/bb/ Big Brother General

CUTE Bridgette Edition

Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): Nicole

Veto: Nicole

HoH Nominations: Paul / Michelle

Most Likely Going Home: Michelle

Other urls found in this thread:



haha wow you said you would use that pic for the next thread and you did it


which girls are here?

The ass of a sociopath.

>not changing the way you post to seem like a bro
step it up

First for moon


Only fat girls post in /bb/

Not me

Fat guys post on /bb/
Thin girls post on /bb/

It's /fit/ guys and fat girls

/fit/ guy that pretends to be a girl here.

what season do you recommend for a first time viewer?

>not using cize to stay in shape

S2 for the purist version

Season 2 and 3 are the best place to start. Great gamers, introduction to strategies. Both seasons had two of the best players ever both considered the godfather and godmother of the game.

People that post on /bb/ this season

>fat guys pretending to be /fit/
>/fit/ guys pretending to be girls
>that one guy who subtley brags about having a gf when he probably doesn't
>skinny girls
>that qt girl that posted a picture of herself, who people think is a trap
> -.- poster
>Sup Forums posters asking why we watch this show

Literally no evidence of skinny girls

what about the guy who can afford yeezy's?

BB10 to see if you like BB (really solid entertaining season that keeps it simple and has no connection to seasons before it).
Then the rest in order starting with BB2

Going from 10 to 2 would be weird. Going in order is the best way to see how twists have slowly ruined the show

>tfw half of these are me

you forgot meech's brother, that one rtvg poster and yeezy poster

>tfw I'm not listed
That hurts

I wasn't here last week. are those last two new?

>that one guy who subtley brags about having a gf when he probably doesn't

yes, they might be the same person as whenever one shows up the other posts too.

don't forget
>Students of the Game, playing the 100 day 4D chess match
>fake students of the game, playing 2d checkers blindfolded

Am I literally the only straight guy here?!?

Nice time stamp you got there


There are no straight white men on /bb/

This is a feminist space

im a fucking white male

>hey sis lets take a pic together
>lol user you're so wierd

>straight guy

100% straight
but I'd suck a feminine dick on a hot chick

currently on s2. so far I hate Bunky and Justin

Dr Will is literally the GOAT

You forgot
>power rankings user
>guy that cuts himself

season 2 is legitimately one of the best seasons of television I have ever watched. the early socal reality tv vibe is comfy as fuck. the cast is great. the "social experiment" aspect is highlighted more in the early series like here. the gameplay is brilliant.

but if you want to watch one of the modern seasons cuz the older qualities turn you off, 10, 14 and 17 are some of the best new-era seasons

I hope the cut friend is okay ;(

Hardy is the best

He died.

you forgot some bros

unless we are all of the above

Bridgettebros aren't listed because we want them to leave

I'm still here. went to a therapist twice and all that bitch said was to watch some ted talks and shit


What's ur BMI dude?

BB2 fag here, justin wont be around for long will he ive got a feeling

The bomb squad is always here for you, bro.

hang in there {hugz}
but don't literally hang

theres no we in (You)

ever since james dr yesterday he's seem depressed

Do the doctors inform you if one of your relatives die outside of the house?

I think its like 23.
Here's a Bridgette for you.
Go see a different therapist if you need to.

Natalie has been scaring him with the fact that Paul/Vic are hanging out with Nicole/Corey a lot more and that if Paul stays they are fucked.

why is victor alone with nicole on a bed?

Yeah, there were 2 deaths in bb16. Frankie and Derrick both had a Grandfather die. You can find video on YouTube, probably.



>female therapist

You gotta do two things:
>get a male therapist
>go to a bar and try to get laid
If that doesnt work then idk what to tell you

a preview of what's happening after the show when Corey dumps her

>implying he didnt tell his grandpa to die while he was on the show as a strategy to help him win
also nicole face looks like she is some dumb kid who cant comprehend death


drunk user that likes blowjs

Nicole is a closeted sociopath

Yeah, they told the BB2 crew about 9/11 since Monica's cousin died.

>$1,000 for a ny apartment

Wait, I think I just spoiled that for the guy watching BB2. Sorry bro.

Paul hasn't paid for anything in his life he doesn't know what things cost

I'm sorry, but did Moo already lose? Oh, that's right. The game isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only Wednesday. Does not having the votes on Wednesday count as an eviction? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is still on? Moo is still playing right now and she has been the best superfan in the Big Brother house for how many weeks now? She's playing one of the worst casts in Big Brother history who just happen to have the votes because they're feeding off the energy of playing in a Veto comp. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Moo is one of the best fucking superfans in Big Brother, she made the dankest memes the last couple seasons and would of got all the upvotes if Devin didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Moo wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, James just said something retarded when he needed to be quiet, just like Paulie did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Moo topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the houseguest because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking houseguests on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

odd choice of image

Put your trip on Ian

I dont save /bb/ images. This was the closest I had to Ian

why not? a philip rivers pic would've been good


does Paul not know that being able to go again that early means you haven't been laid in a long time?

cant use /bb/ images in any other context tho I did see a random devin in a thread the other day

this is the only rovers i have

>fool pretending to be the -.- poster and doesn't even know the context of how it was used

You aren't fooling anyone.

my /bb/ folder is now my biggest. I drop that shit randomly from time to time

>Paul asks if they want to hear his stupid story
>everyone ignores him and talks about other stuff
>Paul proceeds to tell his stupid story

I drop Liz pics on Sup Forums sometimes

>fool doesn't have a /bb/ folder

we need more Bridge art


Sup Forums is for losers

the final four

i have been building bridges on many boards

he just took nicoles robe


>browsing thru twatter
>this one user is the only one tweeting devin

what does ff mean?

final five

>Tfw you'll never do a tough mudder with Jmac



ayyyy lmao good luck ian

> People have lost some clothes
> Michelle doesn't want people going through her stuff
> This is incontrovertible proof that Michelle is stealing stuff with plans to sell it on eBay after the show

Catladies are insane.

jesus michelle

tough mudders are 10 miles long? that has to be the longest distance of any of those meme runs

literally cat lady level drama. Dan used to klepto everything in the house for ebay

well there's also the part where Michelle talked about stealing people's stuff

>Sat 12:55 AM BBT 'Michelle has items with HGs DNA on them. She's going to sell them on eBay. NT

Except watching the actual moment on feed she's talking about their DNA being on her hair brush in the form of hair strands because people keep using it.
