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Is it easier to get butt pics or tit pics


You were asking about the cucking of Qubec and the Norwegian troll. Found it :^)


trying too hard for a greencard or no?

Probably butt

FUCK me. I don't want to go down the feels train again.

Yes, I'm actually pretty surprised by how relatively sane she is. Most women are sexually submissive by default, how submissive often depends on how attracted she is to you.
Some hobbies and arts. Been getting into drawing as well. Read and write a fair bit too. You know that feeling when you're really into someone and you can't stop thinking about them? Apply that to something that isn't a woman, but isntead a thing you really enjoy doing, be it experiencing some art or doing something like a hobby. It's a good feeling.
Sometimes I feel a slight pang of shame for letting someone fall for me, knowing all too well that they are attracted to me both physically and mentally, but at the same time it does feel like it is catering to my vanity and I honestly like it. I just got fed up with feeling like I should play the loser part when I have nothing holding me back from being in part where I am on the side that isn't draggin me in misery. I went through a period of being extremely jaded and sometimes still think that I sound too much like a cynic, but that's life.
Depends, if girl hasn't got the greatest ass, she will probably show you her tits if they are ok, and so on. If she has a good body, she will probably show you all of it.

Its harder to get butthole pics. Thats the holy grail of lewd pics. Girl send you her butthole, shes a special one


Having your picture anywhere on the internet is the utmost level of normalfaggotry.


tit pics

i also don't understand why you want butt pics unless she's THICC

This isn't /r9k/ faggot

Who even cares about this bullshit, you're still a relative normalfaggot for wanting to associate yourself with outcasts; you're still seeking groups. You're not special for being a complete failure, it's mostly due to your own fault anyway.

I dunno, I feel like that would be stressful

I guess you are a 15-22 years old kid who is here for 3 years at least. The whole site was what we call today /r9k/ in 2008/9, and it was a community of social rejects, of unique people who stood against the stream. Now it's polluted with normies.

t. 26 years old khhhv

I don't associate to anybody, but I have to come to terms with the fact that I am an outcast; there is no "outcast" group I want to associate with. It's a loop for me, work - home - sleep. I am not living. This had been my only solace until like 2014

>Tfw no Russian gf

you contradicted yourself twice in that post

No one gives a fuck, fuck off.

Then why are you lashing out on people that aren't outcasts, it's like being a cripple, rolling into 100m sprint and shouting at people that they shouldn't be running because you can't.

Go home gypsy

Why do you even reply to him? Who gives a fuck!

Serious discussions.

Key word there laddy

I tried to explain that 'outcast' isn't a group where I seek belonging. Outcasts who are part of a group aren't outcasts anymore. I am lashing at them out of envy, I have to admit; whilst I can accept them anywhere else on the interwebs, this was sort of a haven for me.

This is a rude board indeed, don't you have a three stripe wearing stacey to fuck?

I like butt regardless if it's great or not.

Based Ireland.

>Some 38 year old thai woman keep viewing my profile

I know what you mean, I'm still struggling to find my inspiration in life sadly. The reason I asked is because you do sound a bit cynical/jaded at times as you said to the other user (meant to anyway.)

Honestly using IP as a way to find that human connection without putting myself out there irl. Not where I want to be in life right now, not feeling that needy towards women either, but it's still nice to talk to somebody. Even if it's on quite a superficial level. Not thirsty but not being cyber chad either. idk.

I guess we all have our ways of spending out time.

What music do you listen to?

Post-industrial mainly.


>decide to check my views
>37 y/o watched my profile

>tfw exchanging how to make the perfect Tendy sauce with a Japanese neet

This dude is right. Ive been here since in 04 and the site has grown more accepting of camwhores and attentionfags. We used to run them off the site with pickforks and flames. Fucking camwhore piece of shits fucking LEAVE

Noice, post some music.

You didn't run them anywhere. /soc/ was made for them. Anyone remember how cancerous boards were before /soc/? literally a rate me thread on the first page of most boards

That's still /fa/.

Filled with people who scored low on the attentionwhoring threads on /soc/. so they suck their cheeks in and wear laughable clothes

how many of these russian qts are legit accounts?

Find me a more American girl profile

This martial album has recordings of the Legion (the fascist movement of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu), it makes me feel good even though I am not a fascist and I would be shunned by fascism. I recommend the 4th.

Really fine neofolk album. I recommend the last track.

Industrial ritual or whatever it is, I recommend the third

Too lazy to post anything, I have to embrace my wagecuck pillow, tomorrow I have to wake up at 7. Another day, another leu, said mommy.


>speaks dutch
what a memester

She wants young russian _ _ _ ?

Goddamn, this is the typical jock slut in high school all grown up

What do you even like doing?

I get enough of human connection IRL, but the thing is that you can actually sometimes find pretty interesting girls on that website, throw in the lewds and how they not bore you after you've gotten them, and you have a neat sidething going.
It's both superficial and not for me, in a way I often say things that I do not mean as much as I say, like telling some of them I like them, but on the other hand I discuss my day to day things and it is a nice feeling since I don't bother people with literature or music IRL, as most of the people haven't had read a book on their inniative that wasn't some best seller or J.K. Rowling.
I'm going through this rn. I like this a lot. I will check the rest of your tracks out too.

Sleep well and see you around, maybe.

I spoke to one and met up with her. She was pretty legit.

Was her važina legit too?

Are you a NEET? We're on the same timezone and you're still here. I like rewinding those memories when 22:45 was the midst of the day, when I woke up at 16 and went to bed at 4. Heh, those were good days. Now mommy wants me to work, she won't pay for my necessities anymore. Well, she still allows me to live with her which is awesome


How did that go? Did you fug?

We will see. The first meeting was just to establish rapport among each other. She's already spoken about wanting to be in a tent together, so things are looking promising

No user

So that you are pitching a tent and she's welcome inside.

Why do you have to go to bed so early? I go to bed at 1:00 and wake up at 8:00.

That's not exclusive to her.

Not exactly a NEET as a guy who doesn't do anything at all and watches cartoons and plays vidya all night, but I don't work right now, neither am I in education. I will work this autumn, so I am enjoying lots of free time and ability to do whatever I like. I've been in worse places in the past however. At least I have options.

I used to live like that when I was 17. Well honestly, most of the Eeastern Europeans often live with their parents even if they work, just living on your own with a work that pays average wage is often too tight for the purse, especially if you haven't got good connections. I wouldn't feel great shame in it, I think I am a mostly incapable of shame anyways.
Her "tent", right?

Exactly. I was supposed to take her out to a restaurant this week but work got in the way (Russian women love to hear about a man who devotes his life to work). I might see her on Sunday.

I am a man of the dreams, I need 10-12 hours of sleep, this wagecuckery makes me drowsy all the time because I sleep 8 hours.

Yes, but they disregard their parents usually or regard living with them as a drudgery. I love mommy and daddy and would never leave my comfy commieblock apartment in which I have lived since 1998 for a fucking roastie succubi 3dpd

Everyone message this girl "11" because of her thing on her profile

Who will get noodies first?


Any black qts?

Because all Russian women are gold diggers?

Phew, it's a white child.

I got a butt picture from my jungle bunny. I told her I'm a racist irl so it's kind of odd how she is somehow more into me

At least I live in a two story house, much more room here rn. Honestly, even if I am in a shit place, it feels better to be there if I have some direction rather than playing it safe and being stuck in a job, with a flat of your own without a damned clue what do I even want.

Semen demon stole your dad's essense and now you're here.

Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay. To mould me man? Did I solicit thee. From darkness to promote me?

Figured that could be the case. Don't really know if 7 is enough for me, or if my body just accepted it's fate and gave up. Still need to drink a small cup of coffee in the morning, but that's it.

Only a fool would spend all his money on a woman. Play smart, not hard.

Why would a girl fault you for having standards? It's not your fault black people fall far below them.

I like black qts but boobs > ass.
Is this contradictory?

And that industrial ritual ( or whatever ) seems like it has been playing for hours, but I am just at the third track.

>What do you even like doing?
That's the question mayne. I have a lot of options open to me (read: money) but nothing really excites me enough to draw me into it. Jack of all trades, master of none kind of thing. Pretty depressed desu. Think I might do some voluntary work or something where I can help people and interact with them, instead of chasing shekels, help draw me back out of my shell.. :3

end of discussion

Sounds like you need to grow up m8

He's right though.

Sounds like you also need to grow up m80



holy shit it was nortism all along, didn't remember that, what an absolute legend

>Well, I'll let you know that if those fags over here who didn't understand it was just a joke and had to "debunk" and ruin it, the ending would have been a picture of me (without my face obviously) sleeping on a porch with some luggage at my feet with the text:

>"Holy shit guys, it all turned out OK!!! My qt just messaged me and told me I could sleep on her porch until tomorrow and we will talk then!
I have never been happier in my life, preparing the ring now :D

I have no direction. I am stuck in a programming job which is paid kinda average-ish. I actually did succeed in finishing the uni and was a NEET afterwards for like two years. I am a purposeless person, can't wait to retire to be a NEET again. 39 more years

Really going to bed now, cya

>china prefers boobs
>non of their women have boobs
That must suck

What exactly are we arguing about? What looks best? What feels best? What's easier to obtain?

>not prefering small to average boobs

the fuck user

That story needs to be made into a meme for the mega

The cradle of civilization prefers ass so we can see who are the true niggers

That's a wrong map, here's the actual version

What i gather from this list is that tit lovers are cuckolds who love watching brown men fuck their women

By that logic I prefer both. Small chest, bubble butt. But what's the point of arguing then?

About taste family

Everyone who's says butts look better than boobs is a nigger painted red on the map

Everyone who says boobs are better is a nice civilized blue man

How did you manage to make this shitty edit on the place which literally has paint borders and you can use bucket to fill in whatever colour you want


origianl comment

I'd prefer my gf not have the body of an 8 year old boy

No, you can't, just try. Not all borders can be filled with paint


197,870,516 white people in America compared to the 2 non gypsies in Romania

It gives us something to discuss


I thought you brits lived for that...

At least four actually: me, mommy, daddy and my sister (but she is a honorary gypsy, fucking stacy)

Only the Paki "Brits"



kek do you remember her also?

Yes, but if we compare all types of butts and boobs, then everyone likes both. What's there to discuss?

Yeah I messaged with her. That's Vexz