Nobody deserves to have to talk to me

nobody deserves to have to talk to me

Raze, FFS, sack up man.

I've seen far worse, OP, you're fine.

disclaimer: don't read this because it's a waste of your time.

it's not because i'm ugly. i'm fucking awful to talk to. i can't carry a conversation. i can't contribute to a relationship. my ability to relate to others is totally undeveloped due to a lifetime of isolation.

i will never have a gf. looks are definitley not helping me but they're not even the biggest obstacle. the biggest obstacle is how fucking useless i am as a person.

hit the gym schlomo goyim

You seem to have a pretty thorough knowledge of your flaws, what's stopping you from working on them?

go see a therapist

You're such a fat retarded crying manbaby lol

You should disappear, goyim.

This is (you.)

how do you start from nothing to develop social ability at the age of 26?

the answer is you can't, i'm fucking way past the formative years of my cognitive development. the mind is pretty much set in stone at the age of 25

so basically i have no reason to keep going at this fucktarded attempt at life.

they only work if you give them a chance, and i can tell what techniques they're trying to get me to learn and i look them up to find weaknesses in them so they never work

i'm not capable of the mental gymnastics necessary to weasel myself out of feeling useless, because objectively i have the least value a human being has ever had.

Honestly don't be so hard on yourself no one has life figured out, take on one issue at a time there is light at the end of the tunnel, iv been there. I'm still not out the other side but iv made steps to start trying to improve my quality of life. It won't be easy but trust me it will be worth it.

Then why are you trying to inflict that on us?


because i'm desperate for attention and it helps me distract myself from thinking about killing myself

but yeah it's because i'm fucking worthless. at least i warned everyone this time.
i wish you the best user, you'll turn out alright.

if you really were feeling that way, you wouldn't be whining here. an hero, faggot.

>i'm fucking way past the formative years of my cognitive development. the mind is pretty much set in stone at the age of 25

Where the fuck did you get that idea? It's scientifically false, dude. You can change yourself at any point in your life. In fact a well-rounded person is constantly looking to improve. Understandably, that's not what you are, but nonetheless it's fully possible. Don't hide behind laughably fake neurology.

>objective value
Doesn't exist, especially for a person. It's just how you feel about yourself, and you're clearly not at your most rational.

You seem like a very intelligent guy, you know exactly what issues your having so you will know how to sort them, it's all about your mindset. Think more positive, go get that job you want go visit countries and experience what you want, be selfish do what you want to do and I promise everything else will fall into place, girlfriend, social life whatever.

Oh yeah. You know what time it is.

>It's all about mindset

Basically this. Your problem is perspective. Your value system is flawed and you have an unrealistic sense of pessimism.

thats repost

Your just to scared to change. You want the things you dont have but are to scared to get them. "People only change when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing." Hope youll get out of your slump soon. Go out and fail. It'll be terrifying but youll feel alive and youll develop fine. Have the courage to fail. No one owes you anything or will give you anything but you can have whatever you want if you work hard enough for it. Get better peace

Then get off Sup Forums

Op, you wont be able to start a normie life, bc itd require effort and willpower from you, and you ve lost them. The only way that seems to work in such situations is doing somthing that invokes genuine interest in you. Because you cant do anythingb else. Then after some time, youll be good eniugh at it that youll be able to talk about it to others, get acquaintanxes, or maybe even incone. Im not sure that it will work, but ive started trying that not so long ago, ang i alreagy feel im on my way to a less miserabke life.
How do you like my plan, fellows?
Also, sori for bed Inglish.

This is now a log thread.

trips checked

>can't carry a conversation
>proceeds to carry a conversation

dub checked

maybe you could kill yourself? or at least just become a full blown cuck? I mean at least then you will see a real actual vagina? just brainstorming some ideas but ya you are fucking worthless kek


Is this that troll looking fucker who was boning those homely girls on camera?
I remember one knew about the other but both were just trying to fulfill their dad issues.
One of those girls looked like she wanted to end herself for sucking his small cheese dick.

i agree but jews are vermin so i would still rather be him than you, there you go OP at least you are not a filthy kike!

why does this thread keep poppiing up

fuck off with your autism

Stop trying/caring then, don't hold conversations, don't get a gf.
There are things much bigger than us out there, we are nothing, to live is to suffer.
No reason outside of instinctual impulse to do what everyone else does.
Find answers or die trying.

Grow up kid.

This again?

girls arent that important op.

just do drugs and read

Exactly. These two are enough. Company is overrated. Maybe get a dog.

>Exactly. These two are enough. Company is overrated. Maybe get a log. And slid that creamy goodness down your throat.


Talking to people on the internet and talking to people in real life are pretty different, user

Just read, you don't need drugs, they'll only make you dumber.
All I do is read all day, not books, mostly science shit, and watch documentaries.
I do play video games when I'm burnt out though.