What's wrong with this website? I think it's a pretty fun place and has a wide range of political opinions on it

What's wrong with this website? I think it's a pretty fun place and has a wide range of political opinions on it.


Nothing, it's where I go to get all my victorian era porn

I miss the neonationalist and aestheticreactionary...

A wide range of views? No. A wide range of mental disorders maybe.

it grew a community if raging femi-jihadists
then they went to invade many other sites

Nothing really. It has obnoxious people sure, but then again so does Sup Forums, and unless it's changed in the last four years it was pretty good about censorship (assuming you don't get doxxed/targeted ofc.)


There are plenty of wide things on tumblr, but the political views aren't one of them mate

post all the shit you get on pol on tumblr

gates wide open, brexit movie, charts and infopics, etc

see if anything happens

>think it's a pretty fun place and has a wide range of political opinions on it.

8cripple convinced to register an account there strictly for trolling purposes, and perhaps to covertly participate in raids should the need arise.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that most tumblr users, and actual "feminists" at that, despise sjw's almost as much as we do. I've noticed similar phenomena on Reddit.

So my account I created to spy on feminists ended up being used mostly to watch gay porn...

>edgy kids and activists reblog to show MUH HORRIBLE INTOLERANCE or just to be edgy

>Do it enough so it becomes normalized

>people start actually looking at the pics and asking questions

Will make an account tomorrow



Australia be correct, matey.

Pretty much


Tumblr is great for porn

>has a wide range of political opinions on it.


This is the sit that has a lynch squad when you don't draw characters "black enough"

Damn son

but it's disorganized as fuck. the only way to organize things is to repost with hashtags