Im a trap on hormones and for some reason I feel wrong, like somehow the jews are winning by me doing this to myself

Im a trap on hormones and for some reason I feel wrong, like somehow the jews are winning by me doing this to myself.

Wat do?

Other urls found in this thread:


Do us a favor and end your life.

Naw, unlike other trannies im not suicidal

>Im a trap on hormones and for some reason I feel wrong

Get off Sup Forums for one. On Sup Forums, you're only good for fap material (if you're thin).

>somehow I feel wrong for being delusional about my sex and taking artificial chemicals to delude me further

Stop transitioning if it's not making you feel better, while you still can.

I feel better but there is a small thought growing in my mind that I'm a mega faggot and not really a girl.


>I'm a mega faggot and not really a girl.
See image:

Be my GF - post pics

Get a second opinion from another psychiatrist, then. Also,

Why'd you start transitioning in the first place?

I'm in the same boat. I really wanted hormones, I got them, was on them for two years or so before I started feeling... Odd about myself. Maybe it came from inside or from the constant abuse from my sister lol, but I pulled away from liberal politics and got into the conservative movement. I stayed on hormones because I figure I already fucked myself up enough. After my trip to Russia next year I'll fully commit to new gender and take the loss, and just never have sex or date anyone. I'll be officially changing my name and gender and getting top surgery. I'll never get bottom surgery though, cause that shit is scary af

Hopefully I'll learned to live with these questions on if I hate myself because others hate me or if I really do too. It's weird, I don't know how I feel. I know I don't regret it, but I'm not too happy either. When I fantasize about my ideal life, I'm a cis person of the gender I've transitioned into. But sometimes, I briefly (for a few minutes) think about being the gender I was born as, and it makes me happy too.

Real shit life, but that's why I browse Sup Forums. Sad part is, AI wouldn't condone any imaginary children transitioning, but I used to. I think I transitioned too young, but again I'd like to point out I don't regret I just... Wish transitioning was instant and flawless.

Wanted to be pretty


You're going to Russia. As a tranny.

Why don't you just kill yourself now and save whoever inherits your stuff the cost of the plane ticket?

>but there is a small thought growing in my mind that I'm a mega faggot and not really a girl.
Because you aren't a girl you mega faggot.

Psychiatrists push trannyism though.

You fucking dipshit, please stop with the hormones for the time being and sort yourself out first. Consider also talking to a Psychiatrist about this.

Mental illness

You're an idiot, and didn't read my post. I'm only taking hormones, I haven't done anything else.

Yeah, I guess. That was the goal

>Get a second opinion from another psychiatrist

I'm seeing a psy for personal reason and I casually brought up homosexuality, but not transexual. He told me that we have to accept the fact so I went and be a little more detailed and he said there is no cure, we just have to accept it.

>I stayed on hormones because I figure I already fucked myself up enough.
You stayed on hormones to makes things worse, you delusional.

>I'll be officially changing my name and gender and getting top surgery.
Stop it you retard. Why are you descending into this madness further?

>Wish transitioning was instant and flawless.
It never will be because it's not and never will be a cure for your illness.

>using the propaganda term cis unironically
Disgusting. Return to tumblr already.

>Yeah, I guess. That was the goal
Well good luck with your top surgury. As an its hard to understand why people don't like their breasts, i mean i literally worked 3 jobs and escorted to buy implants

Too much of a fag to tell the doc you think u are a woman

Hey OP I'm another tranny and you're fine. This is literally the worst place. Might actually want to find a therapist who specializes in this sort of thing (not a dumbass old person)

There's always a sense of unease early on. The longer you're on, things start to make more sense and feel more comfortable and natural. I had doubts for a time, but stayed with it and my depression that I had for over a decade cleared up after 9 months on hormones and I'm the happiest I've been in my life now. Seriously though, you'll be fine. You're gonna make it.

>being this retarded about everything
kys fuckstick.

>the mentally ill guiding the mentally ill
The nature of Sup Forums, I guess.
At least these people will be unable to breed.

Im 3 years in, post op and fulltime, i don't think these thoughts are going anywhere

Hey, don't blame us. We didn't give you gender dysphoria.

>being this retarded about everything
I don't think I'm the opposite sex so keep projecting your insecurities on me, Xir.

Once you start T, most changes are irreversible, unlike estrogen. I wasn't making anything worse after having been on it for two years by then. It would take a long time, a lot of needless cosmetic procedures and estrogen boosters, to get back to anything close as how I started. Then even some things can't be fixed at that point, like the voice. It's basically too late user.

Like I said, I was a liberal for a long time. I got used to using the terms, O don't talk about it enough to make the connections quickly.

Thank you, and good luck on your end.
I see where you're coming from, I used to think the same way in reverse, but after a while you start to see this whole thing we're doing on both sides of the fence is pretty similar. I know ftms and mtfs are suppose to hate eachother, but don't fall for the BS. My only advice is to avoid the communities, they just breed hate for others and yourself (but I guess we're used to that here lmao)
Just don't get caught up in the "I have to participate in the community and be an advocate for other trannies because I am one" like I did for a while, it sucks. Don't base your whole identity off your gender, cause you're so much more than that

>Hey OP I'm another tranny and you're fine.
trannyism isn't fine, you delusional man.

>There's always a sense of unease early on.
It's because your body's trying to tell you not to descend further into your delusions.

>The longer you're on, things start to make more sense and feel more comfortable and natural
No, it just means your delusions are getting increasingly worse.

>9 months on hormones and I'm the happiest I've been in my life now.
Taking mind poisoning chemicals mkes you delusional and high? That'd explain a lot.

>I know ftms and mtfs are suppose to hate eachother
Uh my husband is ftm and also post op

Conservative politics, big on Russia. Yep. You're a mentally ill faggot.

what a coincidence, i'm literally watching k-on on another tab right now

How long have you been transitioning, user?
It's been about 6 years for me, honestly the feelings come and go in waves. Sometimes just brief thoughts, sometimes they stay for a while and are very intense. It's a lifelong battle for some.
>Not OP btw

That's a use of the word "delusion" (or some variant thereof) in every sentence. Polly wanna cracker?

If you are white and you fail to reproduce then you did exactly what the jews trained you to do.

>Going to travel to Russia for a week to visit a friend, after Russia's election
>This somehow makes me big on Russia

I do like Russia for its history and culture, however, I dont think that has anything to do with me.

I was apart of the Tumblr tranny community in 2008 til 2014 roughly, in this time I joined a lot of advocate organisations and did some shit like that, there seemed to be a lot of hate between the two groups. But glad to see you've missed it, and congratulations on your marriage!

I'm pretty liberal sexually and have even fucked traps in the past.

I personally believe that the vast majority of traps probably should not be taking hormones and instead need counseling to accept who they are naturally.

HRT will mess you up physically in the long run and shorten your life. If you want a long happy life please learn to accept who you are and learn to live with it.

You think you're the opposite sex every day. Polly want a hormone pill?

>I was apart of the Tumblr tranny community in 2008 til 2014 roughly
Welp, you can't make this shit up.

So why did you enable them then?

>I wasn't making anything worse after having been on it for two years by then.
Except for all the chemicals you were pumping into your body.

>Like I said, I was a liberal for a long time. I got used to using the terms, O don't talk about it enough to make the connections quickly.
I'm liberal and I don't use that awful propaganda term. You have no excuse. You're just proving the kind of narrative trannies eat up to delude themselves into thinking their illness is normal.

Who said I'm trans? I know what sex I am.

Also "polly want a hormone pill" is the weakest comeback I've ever read. Well done. I'll fax you a severed walrus head.

Not OP, but I think definitely we should not allow kids to transition in any way, and instead offer family counseling or some sort of program, like a special self-esteem camp.

What I don't get is how a lot of Sup Forumstards can appreciate the view we should be allowed to take whatever drugs we want, but also can't accept adults consenting to hrt. Not saying this is you, but just a thought.

Amen to not allowing kids to transition.

Liberals won't even eat animals treated with hormones yet they love taking them themselves and/or fucking guys who take them.

That's illegal in Canada.

>shilling this much

At you claiming testosterone is a chemical? Yikes, better get yourself to a hospital for some estrogen pills, then.

And don't try to say "well, they put extra chemicals in the T" because no, they don't, it's exactly the same as what's in natural males on a molecular basis, and it's suspended in a neutral oil, sometimes even plain water. Ftms are still fertile. Once in a while, some develop liver problems, but usually because they were already at risk due to lifestyle habits or underlying factors.

If you're not trans and you're still triggered than you're barely any better, SJW.

Which, allowing kids to transition, disallowing kids from transitioning, or saying that kids should not be allowed to transition?

Not triggered and actually anti-SJW. I just like having fun with shitposters.

Ill be the only one to say this, i hope you end up happy with your choices user and live a full life filled with love

You mean it's illegal to deny kids hormones? Can confirm, my experience was I saw a counselor once, twice at my insistence, and had already signed the approval form to start HRT. I had the drugs in my hand and a week later I took it to the hospital for final confirmation, and the first dose. Was 15

What I'm trying to say is that there probably are some that really do need to transition but it should be a last resort. I think that our culture (and counselors) has become too accepting of the process and it encourages people to transition that would be better off with some therapy instead.

The SJW is strong in this thread

You can report your doctor for discrimination if they don't help you find a path to hormones. In my province, GPs can't prescribe it, they have to refer you to endos.
It might also be illegal to be on the position that kids shouldn't be allowed to transition, but only because of section 33 in the charter of rights, limiting free speech to popular opinion, but you'll only get in trouble if someone reports you under the clause to the appropriate authorities who deal with speech law. Those authorities, ironically titles the Human Rights Commission and Tribunals, have a 100% conviction rate and were once suspected of murdering a lawyer in their custody for his defense of an ex-nazi in court

Stop taking hormones, faggot.

> I think that our culture (and counselors) has become too accepting of the process and it encourages people to transition that would be better off with some therapy instead.

it's not that they are winning, it's that they've already won. you're a lost cause - just try not to drag anything else down with you.

HRT pills aren't natural, you shill.

> but usually because they were already at risk due to lifestyle habits or underlying factors.
Yeah, like living in delusion and taking hormones all the time and getting mutilation surgery.

Not pandering to mental illness isn't shitposting.

>You can report your doctor for discrimination if they don't help you find a path to hormones.
Holy shit, kill yourself.

Why do you do this?

Dammit, Canada. Thanks for clearing that up, now I know.

Trannies drag everyone down with them.

>HRT pills
Confirmed for not k owing what you're talking about, T doesn't come in pill form. It's an injection.

Go argue about things you know about on another thread, and understand not every tranny is a perfect model SJW liberal asshole. I bet I've been on your side in other threads, user.

I didn't mean I did this, or would do this, I meant this is the LAW in CANADA, which you'd understand if you were paying attention.
ffs stop ruining the anti tranny argument by having poor reading comprehension and being an idiot.

No problem. Canada's laws are pretty fucked up if you look into them, unfortunately most Canadians haven't even read the charter and assume they have inalienable rights like Americans. I'll give it to them however, that section 33 is almost at the very end of the charter, and not included on official prints from the government of Canada.

>Naw, unlike other trannies im not suicidal
not yet, give it time

I'll give you the suicide one because that's not something we can ever really know why someone does it, but the sterility one is BS. Trannies on hormones can and have had children, with ftms still being able to breastfeed even after top surgery (this of course if they don't get bottom surgery)

The rates of certain conditions like heart conditions and osteoporosis increases/decreases to roughly the same levels as their biological counterparts.

So, OP as an MTF is at higher risk for osteoporosis than at birth. I'm at higher risk for heart conditions, but lower risk for osteoporosis than at birth.

>thought growing in my mind that I'm a mega faggot and not really a girl.
while this thread is obvious b8 im still gonna go ahead and bite it. you're not a real girl and you'll never be one

Do whatever gets you off. Nothing really matters anyway. Everything is going to shit.

Not who you were replying to, but most suicidal trannies were suicidal before transitioning. I think, personally, it comes from the acceptance factor, that they either don't accept themselves or don't accept the realising that you never truly "stop" or reach the "end of" transitioning.

Most trans people/trannies who are more mature or accepting of their reality are usually able to remain more emotionally stable.

I think this goes for any major aspect of someone's life however, like poverty, etc. If you can't accept it, or can't even acknowledge it, you're gonna have problems.

kek, true

>Uh my husband is ftm
you mean your wife. because if you're bi or gay you're in a straight relationship

are we being raided by /lgbt/ again?

So do mtfs kill themselves when they grow old?

You've now became woke. Do you think men wanted to be woman before the wars?
> Fucking jews making us weaker! When was the last time you seen a fucking kyke tranny? Doesn't happen.

I'm honestly disgusted with this new age bullshit. Lgbt, more then 2 genders, the Kardashians. Fucking dumb retard scum buy in to it and teach it to the new generations.

There was a baby born last week and went down as having no gender on birth certificate.

The world is taking a huge backwards step and you're to blame op.

>implying a population is to blame for what its activists create

Do what?

>Confirmed for not k owing what you're talking about
Says the guy who thinks men in drag can be women.


>New age bullshit
Lgbt sjw culture is new age, people have been gay/trans/etc forever. No shade, just a fact. Dr. Michael Hart in the USA in the 40s was it? And that was just the first medical transition.

>One thread
>A raid

>because that's not something we can ever really know why someone does it,
We know why. Because the tranny illness makes people mentally and emotionally unstable.

>Trannies on hormones can and have had children, with ftms still being able to breastfeed even after top surgery
They shouldn't be allowed to procreate.

>Most trans people/trannies who are more mature or accepting of their reality are usually able to remain more emotionally stable.
If they were mature and accepting of their reality then they wouldn't transition.


Well you can start by taking responsibility for your own actions!

If you don't want to be trans then stop.
If you want to be cute and have all the boys want to fuck you the keep on keeping on.

Just don't be a little bitch and blame everybody else!

No, this board has just became more like tumblr and has flooded with normies and SJWs the last few years.

So why are you here, move on to 8ch or something.

I don't see OP blaming anyone.

So you're having trouble with trannies invading your safe space, is that it?



That's a link to a 404 page

I'm Jewish and you're an idiot. We are "white". We live in you're communities, we have white friends, we even intermarry. Proselytism is generally looked down upon, but we make exception when it comes to dating. We take your woman and convert them for marriage. Why do you think so many of us are blonde?

Where the white woman at?

8ch has the opposite problem; Sup Forumstards invade every board.

Trannies want safespaces, you tumblr child.

testing for another boatd
how do i link to global rules again?
