Fuck refugees!

Fuck refugees!

>Be me
>Break up with psycho ex
>Have nice date with cute girl soon
>Shares my taste of music,humor and look at the world.
>In love with her.
>Scar on her arm,she wants to tell me later how she got it
>After 2. date,lying in my bed.Its dark.
>She´s telling me she once got almost raped by a refuugee.
>He knocked her out and took her clothes off.
>She is virgin,he can´t enter.
>He fucking stabbed her in the arm.
>Forces her to blow him.
>She´s telling me this in tears.

What to do?I want to beat the shit out of this motherfucker but since he is living with other rapefugees i don´t want to get in a knife fight.

Get in here


Don't do anything irrational, tell her that it's over and in the past but don't say it bluntly, say in more of a "it's over now but I'll make sure it won't happen again" type of tone, try to protect yourself and her as much as you can, get a gun if you don't have one already in case of a break in and make her feel secure near you but don't make it to where she's dependant on you for saftey (hence the gun) and tell her that it'll be okay and such.

>Shares my taste of music,humor and look at the world.
>In love with her.

sounds about right. kek

Does that make you angry op? Yes? Good, remember that anger and turn it into something strong.

Get into politics, run on the hatred of the people for the dumb dirty immigrants.

Declare all not whites enemy combatants and force them to leave, if they do not comply use military force.

pls go to pol

Sounds good.

Im living in germany.Im reading about rapes,drug dealing,fights and much more almost everyday.I heard of a few women who got assaulted by them but i didn´t knew any or thought its not in my area...Well now it fucking is and im sick of it.God forgive me if someone looks for a fight when i am alone with him.

You make me sad. I just wish your own daughter gets raped, or son murdered. Your tone would change real quick.

You know, you have to be at least 18 to post on this site?
At least post news source for proof.

Fuck nignogs

fuck off.

>Someone doesn't believe my totaly fake story
>My feels are hurt
Kek, my man

>You make me sad.
>I just wish your own daughter gets raped, or son murdered.
You're only proving his point about how awful you Sup Forumsscum are.

i said go to pol sperg

you're only proving my point of how blind you sheep are and how much i don't care

Next time try to not bomb their country, porky

fuck off.

Someday a guy that wasn't a refugee raped a woman I know si now I hate all non refugees.

What, it doesn't work that way ?

>Lol if you don't subcribe to my dogma I hope horrible things happen to your family
One day you'll develop beyond your edgy teenager phase kid, one day.

Did it really butthurt you into replying 2 times?

How am i a scum? You are living in a fucking delusion, inviting immigrants is inviting your children killers. Face reality.


>How am i a scum?
>I just wish your own daughter gets raped, or son murdered.

into a real antifa

So you'll move from one retarded phase into another? Guess someone people are just stuck with stupidity forever.

Yes, you are the one who seem eager to invite those people in. You should accept the consequences of those actions.

I would prefer for no one to die. But if i had to choose between a son of a man who wanted to animals in their country, and a man who was opposed to it. The choice is rather obvious.

Reddit pls

and the rest are targets

whites are immigrants too tho, really we should all go back to europe. The natives are the true owners of the land.

>Yes, you are the one who seem eager to invite those people in.
I have never said that anywhere, oh projector. You just showed everyone what a horrible person you are though, wishing the worst on others because your Sup Forumsfaggotry got mocked and you were unable to make any arguments so you constructed narratives about anons who trigger you.

Actually, given you want to see someone's daughter raped, maybe you need to be deported back to where you and your fellow rapists came from.

>implying Sup Forums isn't full of edgy redditards

>whites are immigrants too

Yes. But white immigration into a white country is acceptable. Because our cultures are compatible.

>But white immigration into a white country is acceptable
America isn't a white country. Please immigrate back to Europe where you belong.

You immediately assume that anyone criticizing oh poor immigrants must be from Sup Forums. This kind of dissent is what prevents people from speaking up in the first place.

You are one of many who allow muslims to invade our countries unopposed.

I hardly felt anything at your stupid remark, you are the one who got angry at the prospect of your own offspring being raped and abused by the very people you are virtue signaling too.

>someone's daughter raped, maybe you need to be deported back to where you and your fellow rapists came from

You also seem to misunderstand my sentence, what i said was not that i would be involved in any way. And neither would i wish it. But if you were in the shoes of a father in such position you would change your mind .

I fucking hate people like you
Why should I leave for europe?
I was born here, Im a native (not like a liberal cuck like you would understand that)
My parents were born here, 3/4 grandparents were born here
I've never left the country, barley leave my state of birth
The fuck should I leave?

How's life in Sweden?


The USA is 63.7% white based on the 2010 census.

That's a clear majority white population.

>America isn't a white country

Whites have built america, half of american culture belongs to whites.

Also if we go by the logic of the natives owning land then sadly there would be no natives of america if only a small amount.

dump her
check HIV