/Fit/ has failed me. Coming back to my original board for the lulz while I'm on duty. Dubs decides Sup Forums

/Fit/ has failed me. Coming back to my original board for the lulz while I'm on duty. Dubs decides Sup Forums

Do you eat dick as much as you eat fast food?

Lay off the Marianna sauce.

Trips for fun.

when do you go on the rag, i want to earn my red wings

Hello! I need to identify your identity before we can meet sexy! Please go to lemonpartydotorg and lets hook up!

looks like you love the golden arches, how about golden showers?

My apologies, what I meant was, You can fist me anytime you want

kek do this



I feel attracted to you. It's probably your gravitational pull.

Fit got one last win before I changed boards because they suck. Delivered


I love kikes

They ruined it I think. Anyone else we could do this to OP?

Sure, I've talked to her a little bit already. I know I'm autistic but I'm good looking and can get away with saying some sperg shit.

what are you guys talking about

do you like pegging?, Im not gay, but I do love getting it up the ass

Tattoos. Literally the only thing in her bio was that she has 1 tattoo and a dog so she sent me a pic of hers. Typical women shit obviously.


>Unfortunate for you
This is beyond autistic my friend, you've entered straight up faggot land. You drive a Mustang too?

Cmon wasnt it obvious

Anyways, when was the last time you fucked your dog?

Not a boot, just an autistic guy who lifts. Nice stereotype though friend.

You fat as fuck bitch

"Do you mind if i bring my little sister, she needs to learn some new things before my dad molests her again"

AYYYY Check em

I myself am a faggot with a sports car, nothing against it

I think at this point you only have the pity angle left. Go with "sorry I have aspbergers"

Hope you don't mind if I involve my cat, she gets jealous if she doesn't get some dick too.