Who's the Hideo Kojima of cinema?

Who's the Hideo Kojima of cinema?

Hard mode:no george lucas

Kojima is the Terry Pratchet of cinema. He seems to slither his gook fingers into everybody from that industry and nobody knows how he does it.

Saying Zack Snyder would be too easy

Is there one? I mean Kojima does more meta, and long narratives then most directors do and pulls it off with a high level of success. You'd also have to name a director that pretty much started a new genre.

True Sup Forums kino

We'll never actually get that metal gear movie, will we?

A better question, do you really want one?

>2 hours of not killing people

It should stay vidya honestly

Would Fukunaga or Snyder direct it?

But Metal Gear is already a movie, user.

That Quiet escape scene was better than any action movie in the past decade not titled The Raid, desu

How does he know these people?



Cineaste here with little vidya experience. Can anyone sum up what the deal is w this guy and MGS? I gather it's transcendent or sublime? Vidyakino? Or it just spawned a lot of memes? He has a unique outlook?

the other MGS not V that's just un finished


snyder clearly



Guillermo del Toro, OBVIOUSLY why PT was made.


How do these dick-teasing hacks sleep at night

He's bat shit insane and his games show it. He's one of the very last vidya gods. He pays attention to the smallest details and writes outlandish stories that spread over decades. Nobody does it like kojima.

Interesting, thanks, user.

The cinematics from his games can easily be watched on youtube. You'll realize their directing is nothing more than mediocre. Kojima is a good marketer though. He knows how to sell a game before the release.



Everytime I see this picture I think of how that one user called them "elderly lesbian couple"

No wonder his son hates Metal Gear.

there's like 9 of them what are you talking about?

Id say Tarantino, idk why just feels like it

Literally defending being a cuck.

yeah, this.

Literally missing the point

Hideaki Anno


Zack Snyder

>Makes movies that are somehow shit and great at the same time
>Easily-identifiable trademark cinematic style
>Makes no excuses for himself

You mean a movie-make that tires to make vidya with their movies?
I dunno, user.

a movie-maker that tries*

It's obviously Nolan pleb

>it's a Sup Forums is bored with their shit medium episode

Fuck off.

At least we have The Rock man

70% of Hideo Kojima existence is made of cinema

all those people behind him have a very guarded body language

obviously minimum wage slaves

Take it easy, mentalist.