEE A DOCTOR OR GOTO THE EMERGEMCY ROOM ASAP.

I know first hand from a close friend how fucked up this desiese is. You dont want that shit.

Not sure, this happened a couple days ago, has only been getting worse. It hurts now when I move or flex my arm and barely hurt at all yesterday. It appears to be a small bite with very little discharge, and I have no idea what bit me. It couldn't have been a large bug, though. Otherwise I'd have noticed.

looks like a bulls-eye tick bite. your lyme disease is loading

Whatever it was got a hold of you to put a decent amount of venom in the bite to cause the Lymph reaction. Get it checked, ice it till you do.

honestly, I would pay the money to go to urgency care for that. That's a nasty bite.

You better get to a doctor soon.

The pain from flexing is the lymph reaction. Don't try to hold out, go get it looked at.

Walk it off pussy.

Hmm, the good old target shaped rash. You're on borrowed time, friend.

this guy knows

I know a girl at my old workplace who deals with the side effects of having lyme. Body aches, pains, if you are only having this pain in your arm, imagine it over your whole body if you let it.

Go to the doctor.


It's a brown recluse spider bite, untreated your arm will gangrene and necrosis, and you're going to die from staph infection in your blood.

Go. To. The. Emergency. Room.

could be Ebola

>pain when moving
>you done accidentally the whole thing
>be the hero Sup Forums needs you to be and chop it off with a tiny ax
>post pictures

do it faggot

yes please!!!

I was thinking about spider bites too, i've had it happen, basically if you see any blackening of the tissue, run to the ER, i mean, RUN. otherwise its probably a wolf spider bite, they're everywhere and they just cause irritation.

anal cancer sympthoms, sorry.. Nothing can be done now

Like other people said it's a tick bite. You need to go to a doc asap or risk potentially dealing with Lyme disease your entire life.

Well if you don't go to Doc you be a dead faggot anyway.
Do what you want, just call someone before you croak. It's rude to rot and stink up a place. Just because you were too retarded to go to hospital.

That is 100% Lyme disease. Get off your computer and go to the hospital right fucking now. Not tomorrow. Now.

Not even memeing.

you have aids sorry man make peace with what ever god/deity you believe in. if you're just a atheist enjoy hell.

prove it stupid.

I'm on my way to urgent care guys :>]

smart move

Dude you're gonna die

you idiots see a circular rash and scream "it's lyme"

OP, do you even live in a high risk area for lyme?

When it can be serious, why take the risk? It 'could' be lyme disease, go to someone who is informed.


My area is "low risk"

I fuck you in ass and make you humble.

top kek