Dey call me alt-right
Dey call me alt-right
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Adult night?
I wrote several paragraphs discussing eugenics and american politics for that other mde thread, but when I tried to post, the thread was archived.
I don't feel like typing it all again, so instead I'm just going to say that I'm glad Harambe is dead
Seriously this Alt-right false flagging is really fucking depressing, when it completely misinterprets the messages and ideas that MDE presents, albeit in a pretty obscured way. When will critical analysis be something that people care about anymore?
Notice no one calls him funny.
I loved that College douchebag segment it was great
>the niggers must perish to make room for the master race, we must keep this great nation white and pure
what did he mean by this?
>gas the niggers spics and jews
what did he mean by this?
Stop shilling this unfunny, ugly, ape-faced cuck.
>the shitskins are taking our homeland from us, we must fight back and exterminate them all, 14/88
what in the world did he mean by this?
Ooh, racist.
Someone give me a YT link to the last World Peace episode.
>stormfront alt-rightists want to preserve their genes and support eugenics
>they don't realize they are inferior specimens and should be eliminated
Japanese are the master race, you fucking stupid westerners
kill all the shitskins that stand before you, gas every single one, enslave their children and cut their women from ear to ear -Quran (2:191-193)
i just don't get it, why would he say such a thing?
>wanting to breed superior genetics to better the human race
>thinking that white people have the best genetics
>physical attributes are no longer necessary since we have removed our species from the food chain
>the greatest genes would be proficiency in math, science, and art.
>the Japanese are the undisputed masters of all three
You are posting to a weeb imageboard. you westerners actively worship Japanese culture to begin with. Accept your true masters and submit to our genetic authority
copy and paste exists
>When will critical analysis be something that people care about
never, people are dumb, order isnt free, praise hobbes
pick one
>moon man
Which episode is this skit from? I haven't seen it
They call me ctrl left
Which episode is this?
you were 4 numbers away from being cool
>saying a meme is Sup Forums's idea of genius comedy
rare sam
you're right i don't watch him because he's funny i watch him because he gives me fuel for my minority and female hate-furnace
>>wanting to breed superior genetics to better the human race
>>thinking that white people have the best genetics
>>physical attributes are no longer necessary since we have removed our species from the food chain
>>the greatest genes would be proficiency in math, science, and art.
>>the Japanese are the undisputed masters of all three
the gooks only bred for those traits because we killed all the good ones in dub dub two
Sup Forums is going to kill this show
Alt-Right? More like Alt-F4
If anything kills this show, it'll be Sam's posting history on Reddit.
yeah thats good ammo but i think if there hadnt been a blitzkrieg of Sup Forums associating mde and world peace with alt right nazi shit the connection wouldnt be being made in standard media
altright, altright, altright.
MDE has no message or ideas you dumb faggot. It's shitposting on tv.
fucking kek
Oh the irony. I bet you use the word nigger all the time and post on poll. What's wrong Whitey? You can't handle not being the center of attention for once? Cry me a river you fucking cunt. Do you know how many times things have been taken from us? Us blacks never cried about it. We sat back.. Made awesome food and music..grew our dicks bigger and stronger.. And now we're coming to take what's ours. You did it to the natives and now we're going to do it to you. You little dick piece of shit.
>Us blacks never cried about it
>white dude pretending to be black on Sup Forums - the post
This, blacks can't spell three syllable words.
Bravo Sam, another quality thread posted on Sup Forums. Make sure you post links to your videos so we can get the full MDE experience
alt-right is just a politically correct term for white supremacist.
We are going to rise up and you can't stop us. Keep pretending this isn't happening. It makes no difference. You can't stop us. We took Star Wars from you. We took music back. We took your sports. We took your jobs. We took the White House. We took your wives. We'll take you too, soon. You will be our slaves while we fuck your wives and make your family watch. We will wrap our huge dicks around your necks and choke you out like a fucking python. The last image you will see is your mom and wife laughing in your face while they stroke my big black muscles. My penis will slowly tighten around your neck, like a noose, you will leave your body and merge with the void. Prepare yourself whitey. It won't be long
i'll be gettin u knee deep in the gash my man
>We sat back.. Made awesome food and music..grew our dicks bigger and stronger
You went overboard with it here.
Your Jew overlords and masters will throw you away like garbage when they are finished with you, fucking nogs don't even realize this. What purpose will they possibly serve once they've outlived their usefulness?
>white dude pretending to be black on Sup Forums - the post part II
keep going. i can't wait for part III.
This was the first episode of this show that made me laugh, I hope it stays this way or gets better. The look that ugly faggot that shills his show here and acts like a fucking idiot on Twitter and in public made when he said David Duke had me almost crying I laughed so hard.
That's Eric Andre. Every MDE sketch kas a message.
Is it supremacy if you want minorities to leave?
does sam hyde do drugs?
who on Sup Forums actually smokes?
I think he does cocaine.
Dey call me the silver bullet.
Dey call me all kinds of things.
Dey call me argon.
Dey call me darkchild.
Dey call me nightmasta.
Dey call me peabody.
Dey call me peanut arbuckle.
Dey call me doorway.
Dey call me pink dress.
Dey call me sweezy.
Dey call me go-go nuts.
Dey call me pineapple man.
i dont care about your politics, thats funny right there
>Mr. Shit King, Shit Pussy
>Get a good look at yourself in the mirror, because is the last time your gonna look this gay for the rest of your life
>but your secret name, that only I will call you, is Tenis
>but, and, your secret name that neither I, nor will Nitro Dubz will call you, is
>David Duke
>that truck went right up my ass
>aww Jeeze
>awww Jeeze Louise
>I can't even think straight
>Alright, listen bitch, you got about 10 seconds
>cuz, this, cuz this gorilla daddy dick is hungry
>if you don't blow me right i might kill you
>The look that ugly faggot that shills his show here and acts like a fucking idiot on Twitter and in public made when he said David Duke had me almost crying I laughed so hard
very much this
Sam's not a cuck, he's a wittol
Meh. Maybe not now but he chased a girl around for 6 years and was undoubtedly cheated on.
Why is alt-right trying so hard to distance themselves from their label when their faggot god Milo literally said that trump supports are alt-right?
Irrefutable proof that Sam Hyde is a racist and a bully:
mighty boosh did it 10 years ago
Because not all of us like Milo, and don't like being lumped together with him and all the other cringey youtubers.
>Milo has an interest in making the alt-right seem real because it makes him an important leader rather than a shitposting megafag
>Twitter shitposting caused by reddit, Sup Forums and Sup Forums trolls is seen as a real political movement because oldschool media with fact checking sources doesn't exist anymore
It's easy to see if you aren't a newfag
I don't know why dey call me dat tho because I'm literally no different than tim heidecker
Brass eye did it before that. Hell, Rabelais did the exact same thing, in the 16th century, to an extraordinary extent, of which he's still remembered for.
I think MDE's fanbase takes a certain joy in hurting the things it loves.
Tim Heidecker is literally no different than Andy Kaufman.
World Peace and MDE in general are so much better and funnier when I'm sober. When I'm high/stoned, I can see every little detail they put into it, and I end up analyzing it more than enjoying it
Pretty sure they are very different considering Andy Kaufman was funny and actually took risks. Andy Kaufman is Sup Forums to Tim Heidecker's heavily moderated subreddit.
He's straight edge, doesn't even drink. Seriously. Nick smokes a lot of weed, Charls does some drugs but I don't think that often.
You blaze bro?
You know that was originally going to be "Jews Rule" (as in the world), but AS censored it, so they put a bunch of the Jews that really do control their content on blast.
he's literally smoked blunts on camera in world peace...what are you talking about?
those are fancy cigarettes
I wish teenagers didn't have internet access
It doesn't work when it's something he actually could have said at some point.
Then how would you get laid?
>actually thinking that shit is real
Sam was so skinny. Wow.
Tim Heidecker is a weak beta bitch.
He'd never get in the ring with Jerry Lawler in his prime.
Is that some kind of indie bookstore?
Japanese are soulless humanoids.
>Korn singer stunt double
this trailer was better than any of the full released sketches baka
I don't understand the lyrics of the intro song?
Wir ziehen uns die Stiefel an
Und schnuren sie uns zu
Rasieren die kuppel
Und schlagen sie uns ein
Das ist ein skinhead Und warte auf dein kampf
Skinhead, skinhead, Ziehen durch die stadt
What do you lot find so funny about this guy? Is it because hes random? Serious answers please
it's not like actors haven't been known to smoke weed on camera in higher profile productions or like Sam would give a fuck
lemme try one of those bajelles i keep herin about
He's a loose cannon, but he's the best one we got!
>edgy racists of Sup Forums finally coin an umbrella term for them
>it catches on and becomes world-wide mainstream, thx to Sam, libcucks & cuckservatives medias
>now they start hating it "I swear, w-were are not alt-right"
fuckin' contrarians
>its a CRT feminazi sliding thread
>it's a bought shills trying to make the non existent alt-right look real to appease their queen
I want reddit to leave
There is no alt-right moron. Fuck off back to /r/hillary4pres