Currently getting thwacked off 40mg valium and a 500mg thc cart at work...

Currently getting thwacked off 40mg valium and a 500mg thc cart at work. Posting random pictures until one of you guesses my occupation (no questions) then ill post some CREAM.

you work a dead end job at a convenience store or a gas station

you're like dave chappelle in Half Baked and you're a janitor in a pharmacy

you are spinning in circles right now.

Go and stare at the moon and you will find the real GOD. NOT THE FAKE HEBREW gOD.

Dead end, probably. gas or convenience store no.


I wish i would be a fullblown pillbilly if i had pharmacy access.

Sniff paint and find SATAN

Warehouse worker

Feeling like a whole bunch of not giving a fuck right now. Working away

No im bad with numbers.

a drug tester

a nurse in the chemo ward

No need for paint. Ive accepted the dark lord.
I do test a lot of drugs, just not professionally

No i wish i had ambitions for a job like that i have no clue what i wanna do after this gets old.

"Hey I'm a Skelton"

security guard

a weed harvester

If nobody wants to guess anymore lets talk about our favorite tv shows. Animated or non.

Are you the Prime Minister of Canada?

No i would probably get fired for sleeping on the job in my little security car. There making a living but man i feel bad for security guards

I have harvested/trim dried a bunch but not for money i just love tree.

Lol if only. i have power over like 3 people here im hardley a prime minister