I feel down everyday. Even at work. I feel powerless and useless

I feel down everyday. Even at work. I feel powerless and useless.

So Sup Forums how do I cure these feelings?

9mm right in the head


Will think about this.

I need this job if I'm going to stay alive. So I'm not going consume alcohol on a weekday.

True happiness comes from three things, something to do, something to hope for and something to love.

Also look up "Jordan Peterson on Mental Health" on you tube. It's a short video and lists things that you could check on for your own sanity.

Talk to a professional.

Psychiatrist or something.

It really helps to just talk about your problems and if necessary they can prescribe you some meds too.

I have no clue where to go get the help.

I really don't know, all I can say is having a positive outlook. You've got a job, so you must be doing well

Depends what it is:
Mental feeling of powerlessness or physical?
if mental that hang together with:
>you actually being a fucking loser, work out get a better job, do something with your life
>"winter depression" (too little sunlight per day)
if physical:
>work out about 4 days a week, it doesn't even have to be a lot, something like 30-60minutes should do.

I consider myself as fit I have enough money on my bank account (around 28 000€ most of them are from my late Girlfriend). My job is shit but I need for now.

I don't know where you live but some countries should have some kind of psychological helpline.

If not just look up a psychiatrist in your area and call to make an appointment.

Do that!

If it's depression, you should just force yourself to get out more. Seriously, just take a walk in the sun, get some Vitamin D in your anime pussy, and sooner or later, you'll be perky.

Would rope and tree work?

I work outside daily so this is helpful :) didn't mention this before

Or how about a hot shower and a knife to my throat?

>work outside
wyd? walk the dog, trash man, etc?

Gardener with absurdly high salary

Good for you, fam!
Seen any of your bosses explicict acts? Come on, fill me in with details *-*

What acts you want to know?

I have only seen my bosses wife having sex with their son.

Op plz kill ur self

Considering this but should I tell someone over a text that I love them beforehand?
