What the fuck is consciousness?

What the fuck is consciousness?

Like, what is the universe doing? It's such a weird property of the universe. What is happening? Like I can see things and feel things touching me. Just that alone is crazy to think about. I'm aware of things, I remember being aware of things, and I'm successfully predicting that I'll continue to do so for some time.

This is so insane. I'm perceiving the universe. I have a perception that is created from the balance of chemicals in my brain. If I use drugs then I perceive the universe in a different way until my brain flushes out the drugs and replenishes the original chemical balance that I've experienced for the vast majority of time which is so familiar that I can call it "reality". But I still feel the same. I'm continuing to be conscious and things are happening and I am aware of them.

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I had a panic attack 3 years ago and haven't had the same perception of reality since :(
Brains are dicks

dude omg this is happening to me aswell, even when im sober i just notice how everything works and its just fucking crazy

What changed? Anything I can do to help?

Yeah, its great isn't it :)

Brains process environmental inputs. This isn't some deep topic like your highschool psychology teacher tried to make it seem.

A) Read Daniel Dennett, Consciousness Explained.
B) Until you have, get a grip.

>even when I'm sober

Yes it is. It's the weirdest thing in the world. Things are happening right now. Just being able to say that is crazy to me. I am perceiving things. I have a perception and I can sense things happening.

Not that I'm aware of. Think it's called depersonalization disorder.
I appreciate the consideration though!
And I just have a different perception now. It's like I watched life through a crisp hd tv for 19 years now suddenly I'm watching a fuzzy tv that I can't fix

This universe as a whole is the closest thing to God that exists. You and I and all other conscious things are one, we are the consciousness of God, experiencing existence through an infinite amount of points of view.

lol this
excecpt even though it seems a little better, i'm still shit

Did you recently drop acid lol cause that's how I felt coming down

That doesn't sound fun bud. You need HD TV again. I think I had it happen once, where you feel like you're watching your life through your body? Man let's figure this out. I'm not depersonalized and you are. There's some difference between us. I'm gonna try to think of what's missing.

You're a retard

Why? How is it not weird to you? I don't understand.

Hmmm. Interesting.

Get a job

But I don't feel like everyone else is one with me.

Well I've eliminated a lot of stress and tried making changes for the better so I'm hoping it helps me adjust.
I think I got it from working for my dad, I'm an anxious person and he magnified it 100 fold.
The loop of never knowing if I'll get better limited me from actually getting better

You are not one on a spiritual level. Forget all of that spirit and soul nonsense, none of it exists. You are bound by the laws of this universe. You are one in the sense that you, along with every rock, gaseous cloud, and star in this universe are made of the same building blocks and when you cease to exist in this form you will simply decompose into your base elements and reform into another something.

Atomic equality.

Well all I could think of is maybe you are not identifying with your body, but even that's vague. I really don't have anything useful to say and I don't know how to help you out. I wish I could come up with something. I really hope it improves for you again.


If being able to see shit is weird to you then you're a retard

Where does the "mind"/consciousness exist?

But consciousness disappears after I die and all the tools of perception are deconstructed, right? I don't fully understand what you mean, but I do understand we're connected just based on physics.

I understand how sight works. Not fully, but I've had a biology class. What boggles my mind is being able to perceive things. To be conscious. Having that ongoing process. It's just insane to me.

when were made up of atoms and our atoms can literally percieve other atoms in the world

consciousness is just brain electricity doing weird stuff

From my understanding this happens when you don't know how to process stress most of your life.
The brain flips a switch to help you cope.
It just makes you feel like your in a dream like fog. Maybe one day though!
I genuinely enjoy someone talking to me about it for a sec. Thank ya

>I understand how sight works. Not fully, but I've had a biology class. What boggles my mind is being able to perceive things. To be conscious. Having that ongoing process. It's just insane to me.
was meant for

This threads reminds me of a baby seeing their fingers for the first time... you guys are dumb as shit

Have you tried meditation? There's mindfulness meditation and I can link you some links.

This guy knows a lot about meditation and you can read the article if you'd like.

Here's a video to guide your meditation: youtu.be/OboD7JrT0NE

It helped me with anxiety a lot because I can just go into this awareness where I'm not bothered by thoughts.Made me realize it's the thoughts of things that make me anxious. Maybe it'll help if you do it a few times. Up to you.

What's with the hate? What about this thread makes you upset?

Facebook fap threads have more intelligent discussion than this stupid shit. It's just a bunch of kids trying to sound deep by saying dumb shit like 'woaah so like r brains magic???'.

I know Sup Forums has no standards but come on

doesn't matter just wait to die like everyone else

I'm just appreciating the subjective experience. Isn't it impressive to you? How don't you find it mysterious? I agree that this threat isn't much of a discussion but I find it fun to wonder about things such as this and occasionally come to realizations.

I've tried eating healthy and exercises, quiting drugs and going outside more but I have not tried meditation.
Maybe it's time I do lol.
Thank you!

How does a car work? It's the same shit. A series of systems that provide a useful function.

Do you sit around thinking how mysterious it is that gasoline can make a big block of metal move? No because that'd be fucking dumb

If you do, give it a few times. The instructions for meditation are really simple but meditation is really difficult to do. Please try it, I really hope you get better. If this doesn't work then perhaps you'll find something that does.

Do you do drugs? If so quit doing them you fucking degenerate. I quit doing weed and acid when I felt like I was playing life at low draw distance +40 FPS 720p resolution now I'm playing life at ultra 4k +120fps very high draw distance

>But consciousness disappears after I die and all the tools of perception are deconstructed, right? I don't fully understand what you mean, but I do understand we're connected just based on physics.

This is a correct observation. Do not fool yourself with this universe = god = universal soul bullshit.

This is what you are:

I can imagine how a car works. But a car and my perception of having a consciousness are not in the same realm.

I don't mean to be mean but what you say makes it seem like you don't have a consciousness. I'm sure you have one, but I guess I cannot relate to not being amazed by it.

>I quit doing weed and acid when I felt like I was playing life at low draw distance +40 FPS 720p resolution now I'm playing life at ultra 4k +120fps very high draw distance

Interesting, it is exactly the reverse.

I don't smoke anymore but I do do drugs. Just not the trippy kind

Man I'd hate to be so depressed that I shit on anyone elses excitement.

Think about this, nobody in the world has ever or will perceive objective reality because it isn't possible.

It's so weird to think about the fact that our perception of everything is in our brains. It feels nonsensical to imagine perceiving outside our brains.

You are making the assumption that the concept of "inside" and "outside" and thus three-dimensional space in general is somehow objective and not simply an artifact of your limited perception.

I kind of have to thought because that's what I perceive. But I do understand what you're saying. Also what do you mean by "limited perception"?

You can only see a part of the spectrum of light, for example. You cannot see infrared, you cannot see ultraviolet, you cannot see radio waves, you cannot see your smartphone talking to your WiFi access point, even though those are the same phenomenon as the light from a candle


I dunno where this conversation lead and I don't know how to continue it. It was fun chatting tho buddo

You were asking about your limited perception and I gave you an example of it.