pretty meh
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Animation and OST are top tier, but the story and the characters is where the movie fails. Manga is better, read it.
Manga is GOAT
It's not the best manga of all time, but it's pretty great. Art, in terms of destruction and all the rampage that's seen is amazing, but character design is terrible, because most of them look the fucking same. Story is interesting, action is great and there are some pretty interesting characters there. I also liked the ending and how the manga handles multiple plotlines with ease. It's 9/10.
t. pleb
t. faggot
Agreed, it's vastly overhyped. I think that's because it's one of the only anime movies you can get away with putting in your "favorite movies" lists without looking like a weeb faggot.
how many times i have to watch this to understand what the fuck is going on?
Akira? More like Akino.
>literally the cornerstone of animation before the onset of CGI and the turn of century ...
summer is almost over.
Yup, NGE trumped it. There's no going back after Tang.
Read the manga, because the movie is a real mess in terms of story.
Another pleb joins the thread.
Fuck off.
Never understood this anime
Jin Roh or Akira? Akira is a mess, Jin Roh is pretty straight foward.
Why was there a big orbital laser?
It was pretty great, I think it's better on rewatch. Didn't like it that much the first time I saw it.
The movie has some VERY bad storytelling. Read the manga.
What was bad about it? The pacing was over the place in some areas but it was really straight forward
God discussion of this movie is impossible because of you manga autists.
I didn't understand the story.
Some examples:
Why did the guy try to run away with the jesus kid? It was at the beginning, he gets shot in the process.
How did the biker kid get these powers? Did he get them by touching the jesus kid or was it in him all along?
Some of best movie scenes of all time - flashback to tetsuo's youth and flashbacks to children experiments. Your a fag op
It's a visual masterclass in animation and just on it's looks and tone alone it has inspired countless other works.
The story is a hot mess.
The music is amazing.
A movie doesn't have to do everything right to be considered a cultural landmark.
wtf are you talking about dude?
admittedly it's been a while since I've seen this, but the guy in the beginning, wasn't he working for some resistance group (the same one the chick was with)?
Also, they gave tetsuo his powers with drugs or whatever. I don't even understand how you can have that question
When I first saw this, I was pretty maybe 18 or so, and I was 1) kind of confused and 2) totally unappreciative of how fucking aesthetic as fuck this movie is
when I rewatched it, I realized it was one of the greatest animes of all time
It's a fucking incredible movie
If I remember correctly he was a member of the rebellion trying to abduct the psychic boy. Tetsuo got his powers because that scientist experimented the heck outta him.
Thanks, but still i mean Tetsuo has a bike accident and the military takes him away. I didn't understand why they took him in the first place. He was injured but ok who cares just let him be. They were there for the kid and not looking for people to experiment with.
like I said, it's been a while, maybe it was because he had seen the kid
I honestly don't remember totally how that scene goes
Greatest movie of all time.
Hola redditard.
Agree. Gran autismo anime that weebs pretend to worship.
My friend keeps telling me I need to watch this.
I am not sure, but didn't Tetsuo had powers like that laying dormant?
They probably took him to the military hospital because he witnessed the little kid use his powers. The doctors then ran some tests on him and found out.
>The story is a hot mess.
Hello reddyt!
Proof that this board literally hates everything and has no idea what is actually good.
Going to see this on the big screen in a few weeks.
people just like to say things like "the pacing was bad" or "the plot was a mess" so they feel like they are contributing to a conversation.
there's not much room for conversation if everyone agrees that something is good. so if they don't like something they have to use buzzwords and mimic other opinions they've read on 4ch to sound smart.
work on the soundtrack began before the movie even went into production.
it went into production before the manga was complete.
the only major event that the movie left out was Tetsuo taking over the clown gang, which wasn't really all that interesting.
it's a masterpiece and a fun experience to this day.
most of these neets don't even have a real home theater setup and therefore never truly experience the movies they talk about anyway.
please. normies love it because it's so good that it transcends the world of weebs. let me guess you like death note and naruto.
>this redditor who thinks pacing doesn't mean anything
jesus christ
it's a meme, unless you can explain exactly what part of the "pacing" is bad.
call me reddit again faggot. see what happens.
Tetsuo's transformation still gives me a boner
Akira often at times will jump from plot point to plot point hastily, while at others spending a leisurely amount of time divulging exposition to the viewer, leaving some things ill informed and others abundantly so, regardless of importance to the story, this is objective and not debatable.
>only major event You clearly didn't read the manga.
That being said, I saw this in an arthouse theater in spokane when it came out in the US and it blew my mind. Bought it on VHS at a shitty comiccon in Portland from some weeb and I am pretty sure that VHS tape made it to every house in my small town at some point. It wasn't the manga, but it was an incredible experience at the time.
Even now it has a feel that I haven't seen reproduced.
Also soundtrack was just amazing.
>Akira often at times will jump from plot point to plot point hastily, while at others spending a leisurely amount of time divulging exposition to the viewer
i heartily disagree with this and you've encouraged me to give it another watch(right now) and I'm going to keep your opinion in mind and see if I can agree with you at any point.
>leaving some things ill informed and others abundantly so, regardless of importance to the story
now this i can agree with somewhat, but I really don't think that has anything to do with the pace of the story. as another poster pointed out, it's not really explained why the gubmint picks up tetsuo with the psychic kid. you're kind of left on your own to figure out that they must have had some tech that could sense he had some psychic powers so they grabbed him to run some tests. did they need to spell that out for you? apparently some would say yes.
>this is objective and not debatable.
calm down, there
>>only major event
> You clearly didn't read the manga.
ummm... yes I did?
feel free to refresh my memory though.
At the Roxie?
They literally left out the entire second half of the story (obviously because it wasn't finished yet) but saying that's the only major event they left out is ludicrous. There is a ton of story after the initial psychic explosion.
I mean, "long live the great Tokyo empire" and all that. Would've been great to see a sequel with the same production value to finish the story.
The manga doesn't add anything necessary, though it would've been nice to Kaneda's thick nurse girlfriend.
The manga doesn't add a living akira and an entire post explosion neo-tokyo with the politics of tetsuo and akira running the city as psychic nazis?
I said "anything necessary", and most of that wasn't written by the time the film came out.
>half of the story and a good portion of the characters aren't necessary
Necessary for what? I personally feel like an akira that isn't a bunch of organs in jars is pretty necessary for the story, but I guess that's just me.
this is basically the 2001 of anime
lots of visually stunning scenery, shit story
Necessary to tell a great story.
What's shit about the story? I agree with you about 2001.
>What's shit about the story?
nothing is adequately fleshed out in order to come to a better understanding of any of the background, plot, or characters' motivations
now, a lot of it has to do with having a deeper understanding of how Japanese society/media creates archetypes and such but without that knowledge most people are just going to be be lost.
pretty meh
>nothing is adequately fleshed out in order to come to a better understanding of any of the background, plot, or characters' motivations
I need you to be more in-depth, because I'm not seeing what you're saying.
But see this is the thing. The manga's story is pretty epic, and had they told THAT story instead of the one they ended up telling, I think it would have improved the movie an exceptional amount. The characters in Akira as it was presented to us were really flat and not fleshed out in any way. The manga gives us tons of everyone and you really get a feel for their motivations and who they are supposed to be.
Combine this with the visual and audio masterpiece that the movie already is and you have something epic.
>But see this is the thing. The manga's story is pretty epic, and had they told THAT story instead of the one they ended up telling,
What don't you understand about the manga not being finished by the time the movie came out?
>muh plot
Go back to reading genre fiction. Visual media is literally too deep for you.
Acting > Writing > Visuals
You seriously think the film exists as it stands because of the manga not being finished and not due to needing to just make the movie shorter?
Otomo was deeply involved in every aspect of production. He had to have known where he was going with the story.
The government has been testing for people with psychic powers. Basically, they take Tetsuo, test him, find out he has powers.
The guy with the old kid was a resistance member trying to free the kids because the government is doing illegal shit.
I mean, these details fly by so I get the complaints that the story is confusing, but if you watch the movie with subtitles and the original Japanese, the experience is considerably better. I hated the movie at first but after seeing it with subtitles I enjoyed it much more
Great contribution to the thread. I think you might get extra tendies tonight.
>You seriously think the film exists as it stands because of the manga not being finished and not due to needing to just make the movie shorter?
It's both.
The pacing is pretty good, never a dull moment
>I need you to be more in-depth
>these details fly by
How do the details fly by? You need to be an idiot to miss them. Akira is a perfect movie.
Swear to God everybody that hates it doesn't understand subtlety.
Fine, don't explain yourself.
post anime kino
This is how I feel about it. I liked the pacing too though.
What don't you like about the story and characters?
i hate when that happens
OST is hot fire though
>guy running away
he was a mole placed in by the short old guy who was on the council, he was trying to usurp power and remove power from the military by exposing akira experiments
its also the reason he funds the resistance group
>how did tetsuo get powers
its explained that by interacting with the psychic kid he unlocks the power of akira which resides in all human life
they then put him on stimulants to accelerate his psychic powers
But that's like any literature that gets made into a movie, if they did include everything the movie would be about 5 hours long. They have to choose what's the most important stuff to include.
The plot was a little bit disjointed, but some people posting here as if it was surrealist levels of fuckery are just plain wrong. I think you guys are in the wrong media if you're looking for deep, developed plot.
contrarians are ruining this board.
Akira is the ultimate anime pleb filter. When you're a pleb and you first watch it it blows your mind, but then you see some other stuff and decide you're too cool for it because it's the first thing you saw, then when you're truly a patrician you acknowledge that Akira is at the same time entry-level and top-tier.
For a start manga-autists are a bunch of plotfags who can be ignored. The old lady's cult fighting Tetsuo's army was fucking stupid and lame and so was most of the post-awakening stuff. Cutting off the story there was a smart move. No thematic depth is lost beyond 'GRORIOUS NIPPON ENDURES.'
What I love about Akira is how it's the middle-ground between western and Japanese cyberpunk. It's got the colourful cityscapes from Ridley Scott's work and the bizarre dystopic elements that American stuff always seems to have alongside the insane technology creep, dehumanization and social issues from the Japanese stuff.
But it's more than just a bunch of abstract shit about how awful modern city life is and how bad the future will be, the Kaneda and Tetsuo's relationship is handled really well in the movie. By cutting out the insanity of the middle of the story it all works much better. With the whole story only taking place over a couple of days their relationship doesn't fade away, pretty much everything they do is on account of each other.
Akira is much stronger as a story about adolescent confusion than nationalism. The Japanese element is still important, but the movie doesn't let it get in the way of the characters.
>the 'Bobby's In Deep' fire continues to rise
If we post it in enough threads it'll get a criterion release one day.
I think the pacing was fine for 3/4ths of the movie. After Tetsuo discovers Akira it becomes a little drawn out.
The art is shit. The characters are ugly and there is not as much shading as other anime from the same time. Silent Mobius had better looking cityscapes but it was also a shit film.
>When you're a pleb and you first watch it it blows your mind, but then you see some other stuff and decide you're too cool for it because it's the first thing you saw, then when you're truly a patrician you acknowledge that Akira is at the same time entry-level and top-tier.
there are lots of anime like this
>Kaneda and Tetsuo's relationship is handled really well in the movie
One thing I really dislike about the manga is Tetsuo having parents, it ruins his character.
>With the whole story only taking place over a couple of days their relationship doesn't fade away
And it makes the finale feel, I don't know how to explain it. In the manga Kaneda and Tetsuo have begun to drift apart by the end of the first volume, in the movie there's still love there, Kaneda is upset at Tetsuo and Tetsuo is upset at Kaneda, but it's because they're best friends.
>After Tetsuo discovers Akira it becomes a little drawn out.
Some of the best bits happen after Tetsuo finds Akira.
>there are lots of anime like this
like what? And I don't know if Akira can be considered entry-level, since everybody seems to be so confused after watching it.
Akira is entry level because everyone watches it and despite the Jodorowsky ending it's still very accessible.
>like what
I think that a lot of the big tv animes that get dismissed by a lot of people for being well known are pretty amazing. Off the top of my head I think that Outlaw Star, despite finding some mainstream popularity thanks to Toonami, is a great show. Jin-Roh and Ghost in the Shell are two other great things that sometimes get brushed aside when talking about this stuff.
What's playing at the Roxie?
Actually really fucking boring.
True. But I found myself getting antsy around that time since I knew it was almost over but they kept showing flashbacks to draw out the climax.
I think the film's strongest parts are absolutely before that.
Jin-Roh is pretty horrible, and I should rewatch GiTS. Any other examples?
The first half is really good.
I think that the movie peaks with its first fifteen minutes but I don't think that the last act is a problem. I get what you mean about things kind of slowing up after the reveal but the flashbacks were really cool so I could forgive it.
You just have ADHD.
>just realized that a plot point is that tokyo hosts the olympics in 2020
>this is actually happening in real life
The bitch is they probably won't mention it at the opening ceremony.
>flashbacks to draw out the climax
m8 their friendship was one of the central parts, those weren't just for filler or whatever you though
They probably won't even have a cool Olympic throne